Saturday 26 August 2023

Ancient Mathematics and Occultism

Ancient Mathematics, Occultism and Astrology Part 1

Most histories of mathematics devote only a few pages to Ancient Egypt and Northern Africa during the Middle Ages. Generally, they ignore the history of mathematics in Africa south of the Sahara and give the impression that this history either did not exist or, at least, is not knowable, traceable, or, stronger still, that there was no mathematics south of the Sahara. In history, to Europeans, even the Africanity of Egyptian mathematics is often denied or suffers eurocentric views of conceptions of both history and mathematics form the basis of such opinions. The definition of Mathematics according to the ancient Egyptians is as follows: Accurate method of investigation of the knowledge of all existing things and obscure secrets and mysteries. 

Occultism and Astrology

Arial view of Adam's Calendar

The oldest artificial structure on earth is in South Africa, known as Adam's Calendar and currently Enkis Calendar. The site is estimated to be around 75,000 years old, as dated by rock art in the area. Adams' Calendar. Sometimes referred to as "African Stonehenge", it predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza by tens of thousands of years. Located in Mpumalanga, South Africa, it is a standing stone circle about 30 meters in diameter and estimated by some accounts to be more than 75,000 years old. Various astronomical alignments have been identified at the site, possibly the only example of a completely functional, reasonably intact megalithic stone calendar worldwide.

Scattered throughout the mountains of South Africa are thousands of stone circle ruins. 

The first estimate of the number of these ruins was made in 1891 by English explorer Theodore Bent. 

He estimated there were about 4,000 in this area of the world. 

By 1974 the estimate had risen to 20,000. 

Today, a researcher and authority on the subject, Michael Tellinger, has estimated the number of ancient stone ruins to be 100,000 or possibly much higher. 

This connected grid of circular ruins is engrossed in a seemingly never-ending expanse of ancient agricultural terraces surrounding the structures.

The Red Ochre Stone

The Red Ochre Tally Stone

This Red Ochre Stone has slashes that look like tally marks. It is one of two such stones recently found in the Blombos Cave in South Africa and is 77,000 years old, making them the oldest form of recorded counting ever discovered. To those who doubted it, Africa is indeed the cradle of humanity and women (if it is indeed a lunar tool) were quite advanced mathematicians 35,000 years ago, using calculators to make lunar calendars! 

Lembombo Bone Swaziland

Have you ever heard of the According to some researchers, It is the oldest known mathematical artefact in the world. It is even older than the Ishango bone. According to some researchers, it is the oldest known mathematical artefact in the world. Lembombo bone originated from a Border Cave, a rock shelter on the western scarp of the Lebombo Mountains near the border of South Africa and Swaziland (now Eswatini), in the 1970s. They uncovered the bone on the Eswatini side dated from 35,000 BC. It consists of 29 distinct notches, deliberately cut into a baboon fibula.

The bone is between 44,200 and 43,000 years old, according to 24 radiocarbon datings. It is far older than the Ishango bone, with which it is sometimes confused. Other notched bones are 80,000 years old, but it is unclear if the marks are merely decorative or have a functional meaning.

Lembombo Bone

According to The Universal Book of Mathematics, the Lebombo bone 29 slashes may have been a lunar phase counter. And that African women may have been the first mathematicians because keeping track of menstrual cycles requires a lunar calendar. However, the bone is broken at one end, so the 29 notches may or may not be a minimum number. In the cases of other notched bones, since found globally, there has been no consistent notch tally, many being in the 1–10 range. The Lebombo bone resembles a calendar used by the early men of the area, coming from the San clans of Namibia; this way of making tallies is still used by the San people today. 
Swaziland Map

It resembles a calendar used by the early men of the area, coming from the San clans of Namibia. These represent the earliest unambiguous evidence for modern human behaviour. An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on recent archaeological discoveries, Early evidence of San material culture represented by organic artefacts from Border Cave, South Africa, has shown that bone tools were already present 75,000 years ago and were used in San culture.

The Lebombo bone is a tool made of a baboon fibula with incised markings discovered in Border Cave in the Lebombo Mountains between South Africa and Eswatini. Changes in the section of the notches indicate different cutting edges, which the discoverer, Peter Beaumont, views as evidence, like other markings found in the world, during participation rituals.

The bone is between 44,200 and 43,000 years old, according to 24 radiocarbon datings. It is far older than the Ishango bone, with which it is sometimes confused. Other notched bones are 80,000 years old, but it is unclear if the marks are merely decorative or have a functional meaning.

Ishango Bone

The Ishango bone, discovered at the Fisherman Settlement of Ishango in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a bone tool and possible mathematical device that dates to the Upper Paleolithic era. Perhaps the third oldest mathematical artefact to date. Ishango-Bone was unearthed in 1950 in the then-Belgian colony of the Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). It was discovered by the Belgian anthropologist Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt (1920-1998) and named after the region found. The bone, probably a fibula of a baboon, large cat, or other large mammal, has been dated to the Upper Paleolithic Period of human history, approximately 20,000-25,000 years ago. 

Ishango Bone

It is 10 cm long and bears an articulated, organized series of notches readily identifying it, to many observers, as a tally stick. However, its original purpose remains a subject of debate. The Ishango Bone is at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels.

Museum of Natural Sciences, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences: Ishango Bone (2007-2009) or Ishango Bone (2001) Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History: Ishango Bone Alison S. Brooks, David M. Helgren. Dating and Context of Three Middle Stone Age Sites with Bone Points in the Upper Semliki Valley, Zaire, Science, New Series, vol. 268, no. 5210 (Apr. 28, 1995), pp. 548-553.

Most histories of mathematics devote only a few pages to Ancient Egypt and Northern Africa during the Middle Ages. Generally, they ignore the history of mathematics in Africa south of the Sahara and give the impression that this history either did not exist or, at least, is not knowable, traceable, or, still, that there was none at all south of the Sahara. In history, to Europeans, even the Africanity of Egyptian mathematics is often denied or suffers eurocentric views of conceptions of both history and mathematics form the basis of such opinions.

Ishango Bone

High in the mountains of Central Equatorial Africa, on the borders of Uganda and Zaire, lies Lake Edward, a source of the Nile. It is a small lake (about 30 miles by 60 miles). Though the area is sparsely populated today, approximately 25,000 (update from 9,000) years ago, by the shores of the lake lived a small community that fished, gathered, and grew crops. The settlement only existed a few hundred years before being buried in a volcanic eruption. The place where their remains were found (1960) has a name now given to these people - Ishango. Among their remains is the third oldest mathematical object in Africa.

Some say that the Ishango Bone is the oldest table of prime numbers. Marshack later concluded, based on his microscopic examination, that it represented a six-month lunar calendar. Professor Charles Finch sent dating information by email stating the following: The site where we found the Ishango Bone, re-dated by Alison Brooks more than a dozen years ago, was about 25,000 years old rather than the original estimate of 8,500 years. Proto-mathematics begins in Paleolithic Central and Southern Africa.

Ifa Algebra and Binary Codes

Ifa Algebra and Binary Codes

The Babalows use Odu to open a passage into the invisible (heaven) and earth, visible realms through tetrahedron angle points. The processes of generating Odu patterns require the application of Clifford algebra C1(8) and C1(8)xC1(8) = C1(16), representing the 16 Odus of Ifa. 

Over 12,000 years ago, indigenous Africans inherited the Binary Oracle Divination System, based on the square of 16=16x16=256 = 2^8 corresponding to the vertices of an 8-dimensional hypercube and the binary 2-choice Clifford algebra C1(8) and so to related ones such as C1(8)xC1(8) = C1(16), from Orunmila (god of writing and wisdom). Since the number of sub-hypercubes in an 8-dimensional hypercube is 6,561 =81x81=3^8, the Ifa Divination Systems has N=8 ternary 3-structures (6,561) and 2-structure (256).

Ifa Binary Code

In biological terms, this invocation unlocks the memory of the development of our fetus. This development mirrors the energy patterns found throughout nature. When Ifa initiates the experience of this memory, called Elerin Ipin (witness to creation). Simply put, this memory is an experiential understanding of life, death, transformation and rebirth as they replicate through generation and regeneration cycles.

This experience gives the Ifa initiate the vision to interpret the symbolic meaning of Ifa oral scripture. Each of these patterns contains an inherent lesson necessary to move consciousness to the next stage of development. The ability to use these patterns as medicine to treat physical, emotional and spiritual afflictions; was established on the capacity of the Ifa initiate going into possession of each of these. 

 The end of part 1 and part 2 will follow soon. Other Publications: King Solomon of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope The Immaculate Conception, an amazing deception Ifa, Sacred Geometry, Tetrahedron, Odu, Portals, Points The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 Hidden Letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Tuesday 15 August 2023

Hyam or Ham people, Shang, Chinese, Mandarin

Hyam or Ham People

Who are the Ham people in Nigeria? The Ham people are an ethnic group in the southern part of Kaduna State in the northwestern region of Nigeria, predominantly in Jaba, Kachia and Kagarko Local Government Areas Kaduna State Nigeria. They speak the Hyam language and refer to themselves as Ham.

Map of  North-western Nigeria

Hyam is a regionally notable linguistic cluster of Plateau languages in Nigeria. Hyam of Nok is the prestige dialect. Hyam Language Groups of Nigeria consist of Shang or Shanga, Zhire, Kwoi, Mwaghavul and Jaba people. Language family: Niger-Congo languages

Dialects: Hyam of Nok; Sait; Dzar; Yaat; Ankum

Native speakers: 300,000 (2014)

Native to: Nigeria

Region: Kaduna State

The remarkable civilisation of the Nok was first discovered in 1928 when a wealth of unique terracotta artefacts was unearthed by tin miners in the southern part of Kaduna state in central Nigeria. Since then, extensive archaeological excavations and research into the Nok have revealed that they may have been the first complex civilisation in West Africa, existing from at least 900 BC until their mysterious disappearance in around 200 AD. 

Nok Sculptures 500 BCE

The Nokians were an extremely advanced society, with one of the most complex judicial systems of the time, and the earliest producers of life-sized terracotta in the Sub-Sahara. Archaeologists have also found stone tools, rock paintings, and iron implements, including fearsome spear points, bracelets, and small knives. But by far the most enigmatic and intriguing aspect of the Nok Culture were their Terracotta statues, described by the mémoire d'afrique, which houses a gallery of the statues, as “extraordinary, astonishing, ageless, timeless and almost extraterrestrial”.

Judicial System, court, Priest, Chief: It is a known fact that the Nok’s judicial system pre-dates the Western judicial system. The Nok people created classes of courts used for adjudicating cases from minor civil cases, such as family disputes and false allegations, to criminal cases such as stealing, murder, and adultery.

The people believed that every crime attracts a curse which was capable of destroying the whole family and therefore must be uncovered to avoid the consequences.

The suspect was brought before an open court for traditional oath-taking, which involved standing between two monoliths facing the sun, the supreme god called Nom. The suspect then swore to tell the truth. Cases that cannot be resolved in the open court are taken to the high court which sits within an enclosed shrine.

Shang, Shanga or Shangawa Tribe

The affinities in words and their meaning between the Shang people of Kaduna State, Nigeria, and Chinese Mandarin, is uncanny. The Shanga, or Shangawa, live on the banks and islands of the Niger River near the city of Shanga in northwestern Nigeria. Shanga district is in the Yauri division of Sokoto state, an area they shared with the Hausa people. As a result, the Shanga tribe bend to the will of the more powerful Hausa.

A Woman from the Ham Tribe

The Shanga are an offshoot of the Kengawa people, with whom they comprised a part of the Songhai Empire from the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries. Moroccan invasions in the sixteenth century, however, forced the Shanga to relocate to Yauri as a place of refuge. Invaders and slave raids caused the Shanga to retreat to their present-day location on the islands of the Niger River.

The Shanga still speak the Kengawa language from the Niger-Benue division of the Niger-Congo language family. Therefore, they are linguistically related to the other groups in the area, such as the Dukawa, Reshe, and Kanberi.

Shang Words Vs Chinese Mandarin Fig 1

Shang Words Vs Chinese Mandarin Words

We will provide a few examples from annotated wordlist of the Shang language, spoken in Kushampa village in Kaduna State, Nigeria. On the 11th of May 2009, Roger Blench, with the assistance of Barau Kato and Rev. Danjuma Ndaka, collected the word list from a group of villagers in Kushampa. 

There is no previous record of the existence of this language. Mr John Y. Jatau was the main informant. The wordlist collected was a ‘one-shot’ exercise, and the transcription must be preliminary. The analysis prepared by Roger Blench added the comparative observations.

Shang Words Vs Chinese Mandarin Fig 2

Egusi (Yoruba: ẹ̀gúsí, Igbo: ègwusi), also known as agusi, ohue, Ikpan, Ikon, agushi or mbíka), is the name for the protein-rich seeds of certain cucurbitaceous plants (squash, melon, gourd), which, after being dried and ground, are used as a specific ingredient in West African cuisine.

Are Chinese descendants of an African Eve?

Professor Jin Li of the Research Center of Contemporary Anthropology at Shanghai Fudan University (RCCASFU) says he has proven modern Chinese people originated in Africa. His research, based on DNA testing techniques which have transformed the study of human evolution, supports the global scientific consensus that all modern humans are descendants of people who migrated from Africa tens of thousands of years ago. 

Shang Words Vs Chinese Mandarin Fig 3

However, archaeologists spent decades studying the fossil remains of ancient populations of hominids that lived in China long before the African migrants arrived. 

What happened to these early humans, were they killed off by the newcomers? 

Maybe the two populations interbred, and would that help explain some puzzling physical differences between modern East Asians and people in Africa and elsewhere? Some Chinese archaeologists defended a multi-regional theory of human evolution, despite the DNA evidence. In which different populations in the world evolved from local hominids independently.

Ham People during a Festival

Professor Jin published his first research in 2001. He was not the first to reach similar conclusions. In 1987 the New Zealanders Allan Charles Wilson and Rebecca Cann published a study of mitochondrial DNA that supported the African Eve theory – that all human beings living today are descendants of a single woman who lived in Africa around 200,000 years ago. According to Wilson and Cann, descendants of this African Eve migrated around the world and later evolved into the different varieties of modern humans.

Black People in a Chinese Painting Fig 4

Since then, more and more genetic evidence has accumulated,  supporting the view that modern humans, including Chinese people, originated from a single population from Africa. In 1998, Chinese scientist Chu Jiayou and his team analyzed the DNA microsatellites (also known as simple sequence repeats) of northern and southern Chinese, both those of Han and ethnic minorities. Chu concluded that the ancestors of the modern Chinese had migrated to China from Africa via South Asia.

As the mutation rate of DNA microsatellites is high, it is not the best method for researching ancient human migration and the evolution process. Su Bing and other researchers from the Kunming Institute of Zoology proposed an alternative approach using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the Y-chromosome (Y-SNP). It was the approach by Prof. Jin Li and associate professor Li Hui.

Linguistic Evidence of the Chronological Stratification of the Populations South of Lake Chad

Megatchad Instituto Orientale, Napoli 

Black People in a Chinese Painting Fig 5

Roger Blench 

Kay Williamson Educational Foundation 

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Education and Indoctrination

Let us continue by exploring the thesis of perception deception. The definition of perception deception is the distortion and disorientation of our minds through education and indoctrination. The tools utilised are nature, nurture, media, education, profession and religion. We are what we consume physically and mentally. If we consume too much junk food, it will have a terrible effect on our physical health. However, in the case of mental health, it is even worse.

Most of the available descriptions of ancient historical figures produced in medieval Europe are Caucasians, regardless of the geographical origin of the subject. However, there are depictions of different natures of these historical figures. Books: 

Black People in a Chinese Painting Fig 6

The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume 2: From the Early Christian Era to the Age of Discovery, Part 1: From the Demonic Threat to the Incarnation of Sainthood; edited by David Bindman, Henry L Gates, and Karen C Dalton; Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2010, page 36. Modern Commentators on history confirmed the existence of this Babylonian Black King but conveniently forgot to state why he was black.

Some of these commentators even referred to this Black King as an infidel. According to the French navigator Francois Pyrard de Laval, based on the adventurer's travels around 1600 AD, he stated: The people of Ormus are as black as the Moors of Ethiopia and nowise resemble the Persians, who are fairer.

However, such a description of a Black Babylonian King is only about two hundred and fifty years old. Marco Polo was concurrent with the manuscript, and the 17th chapter of his adventure also described the people of Hormuz as black or dark, depending on the translator. Ronald Latham's translation, 1958, pages 66-67, used the word black. 

As far back as 1621 AD, the Italian traveller Pietro della Valle copied two or three lines from the cuneiform writing and reproduced it thirty-one years later. Book: The Archaeology of the Cuneiform Inscriptions by Archibald Henry Sayce,  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1907 AD, page 8.

Other Publications: King Solomon of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope The Immaculate Conception, an amazing deception Ifa, Sacred Geometry, Tetrahedron, Odu, Portals, Points The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians
To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 hidden letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Saturday 5 August 2023

Pharaoh Usermaatre Amenemope Vs King Solomon

Pharaoh Usermaatre Amenemope Vs King Solomon (Proverbs)

Usermaatre Amenemope was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 21st Dynasty who ruled between 1001–992 BC or 993–984 BC. Amenemope's tomb is notable for being one of only two entirely intact royal burials known from ancient Egypt; the other is that of Psusennes I. 

Adolf Erman argued that the inspiration behind the Hebrew text originated from Egyptians instead of the other way around, and the correspondence demonstrated it. The Egyptian text of Amenemope explicitly enumerates thirty chapters, and the Hebrew text of Proverbs does not have such clear-cut divisions. And would therefore be more likely to lose the original meaning during copying. 

Since Erman's time, there has been a near consensus among scholars that there is a literary connection between the two works. Although, the direction of influence remains contentious even today. The majority has concluded that Proverbs 22:17–23:10 originated from Amenemope. There is a split between the remaining minority viewing the Hebrew text as the original inspiration for Amenemope and viewing both works as dependent on a now-lost Semitic source.

Comparison of Biblical Texts: 

The Comparison of numerous passages in the Instruction of Amenemope's text with the Book of Proverbs is as follows;

(Proverbs 22:17–18): "Incline thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, And apply thine, heart, to my doctrine; For it is pleasant if thou keep them in thy belly, that they may establish together upon thy lips."

(Amenemope, ch. 1): "Give thine ear, and hear what I say, And apply thine heart to apprehend; It is good for thee to place them in thine heart, let them rest in the casket of thy belly; That they may act as a peg upon thy tongue."

(Proverbs 22:22): "Rob not the poor, for he is poor, neither oppress (or crush) the lowly in the gate."

(Amenemope, ch. 2): "Beware of robbing the poor and oppressing the afflicted."

(Proverbs 22:24–5): "Do not befriend the man of anger, Nor go with a wrathful man, Lest thou learn his ways and take a snare for thy soul."

(Amenemope, ch. 10): "Associate not with a passionate man, Nor approach him for conversation; Leap not to cleave to such a one; That terror carries thee not away."

(Proverbs 22:29): "[if you] You see, a man quick in his work, before kings will he stand, before cravens, he will not stand."

(Amenemope, ch. 30): "A scribe who is skilful in his business findeth worthy to be a courtier."

(Proverbs 23:1): "When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, Consider diligently, what is before thee; And put a knife to thy throat, If thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties, for they are the bread of falsehood."

(Amenemope, ch. 23): "Eat not bread in the presence of a ruler, And lunge not forward(?) with thy mouth before a governor(?). When thou art replenished with that to which thou has no right, It is only a delight to thy spittle. Look upon the dish before thee, And let that (alone) supply thy need."

(Proverbs 23:4–5): "Toil not to become rich, And cease from dishonest gain; For wealth maketh to itself wings, Like an eagle that flieth heaven-wards."

(Amenemope, ch. 7): "Toil not after riches; If stolen goods are brought to thee, they remain not overnight with thee. They have made themselves wings like geese. And have flown into the heavens."

(Proverbs 23:9): "Speak not in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of thy words."

(Amenemope, ch. 21): "Empty not thine inmost soul to everyone, nor spoil (thereby) thine influence."

(Proverbs 23:10): "Remove not the widow's landmark; And enter not into the field of the fatherless."

(Amenemope, ch. 6): "Remove not the landmark from the bounds of the field...and violate not the widow's boundary."

(Proverbs 23:12): "Apply thine heart unto instruction and thine ears to the words of knowledge."

(Amenemope, ch. 1): "Give thine ears, hear the words that are said, give thine heart to interpret them."

To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 hidden letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Monday 3 July 2023

Zombie Powder, and Legends, Tetrodotoxin (TTX), Chemical Composition


The Zombie legends have many variations, including the regurgitated Hollywood versions, which are all false. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Zombie Legend is a misadventure from various ventures that took a true story from our culture and stuffed it with vultures via their lectures, all conjecture.






Translated From Voodoo Alphabet to Letters and Words








THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ZOMBIE POWDER: What are the main ingredients in Zombie powder? What is the prevalent chemical in Zombie powder? What is the method behind preparing the powder? What purpose is the powder utilised for? Why create a Zombie powder?


The Shamans and medicine men amongst the slaves created a unique serum. This powder gives all the effects of death. A form of this serum is called Zombie Powder.

"Religion Voodoo", An Article in the 1995 A.D. August Edition Of "Focus," The Serum Contains:

One human Skull and Assorted bones blessed Vegetable oil. Two blue Agama lizards and a Toad called 'Crapaud Bonga' (Bufo-marinus).

Zombie Powder Ingredients

One sea snake (a polychaete worm), a sprig f tch-tch, "albizzia", several pods of itching pea, "Pois Gratter", two preferably female and must be the Chequered-Pufferfish (Sphoeroides testudineus), the Sea Toad, "Crapaud de Mer".

Add tarantulas, millipedes, and white tree frogs to taste.

The Prevalent Chemical in Zombie Powder is Tetrodotoxin (TTX): Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin. Its name derives from Tetraodontiformes. And it includes porcupinefish, ocean sunfish, and triggerfish; many of these species carry the toxin. In addition, several other aquatic animals (e.g., blue-ringed octopuses, chequered-pufferfish, rough-skinned newts, and moon snails) also contain (TTX). 


The therapeutic uses of pufferfish (Tetraodon) eggs were in the first Chinese pharmacopoeia Pen-T'so Ching, The Book of Herbs, allegedly 2838–2698 BC by Shénnóng Ben Cao Jing. But a later date is more likely. (Tetraodon) eggs were classified as having medium toxicity but could have a tonic effect when used at the correct dose. The principal use was to arrest convulsive diseases. In the Pen-Tso Kang Mu (Index Herbacea or The Great Herbal by Li Shih-Chen, 1596): Some types of the fish Ho-Tun (the current Chinese name for tetraodon) recognised as both toxic and (using the correct dose), could be used to prepare a tonic.

Increasing toxicity in Ho-Tun became more apparent in fish caught at sea (rather than in a river) after March. It became evident that the most poisonous parts were the liver and eggs. But that toxicity could be reduced by soaking the eggs, noting that tetrodotoxin is slightly water-soluble and soluble at 1 mg/mL in mildly acidic solutions. The German physician Engelbert Kaempfer, in his A History of Japan (translated and published in English in 1727). 

Kaempfer described how well-known the toxic effects of the fish were, to the extent of its application for suicide, and that the emperor specifically decreed that soldiers were not permitted to eat it. There is also evidence from other sources that knowledge of such toxicity was widespread throughout Southeast Asia and India. 

Other Marine Life Containing Tetrodotoxin

The first recorded cases of TTX poisoning affecting Westerners are from the logs of Captain James Cook from 7 September 1774. Cook recorded his crew eating some local tropic fish (pufferfish), then feeding the remains to the pigs on board. The men experienced numbness and shortness of breath, while the pigs were all found dead the following day.

In hindsight, the crew survived a mild dose of tetrodotoxin while the pigs ate the pufferfish body parts that contain most of the toxin, thus being fatally poisoned. The toxin was first isolated and named in 1909 by Japanese scientist Dr Yoshizumi Tahara. It was one of the agents studied by Japan's Unit 731, which evaluated biological weapons on human subjects in the 1930s.


Tetrodotoxin materialised through certain infecting or symbiotic bacteria like Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas, Vibrio and other variations found in animals. Zombie powder consists of about 85% tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin is a sodium channel blocker. It inhibits the firing of action potentials in neurons by binding to the voltage-gated sodium channels in nerve cell membranes and blocking the passage of sodium ions (responsible for the rising phase of an action potential) into the neuron.

(TTX) prevents the nervous system from carrying messages and inhibiting muscles from flexing in response to nervous stimulation. Its mechanism of action, selective blocking of the sodium channel, was shown definitively in 1964 by Toshio Narahashi and John W. Moore at Duke University, using the sucrose-gap voltage clamp technique. 

Tetrodotoxin binds to what is known as site 1 of the fast voltage-gated sodium channel. (Site 1), is situated at the extracellular pore opening of the ion channel. The binding of any molecules to this site will temporarily disable the function of the ion channel, thereby blocking the passage of sodium ions into the nerve cell (which is ultimately necessary for nerve conduction); neo-saxitoxin and several of the conotoxins also bind the same site. 

Tetrodotoxin (TTX)

Using this toxin as a biochemical probe has elucidated two types of voltage-gated sodium channels in humans: the tetrodotoxin-sensitive voltage-gated sodium channel (TTX-s Na+ channel) and the tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel (TTX-r Na+ channel). Tetrodotoxin binds to TTX-s Na+ channels with a (binding affinity) of 5–15 nM. Meanwhile, the TTX-r Na+ channels bind TTX with low micromolar affinity. Nerve cells containing TTX-r Na+ channels are located primarily in cardiac tissue, while nerve cells containing TTX-s Na+ channels dominate the rest of the body.

Cardiac muscle tissue, or myocardium, is the specialised muscle tissue that forms the heart. This muscle tissue contracts and expands involuntarily. And it oversees keeping the heart pumping blood around the body. TTX and its analogues have historically been agents for use as chemical tool compounds, for use in channel characterisation and fundamental studies of channel function. The prevalence of TTX-s Na+ channels in the central nervous system makes tetrodotoxin a valuable agent for silencing neural activity within a cell culture.


The potion or Coup Poudre should be prepared in June when the female Chequered-Pufferfish contains more tetrodotoxin. Be careful not to touch the mixture because skin absorption is highly likely. Tie the snake to the Toad's leg, put them in a jar and bury it. It will make the Toad "die of rage", which increases the concentration of its poison. Place the skull in a fire with Thunderstone and some blessed oil and burn till black.

Objects Needed to Prepare Zombie Powder

Roast the animal ingredients and grind with the uncooked plants in a pestle and mortar. Add unheated shaving of the human bone. A few sacred poems, spells, or text, now grind your mixture to a fine powder. Pour the powder into a jar and bury it in the coffin with the rest of your source skeleton for three days. You now have your Coup Poudre or Zombie Potion. Finally, to apply the Zombie powder, sprinkle it in a cross on the threshold of the target.


TTX is very toxic. The Material Safety Data Sheet for TTX lists the oral median lethal dose (LD50) (for mice) as 334 µg per kg. For comparison, the oral LD50 of potassium cyanide for mice is 8.5 mg per kg, demonstrating that even orally, TTX is more poisonous than cyanide.

TTX is even more dangerous if injected; the amount needed to reach a lethal dose by injection is only (8) µg per kg in mice. The toxin can enter the victim's body through ingestion and injection, inhalation, or grazed skin.

A chequered pufferfish's organs (e.g., liver) can contain levels of tetrodotoxin sufficient to produce the described paralysis of the diaphragm and result in death due to respiratory failure. Toxicity varies between species and at different seasons and geographic localities. And the flesh of many pufferfish may not be dangerously toxic.

The mechanism of toxicity is through the blockage of fast voltage-gated sodium channels required for the regular transmission of signals between the body and the brain. As a result, TTX causes loss of sensation, and paralysis of voluntary muscles, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, stopping breathing.


The diagnosis of pufferfish poisoning established on the observed symptomatology and recent dietary history stipulated that symptoms typically develop within 30 minutes of ingestion but may be delayed by up to four hours. 

However, if the dose is fatal, symptoms usually manifest within 17 minutes of ingestion. Paraesthesia of the lips and tongue is followed by developing paraesthesia in the extremities, hypersalivation, sweating, headache, weakness, lethargy, incoordination, tremor, paralysis, cyanosis, aphonia, dysphagia, and seizures. The gastrointestinal symptoms are often severe, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain; death is usually secondary to respiratory failure.

There is increasing respiratory distress, speech is affected, and the victim usually exhibits dyspnoea, cyanosis, mydriasis, and hypotension. Followed by paralysis and convulsions, mental impairment, and cardiac arrhythmia may occur. The victim, although paralysed, may be conscious and sometimes utterly lucid until shortly before death, which occurs within 4 to 6 hours (range ~20 minutes to ~8 hours). However, some victims enter a coma. If the patient survives for 24 hours, recovery without residual effects should occur over a few days.

Therapy is supportive and based on symptoms, with aggressive early airway management. If ingested, treatment can consist of emptying the stomach, feeding the victim activated charcoal to bind the toxin, and taking standard life-support measures to keep the victim alive until the effect of the poison has worn off. In addition to an intravenous fluid to combat hypotension, anticholinesterase agents "have been proposed as a treatment option but have not been tested adequately".

No antidote has been developed and approved for human use: a research report (preliminary result) indicates that a monoclonal antibody specific to tetrodotoxin is in development by USAMRIID that was effective, in one study, for reducing toxin lethality in tests on mice.

There are two types of Zombie powders. The first one contains 85% tetrodotoxin, and the second, not so much. It is less than 150 years old and mainly consists of a hallucinogenic agent, while the first is between 600 to 100 years old. The original Zombie powder is for faking death, while the second is for mind control. The second Zombie powder is the depreciated and unethical version of the first. 


Clairvius Narcisse was a Haitian man who claimed to have been turned into a zombie by a Haitian Vodou and forced to work as a slave. The hypothesis for Narcisse's account was that the Vodou Priest administered a combination of psychoactive substances, which rendered him helpless and seemingly dead. 

The Photo of Clairvius Narcisse

The book, The Serpent and Rainbow presented the case of Clairvius Narcisse, a man who had been a zombie for two years, arguing that the zombification process was more likely the result of a complex interaction of tetrodotoxin, a powerful hallucinogenic plant called Datura, and cultural forces and beliefs.

In the book, the Medicine Man applied both the first (original) and the second version of the Zombie powder. He used the first version to fake Clairvius Narcisse's death and the second to control his mind after the effect of the first version wore off.


The best way to apply the powder is to sprinkle it down the back or inside the shoe. The victim will collapse, apparently dead. House slaves would then show the slave masters the body of the dead slave. The slave master would not bother to bury the slaves. He would leave that to the Slaves to take care of the burial.

Voodoo Festival

However, the slave masters would come to the funerals making sure the slave was dead. The slaves would bury the "dead" slave in a shallow grave face down, with a hole dug to create an air pocket, increasing breathing space for a few hours. Sometimes they would put hollow twigs in the grave headstone in the shape of a cross, enabling him to breathe, giving the appearance of a heap of dirt with a cross made from hollowed bamboo.

This apparent death examination would result in the appearance of no pulse. Because the drug reduces circulation, giving the slave master the impression that the slaves had a fight amongst themselves, one got killed. And buried, and it was over. Later that night, the slaves would dig up the grave and free the "Dead Slave," telling him to run and go to the blue mountains, another island, another state or amongst the Native Americans. 

When the "Dead" slaves were seen in other states, towns or islands and reported to the slave owner as being alive and kicking, it began all sorts of speculations and rumours on his part, which gave birth to the Zombie legend. The astonishing thing about this scientific feat, by the brilliant medicine people or Priests, was that they mastered the art of the dosage required for the Zombie powder to be effective.

For example, too little Zombie powder would not have the desired effect on the victim or patient. Therefore, ineffective. Too much Zombie powder would have the adverse result of killing patients, which is inadequate. The administration of the powder dosage must be perfected every time for the Zombie powder to be effective.

Egugun Voodoo Festival


Includes leaves of (Artemisia Annua) and wild quinine (Parthenium Integrifolium), Cinchona bark (Chloroquine and Hydroxy-chloroquine); Cotton plant seeds; bark of Enantia chlorantha, including Nauclea latifolia; Isapa flower (Roselle plant of Hibiscus Sabdariffa) and three types of Pako (chewing sticks). Courtesy of my late Grandmother, and may her soul rest in peace.


Modern scientists are still struggling to compose the perfect antidote for tetrodotoxin poisoning. Yet these slaves chemically manufactured Zombie powder using natural ingredients at least 250 years ago. Think about it.

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