Monday 24 January 2022


JULY 22, 2018 by DON JAIDE

Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. Four of the major coastal ethnic groups of Western Africa: the Yoruba, Igbo, Akan and the Gaa-Adangbe are dissimilar at a glance and evidently geographic neighbours, but very closely related when examined at the genetic level. 

DNA is a double-stranded helix. That is each DNA molecule is comprised of two biopolymer strands coiling around each other to form a double helix structure. ... Basically, the DNA is composed of deoxyribonucleotides. The deoxyribonucleotides are linked together by 3′ – 5′phosphodiester bonds.

Emotive questions based on racial or tribal connotations, from those who are suffering from mental annexations. 

Asking a rude question like, are you in or have ever been in an interracial marriage? An intrusive question like are you mixed-race? Or, a silly question like, are you, friends, with anybody in an interracial marriage? These are some of the questions asked as a pre-condition to joining some of the black discussion groups.

Those who feel themselves in everything and everything in themselves feel no grief. How can the multiplicity of life delude those obsessed with all things singular?

Why are Black people so obsessed with shades of brown or tribal affiliations. There are over 100 shades of brown and over 1000 established and affiliated tribes in Africa. The most lethal out of the two prejudices is the tribal conflicts that can lead to civil wars. For example, the Biafran war between the Yoruba and Hausa against the Igbo who initiated the conflict cost 2 million lives and many more wounded.

Well, let us spin it around by asking them ridiculous questions like, is Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, or Colin Karpenich black enough for the inquisitors?  Were the humongous casualties suffered by Nigeria during the civil war, worth it? These are clueless assertions, purposeless presumptions, and preposterous propositions.

Well, which people are killing other Africans, in South Africa today. Is it the mixed-race people? No. Is it interracial marriage couples? No. Is it the White people? No. They are been killed by certain Black South-Africa tribes or groups. Be very careful about what you wish for while your worst enemy is lying on the bed in warmth with you, your best friend might be freezing lying in the shed.

If spiders web unites, they can tie up an elephant. However, the unification of the spider's webs depends on the unity of the spiders regardless of the shades of the species or webs affiliations.

Several studies have been employed over the years, with findings showing the genetic similarity between different regional ethnic groups. One, in particular, conducted by Adebowale Adeyemo, Guanjie Chen, Yuanxiu Chen, the National Human Genome Centre and Howard University, and Charles Rotimi of the University of Ibadan, provided results indicating the genetic similarities between the four major West African ethnic groups.

It is important to remember that these groups were not initially split by national borders; prior to the European division of the continent, these ethnic peoples traded, migrated and wedded as the times permitted, allowing apparent regional and national mixtures that remain evident in modern-day genetic analyses of some Yoruba and Igbo individual.

Also worthy of note is the shared Volta-Niger root languages, Yoruba and Igbo languages belong to the same family (YEAI branch), showing the common start of the diverse languages spoken by these ethnicities.

Consequently, barring the inclusion of culture, ethnic affiliation and nationality, it could be said that the Yorubas, the Igbos, the Akans, and the Gaa-Adangbes are but ONE people spread over a wide area with different ways of life. Thus, discrediting any claim of a unique Yoruba “race” or a genetically insured Igbo ethnicity is often employed by politicians and traditional rulers in rhetorics and propaganda messages.

A body does not fight itself. These kinds of research serve as a balm to the much-divided heart of the ethnically-concerned West African, and to the African at large: one root, many branches; united by blood if not spirit.

For example; the Igbo God Nri also called Orunmila in Yorubaland, Thoth or Tehuti, in Egypt, Hermes Trismegistus in Greece and different names in China, Japan, Australia (Aboriginal Myth), and in both South and North Americas, cannot be unique to the Igbo tribes alone.

Furthermore, Orunmila, in order to make access to the retrieval of the Divine Message (Ifa) easy, devised the computer compatible binary coding system, thousands of years before the emergence of computer consciousness in so-called modern man! So, Ifa is preserved in binary coded format and is output Parable - Format. According to many indigenous African legends, "their gods once existed as humans and had their way of communicating. Prior to their disappearance, they left with the people a means to communicate with them in the outer realm (Oracle Divination Systems)."

In addition; the Igbo God Eshi also called Obatala in Yorubaland told us a similar story about flood and creation myth, apart from the fact that the tools employed to dry the land are slightly different. Instead of Oka Smiths, Hills, and Bellows, in Igbo Flood and Creation Mythology, the Yoruba Flood and Creation Mythology, stated a snail's shell filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, palm nut and a Chain (Signifying DNA).

Homer in an often-quoted passage tells how the Greek gods used to go on their feast-days to Ethiopia to commune with their ancestors. Dionysius wrote, “Upon the great Atlantic (formally known as Sea of Ethiopia), near the isle of Eritrea, for his pastures famed, the sacred race of Ethiopians dwell.” The original Niger-Congo 11,000 BCE, the homeland in the general vicinity of the upper Nile valley is probably as good a hypothesis as any.

We have to remember that the Greek historian informs us what the Egyptians told him directly concerning their origins and customs. We are told by Diodorus that: They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their ancient manners.

Ancient Itiopi (Africa) consisted of Itiopi Proper, Westen and Central Africa,  Itiopi Inner, Southern Africa, Itiopi and Khem, Egypt. Even though Libyco-Berber is not a conventional written or spoken language like the modern one, it was instrumental in deciphering the Olmec writing.

The Niger-Kofordian language group contained Itiopi Proper, Westen and Central Africa,  Itiopi, Ethiopia. Is the Niger-Kofordian symbols the precursor to predynastic Egyptian writing?

Tifinagh, aka Libyco-Berber, originated from ancient Libya in Africa, previous known as Itiopi. During the pre-historic and ancient period, ancient Libya was geographically within the boundary of Itiopi Proper.

Professor L Weiner and C winter established the 13 consonants in the Olmec writing system via Libyco-Berber symbols, proofing the African origin of the Olmec writing system.

Ounjougou, Mali

Swiss archaeologist digs up West Africa's past: By Simon Bradley
THIS CONTENT WAS PUBLISHED ON JANUARY 18, 2007 10:56 AMJAN 18, 2007 - 10:56

The ravine at Ounjougou allows access to layers of sediment over 30,000 years old (Eric Huysecom) A Swiss-led team of archaeologists has discovered pieces of the oldest African pottery in central Mali, dating back to at least 9,400BC. The sensational find by Geneva University's Eric Huysecom and his international research team, at Ounjougou near the Unesco-listed Bandiagara cliffs, reveals important information about man's interaction with nature. 

The age of the sediment in which they were found suggests that the six ceramic fragments - discovered between 2002 and 2005 - are at least 11,400 years old. Most ancient ceramics from the Middle East and the central and eastern Sahara regions are 10,000 and between 9-10,000 years old, respectively. "In the beginning, the very first piece we found stayed in my desk drawer for years, as I didn't realise how old it was," Huysecom told swiss-info.

Huysecom heads a 50-strong interdisciplinary team, composed of 28 international researchers – mainly from Germany, Mali, Switzerland, France, and Britain - on the largest current archaeological research project in Africa, entitled "Human population and paleo-environment in West Africa". Ounjougou was selected as the location, "as everything led us to believe that there we could follow the evolution of man, the environment and the climate", explained Huysecom. 

The site is an archaeologist's dream: a ravine made up of layers of easy-to-date sediment rich in West African history. Since the launch of the project in 1997, the team has made numerous discoveries about ancient stone-cutting techniques and tools, and other important findings that shed light on human development in the region. But the unearthing of the ancient fragments of burnt clay is one of the most significant to date. Huysecom is convinced that pottery was invented in West Africa to enable man to adapt to climate change.

"Apart from finding the oldest ceramic in Africa, the interesting thing is that it gives us information about when and under what circumstances man can invent new things, such as pottery," he explained. "And the invention of ceramic is linked to specific environmental conditions – the transformation of the region from a desert into grassland."

Some 10,000 years ago, at the end of the ice age, the climate is thought to have fluctuated between warm and cold periods. This led to the formation of an 800-kilometre-wide band of tropical vegetation extending northwards from the Sahel region, which attracted people who slowly moved north from southern and central Africa. Wild grasses and pearl millet started sprouting on the former desert land. But for man to be able to eat and properly digest the new plants, they had to be stored and cooked in pots. 

"Man had to adapt his food and way of life by inventing pottery," said the Geneva professor. The invention of ceramic also coincided with that of small arrowheads - also discovered by the team - which were probably used to hunt hares, pheasants and other small game on the grassy plains. 

To date, East Asia – the triangle between Siberia, China, and Japan – is the only other area where similar pottery and arrowheads have been found which are as old as those in West Africa, explained Huysecom.

"This is important, as they both appear in the same way, at the same time and under similar climatic conditions, which indicates that man has certain modes of adaptation to cope with environmental changes," he commented. Ahead of the final publication of the team's research findings this year,

Huysecom is returning to Ounjougou to rejoin his colleagues, in particular, those from West Africa "who are extremely proud of the discovery".

He plans to scour the region for caves and other settlement sites to try and find out exactly where the pottery came from so as to determine more precisely the age of the fragments. "We know [from the sediment] that they are at least 11,400 years old, but they could be 50 or even 1,000 years older."

Key facts
9,400BC: the invention of pottery in Mali, West Africa.
9,400BC: first use of wild cereals in the Sahara and Sahel regions.
8,000BC: the invention of pottery in the Middle East and Sahara.
7,500BC: domestication of pigs, sheep, and goats in the Middle East.
7,000BC: domestication of cows in Africa.
5,700BC: development of irrigation in Mesopotamia.
3,800BC: use of the wheel in the Black Sea and Caucasus regions.
3,700BC: first large city, Uruk in Iraq.
3,400BC: first phonetically readable script in Egypt.

Research DNA: Adebowale Adeyemo
Guanjie Chen, Yuanxiu Chen, the National Human Genome Centre and Howard University
Charles Rotimi, University of Ibadan
Research Ounjougou: Eric Huysecom, University of Geneva

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