Can we find affinity in Egyptian mythology that are forerunners of Christian mythology? For example, are Egyptian lore elements found in the Jesus myth?
O my brothers and my sisters, gather around me that I may tell the tale of the Before-Time, of the Golden Age when the gods walked upon the earth with us. It took place in those ancient days, long before even the grandfather of our Pharaoh was born, Osiris, who is the great-grandson of Ra, sat upon the throne of the gods, ruling over the living world as Ra did over the gods. He was the first Pharaoh, and his Queen, Isis, was the first Queen.
The Egyptian God Osiris |
They ruled for many ages together, for the world was still young, and Grandmother Death was not as harsh as she is now. His ways were just and upright, ensuring that Maat remained balanced and the law obeyed. So Maat smiled upon the world. All peoples praised Osiris and Isis, and peace reigned over all, for this was the Golden Age.
Yet there was trouble. Proud and noble Seth, the brother of Osiris, the defender of the Sun Boat from Apep the Destroyer, was unsettled in his heart. Seth coveted the throne of Osiris. He also desired Isis and the power over the living world, and he craved to take it from his brother.
He conceived of a plot to kill Osiris and take all from him. He built a box and inscribed it with wicked magic that would chain anyone who entered it from escaping. Set took the box to the great feast of the gods. He waited until Osiris had made himself drunk on much beer, then challenged Osiris to a contest of strength.
Each would take a turn to enter the box, and attempt, through sheer strength, to break it open. Osiris was confident in his power but feeble in mind because of alcohol, entered the box. Set quickly poured molten lead into it. Osiris tried to escape, but the wicked magic held him bound, and he died. Set then picked up the box and hurled it into the River Nile, where it floated away.
John G. Jackson, in Christianity Before Christ [American Atheist Press, PO Box 2117, Austin, TX 78768-2117, 1985, pp. 43-46.], cites Gerald Massey in Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, Vol. II, p. 757 [London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1907], as providing information concerning the mythical elements of an annunciation, an immaculate conception, a virgin birth, and an adoration as presented as consecutive engravings on the inner walls of the Temple of Luxor, in Luxor, Egypt, from the time of King Amenhotep III (1538-1501 BCE).
Pharaoh Amenhotep III |
The engravings are four scenes in consecutive order describing the birth of the Egyptian god, Horus.
Citing Jackson citing Massey, we have the following four scenes:
1. The Annunciation
The god Thoth announces to a virgin, Isis, the impending birth of her son, Horus.
2. The Immaculate Conception
The god Kneph (Holy Ghost) and the goddess Hathor hold crosses, the sign of life, to the head and nostrils of Isis and mystically impregnate
3. The Birth of the Child God
The mother, Isis, sits on a midwife's stool, and the newborn infant, Horus, is held by attendants.
4. The Adoration
The infant Horus receives homage from gods and the Three Kings, the Magi, who offer him gifts.
Jackson cites Samuel Sharpe in Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity [London: J. R. Smith, 1879, p. 19.] thus:
In this [set of engravings], we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and [the] Adoration as described in the first and the second chapter of Luke's Gospel.
Critics should remember that the scenes described are carved in stone on the walls of the Temple at Luxor and stand as the documented source of mythical elements of the Horus myth.
Here is a table presenting the Egyptian mythology elements parallel to Jesus's myth.
1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Horus 1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus
2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God(s) 2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God
3. The Birth of Horus 3. The Birth of Jesus
4. The Adoration of Horus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts 4. The Adoration of Jesus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts
Egyptian God Horus |
The Egyptian Horus myth's mystical elements of annunciation, immaculate impregnation, birth, and adoration are similar to the fable elements of the early life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.
Jackson, in Christianity Before Christ, pp. 96-109, describes the Egyptian Horus myth as connected to the Egyptian Osiris myth:
In ancient Egypt, the kings were gods; the living king was Horus, and the dead king was Osiris.
Jackson, p. 96, cites Professor Hocart as saying the following:
Osiris, after his death, became a king in the underworld, and from his dead body, his successor, Horus, is conceived. But every dead king is Osiris and every living king Horus. Thus Osiris and Horus are the same because Horus is the life form of Osiris, and Osiris is the deceased form of Horus. Thus a succession of men killed become gods and are succeeded by their posthumous sons.
Goddess Hathor of Dendera |
(A. M. Hocart, Social Origins, London, Watts and Co., 1954, pp. 79-82.)
Jackson, p. 109, states that the resurrection of Osiris is depicted by bas-reliefs (stone carvings on the wall or a side of an altar, a statue, etc.) on the walls of a Temple of Osiris at Denderah, Egypt, in which Osiris is presented (1) as a mummy on his bier, (2) he arises, and (3) stands erect, with Isis standing behind him, and a male figure holds a crux ansata, an Egyptian symbol of life.
Jackson also states that another Osiris resurrection on the walls of the Temple of Isis in Philae, Egypt. Upon which is this inscription: "This is the form of him whom one may not name, Osiris of the Mysteries (myths), who springs from the returning waters."
Again, critics should remember that the Osiris myth resurrection scenes described are carved in stone on the walls of the Temple of Osiris at Denderah and the Temple of Isis at Philae and stand as sources of mythical elements of the Osiris myth.
Isis and Baby Horus |
We herein have an ancient Egyptian mythical element of death and resurrection and a parallel to the death and resurrection mythology element in the Jesus myth.
The Egyptian Osiris Myth Parallels to the Christian Jesus Myth
1. Osiris is Killed (Death of Osiris) 1. Jesus is Killed (Death of Jesus)
2. Osiris is Resurrected 2. The Resurrection of Jesus.
Jackson, pp. 113-114, states that the English expert on Egyptology, Gerald Massey, listed in an appendix to his book, Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, 200 Egyptian parallels to the Jesus myth.
Jackson, p. 114, further cites Albert Churchward, a follower of Massey, as offering the Egyptian Horus mythical element parallels to the Jesus myth contained in the following table:
1. Horus was the son of Seb, an earthly father 1. Jesus was the son of Joseph, an earthly father
2. Horus stayed with his mother until the age of twelve 2. Jesus stayed with his mother until the age of twelve
Temple of Luxor |
3. Between the ages of twelve to thirty, there is no record of the life of Horus 3. Between the ages of twelve to thirty, there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew/Mark/Luke/John/Acts)
4. At age thirty, Horus's baptism was performed by Anup 4. At age thirty, John did the same to Jesus.
5. After his baptism, Horus was transformed into the beloved and only begotten Son of the Father, the Holy Spirit, represented by a bird
5. By his baptism, Jesus was transformed into the beloved and only begotten Son of the Father, the Holy Spirit, represented by a dove/bird.
From a stone tablet discovered in Nineveh, Assyria, dated 700 BCE, now housed in The British Museum and referred to by British Museum officials as the Marduk's Ordeal tablet.
Thanks to British Museum official Christopher Walker for this information and photocopies of translations by S. Langdon and S. A. Pallis of the Marduk's Ordeal tablet. In The Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet, we get a version of the Assyrian Babylonian Bel (Bel-Marduk or Marduk-Bel) myth, asserting the arrest, trial, judgement, scourging, execution, and resurrection of the god Bel.
It is similar to the lore elements of the last days of the life of Jesus in the Jesus myth. Critics should remember that the mythology elements of the Bel-Marduk myth, carved in stone on Marduk's Ordeal tablet/Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet, which stands as the source of the Bel-Marduk myth.
The Assyrian-Babylonian Bel Myth Parallels to the Christian Jesus Myth:
1. The Arrest of Bel [In the Month of Nisan-- April] 1. The Arrest of Jesus [In April]
2. The Trial of Bel 2. The Trial of Jesus
3. A Priest/Judge Asks What is his sin? 3. Pilate Asks What evil has he done? [St. Matthew 27:23]
4. The Judgment Against Bel 4. The Judgment Against Jesus
5. Water Brought to the Building for the Washing of Hands 5. Pilate Washes His Hands [St. Matthew 27:24]
6. The Scourging of Bel 6. The Scourging of Jesus
The Bel Myth Tablet |
7. A Criminal Condemned to Die with Bel Is Released 7. Criminals Are Condemned to Die with Jesus; Barrabas Is Released
8. Bel was taken Away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a hilltop--a hill for the kill)) 8. The same thing happened to Jesus on Golgotha (a hill called The Skull--a hill for the kill)
9. Bel is Executed [Bel is "Bound/Caused to Perish"--Most likely Crucified] 9. Jesus is Executed/Crucified
10. A Commotion: A Riot Begins in a Nearby City 10. A Commotion: An Earthquake, the Renting of the Veil of the Temple, The Dead Rise, and Walk and Talk with the Living
11. Bel's Clothes Are Taken Away 11. Jesus' Clothes Are Taken Away
12. A Burial Garment was placed on Bel's Body 12. Jesus' Body Wrapped in a Burial Garment
13. Bel Is Taken to a Tomb 13. Jesus Taken to a Tomb
14. Bel Goes Down into a Mountain/Descends into the Underworld 14. Jesus Descends into the Underworld
15. Women/Goddesses Seek Bel at the Tomb 15. Women Seek Jesus at the Tomb
16. Bel Is Resurrected 16. Jesus Resurrected
See also
An individual who identifies himself as "Kosh" pointed out that both the Bel myth and the Jesus myth had a "HILL for the KILL"!!!
What was the chronological sequence of the execution of Jesus?
The standard Xn Babel Mark/Matthew/Luke/John death of Jesus chronological sequence is thus: Jesus was executed by crucifixion, in which (1) Jesus is hung on a cross and (2) dies.
Two passages in Acts contradict these chronological sequences:
The Raising of Lazarus, Catacomb Domitilla |
Acts 5:30: The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree [emphasis added].
Acts 10:39: And we were witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree [emphasis added]
Notice that the sequences in Acts are thus: (1) Jesus is slain/dies/is dead; (2) It was the same scenario for Jesus, hung on a tree.
Jesus Christ and his Disciples, 200 AD Cairo Museum |
The Egyptian Horus-Osiris/Assyrian-Babylonian Bel-Marduk Myth Parallels to the Christian Jesus Myth:
1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Horus 1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus
2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God(s) 2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God
3. The Birth of Horus 3. The Birth of Jesus
4. The Adoration of Horus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts 4. The Adoration of Jesus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts
5. Horus was the son of Seb, an earthly father 5. Jesus was the son of Joseph, an earthly father
6. Horus stayed with his mother until the age of twelve 6. Jesus stayed with his mother until the age of twelve
7. Between the ages of twelve to thirty, there is no record of the life of Horus 7. Between the ages of twelve to thirty, there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew/Mark/Luke/John/Acts)
8. At age thirty, Horus was baptised by Anup 8. At age thirty, John did the same to Jesus
9. After being baptised, Horus was transformed into the beloved and only begotten Son of the Father, the Holy Spirit, represented by a bird 9. After his baptism, Jesus too became the beloved and only begotten Son of the Father via the Holy Spirit, represented by a dove/bird
10. The Arrest of Bel 10. The Arrest of Jesus
11. The Trial of Bel 11. The Trial of Jesus
12. A Priest/Judge Asks What is his sin? 12. Pilate Asks What evil has he done? [St. Matthew 27:23]
13. The Judgment Against Bel 13. The Judgment Against Jesus
14. Water is brought to the Building for the Washing of Hands 14. Pilate Washes His Hands [St. Matthew 27:24]
15. The Scourging of Bel 15. The Scourging of Jesus
16. A Criminal Condemned to Die with Bel Is Released 16. Criminals Are Condemned to Die with Jesus; Barrabas Is Released
17. Bel is taken Away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a hilltop--a hill for the kill) 17. Jesus is taken Away to Golgotha (a hill called The Skull--a hill for the kill)
18. Bel is Executed [Bel is "Bound/Caused to Perish"--Most likely Crucified]-Osiris is Executed/Killed. 18. Jesus is Executed/Crucified
19. A Commotion: A Riot Begins in a Nearby City 19. A Commotion: An Earthquake, the Renting of the Veil of the Temple,
The Dead Rise, Walk and Talk with the Living
20. Bel's Clothes Are Taken Away 20. Jesus' Clothes Are Taken Away
21. A burial garment is placed On Bel's Body 21. Jesus's body had the same treatment
22. Bel is taken to a Tomb 22. It was the same scenario for Jesus
23. Bel Goes Down into a Mountain/into the Underworld 23. Jesus Descends into the Underworld/Hell (The Apostle's Creed)
24. Women/Goddesses seek Bel at the tomb 24. Women seek Jesus at the tomb
25. Bel and Osiris were resurrected 25. The same thing happened to Jesus
With this many parallels to the Jesus myth found in Egyptian/Assyrian-Babylonian myths—25 in all, the chances are excellent that the Jesus myth is a copycat Christ myth.
Egyptian Edfu Texts say unequivocally that the oldest evidence of iron smelting in Egyptian records was that conducted by the God Horus in a hidden place called UaUa in the land of Khennu. And acknowledged in Egyptian history as having taken place around 8,970 BCE, during the wars of Horus and Seth!
The Egyptian God Seth |
The Osiris, Isis, Horus and Seth saga predated the birth of Jesus by at least 8,920 years. In addition, Bel/Marduk myth also predated the Jesus version by at least 2,000 years.
The Education of the Egyptian Priests According to Their Orders.
From Diodorus, Herodotus and Clement of Alexandria, we learn that there were six Orders of Egyptian Priests.
And, each one must master a number of the books of Hermes/Thoth. Clement has described a procession of the Priests, calling them by their Order name, and stating their qualifications, as follows:
Hierogrammat, Odus, Horuscopus, Stolistes, Prophetes and the Pastophori.
Diodorus Siculus, Diodoros Sikeliotes) (fl. 1st century BC) or Diodorus of Sicily was a Greek historian. He is known for writing the monumental universal history Bibliotheca Historica, much of which survived between 60 and 30 BC.
The Prophetes is the President of the temple and has to know the ten books called hieratic, which contain the laws and doctrines concerning the Gods (secret theology) and the whole education of the Priests. The books of Hermes/Thoth are 42 in number and are necessary.
Thirty-six of them have to be known by the Orders that precede and contain the whole philosophy of the Egyptians.
We have already established that Between the ages of twelve to thirty, there is no record of the life of Horus, Bel-Madurk, and Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew/Mark/Luke/John/Acts).
It is a reasonable supposition or suggestion that all three attended mystery schools in the Grand Lodge of Luxor or any of the 18 subordinate Lodges, which are ancient universities listed in the image below.
The duration of study for mere mortals is between 38 to 50 years,
However, for the sons of the Gods, it is 18 years, which is significantly less.
It stated that Aset conceived Har 'Horus" after the passing of Asaru "Osiris" through magic by the Neter "Supreme Being" Tehuti. It was the same story around the birth of Christ.
Mary was impregnated by the Elohim Neter, the "Supreme being", Gabriel, and conceived Jesus of the Holy Ghost or magic or some divine Intervention.
Written by S A Akinyemi.