Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Worldwide Religion, Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnosticism, Bible, Council of Nicaea, Catholic Church, Ifa and Islam, The Meaning of 666


Most of the Dead Sea Scrolls are in Hebrew, with some fragments written in the ancient paleo-Hebrew alphabet thought to have fallen out of use in the fifth century B.C. But others are in Aramaic B.C. In addition, several texts feature translations of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, which some Jews used instead of or in addition to Hebrew at the time of the scroll's creation.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls include fragments from every book of the Old Testament except for the Book of Esther. Scholars have speculated that traces of this missing book, which recounts the story of the eponymous Jewish queen of Persia, either disintegrated over time or have yet to be uncovered. 

Others have proposed that Esther was not part of the Essenes canon or that the sect did not celebrate Purim, the festive holiday based on the book. The only complete article of the Hebrew Bible preserved among the manuscripts from Qumran is Isaiah; this copy, dated to the first century B.C., is considered the earliest Old Testament manuscript still in existence.

Along with biblical texts, the scrolls include documents about sectarian regulations, such as the Community Rule, and religious writings that do not appear in the Old Testament. The origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls, written between 150 B.C. and 70 A.D., remains the subject of scholarly debate. According to the prevailing theory, they are the work of a Jewish population that inhabited Qumran until Roman troops destroyed the settlement around 70 A.D.

Unfortunately, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found written on leather, and all fakes were artificially aged. Scholars speculated that the Hebrew Bible and its standard form first came about around 2,000 years ago but never had physical proof. After an exhaustive review of all the imaging and scientific analysis results, it is evident that none of the textual fragments in the Museum of the Bible's Dead Sea Scroll collection is authentic, said the leader of the investigation, Colette Loll, the director of Art Fraud.


The Gnostics were religious mystics who proclaimed gnosis, knowledge, as the way of salvation. To know oneself allowed gnostic men and women to know God without needing the mediation of rabbis, priests, bishops, imams, or other religious officials.

Gnostic Bible Content

So it was with the Hermetic Teachings of the Gnostics and Early Christians, which were lost at the time of Constantine, whose iron hand smothered philosophy with the blanket of theology, losing to the Christian Church that which was its very essence and spirit and causing it to grope throughout several centuries before it found the way back to its ancient faith, the indications apparent to all careful observers in this Twenty-first Century being that the Church is now struggling to get back to its ancient mystic teachings. 

Ge'ez Script

The historical roots of the gnostics reach back to the time of the Greeks, Romans, and Second Temple Jews. Some Gnostics were Jewish, others were Greco-Roman, and many were Christian. There were Mandaean gnostics from Iraq and Iran. And Manichaeans from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and China; Islamic gnostics in the Muslim world; and Cathars in Western Europe. 

Their influence and their presence, some say, continue to the present day. Gnostics sought knowledge and wisdom from many different sources and accepted insight wherever available. Like those who came before them, they embraced a personified wisdom, Sophia, understood variously and taken as the manifestation of divine vision.

In addition to Jewish sacred literature, Christian documents, and Greco-Roman religious and philosophical texts, gnostics studied religious works from the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Zoroastrians, Muslims, and Buddhists.


Europeans acquired the Bible from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church and its staff wrote the books of the New Testament and took over the Old Testament. However, the Jews did not close the Canon of the Books of the Old Testament until around 100 AD. This incident occurred at the Synod of Jamnia, where they chose the Canonical Books of the Hebrew scriptures and embodied them in the Masoretic text. 

Masoretic Text

The Masoretic text is the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible in Rabbinic Judaism. The Masoretic text defines the Jewish canon and its precise letter-text, with its vocalisation and accentuation known as the mas'sora. The Council of Jamnia was a council purportedly held late in 100 AD to finalise the canon of the Hebrew Bible.

Ge'ez is a Semitic language of the Southern Peripheral group, which also belongs to the South Arabic dialects and Amharic. Ethiopia has 83 different languages with up to 200 different dialects spoken. Tigrigna and Amharigna (Amharic) are the modern languages that originated from Ge'ez. Amharic is Ethiopia's official national language. The most fascinating collection of sacred texts is, without doubt, the "Bandlet of Righteousness." 

Among the contents are the awe-inspiring 'Scrolls of Life' (MASHAFA HAYWAT) in Ethiopic and the 'MYSTICAL NAMES OF THE PERSONS OF THE TRINITY' (TERGUAME FIDAL) in Amharic. Bandages of parchments used to wrap the dead as part of an ancient tradition linked to the belief that they will assist the wearer in coming forth on the Day of Judgement. However, these hold very little in common with the authentic 'Scroll of Life, which they claimed was written by the hands of the Creator.


The first ecumenical council of the Christian Church met in ancient Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey), which Emperor Constantine I arranged. Constantine was an unbaptised catechumen. He presided over the opening session of the meeting. He also took part in the discussions. 

Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey)

Emperor Constantine, the first, wanted the council to solve the problem created in the Eastern Church called Arianism. Arius of Alexandria first proposed and affirmed that Christ is not divine but a created being, which is heresy. Pope Sylvester first did not attend the council but was represented by the legates.

The council condemned Arius and reluctantly, on the part of some, incorporated the nonscriptural word homoousios (of one substance) into a creed to signify the absolute equality of the Son with the Father. The emperor then exiled Arius while manifesting the solidarity of the Church and state, underscoring the importance of secular patronage in ecclesiastical affairs. 

Arius of Alexandria

Arius was a Cyrenaic presbyter, ascetic, and priest best known for the doctrine of Arianism. Arius's teachings include the nature of the Godhead in Christianity.

The books included in the New Testament were not decided upon until 382 AD, after The First Council of Nicaea (325 AD), at the Senate of Rome under Pope Damasus. The Council of Rome was a Synod which took place in Rome in AD 382, presumably under Pope Damasus I, the then-Bishop of Rome. The only surviving conciliar pronouncement may be the Decretum Gelasianum.

Along with Codex Vaticanus, the Codex Sinaiticus is considered one of the most valuable manuscripts for establishing the original text (textual criticism) of the Greek New Testament and the Septuagint. Originally more than 1,460 pages long, measuring 16in by 14in and written by several hands around the time of Constantine the Great.


Declaring, we are giving you these Scriptures on our authorisation and by the authority of the informal tradition that existed among us from the beginning, inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

The Catholic Church asserted that they speak under the presumed guidance of the Holy Spirit and have the clout to interpret the Bible. The New Testament has no original script because it is a copy of copies utilised by the Catholic Church while creating it. 

Pope Damasus I

And by the time the King James version came into being, it was already massively distorted. In addition, there are over 2,000 mistranslations in the  King James Bible. Catholicism is the mother of all Christendom.  


The affinities between the mode of worshipping in Ifa and Al-Islam are uncanny. The process of worship in Ifa is as follows:

First, stand upright with the arms raised to the ears and the palms tilted backwards to 45 degrees, followed by kneeling and kissing the floor with your head and palms. It signifies total submission.

It is the same process as the mode of worship in Al-Islam. The Yoruba word for worshipping in Al-Islam is Kirun (worship or greet Irun). I searched high and low for the meanings of the word Irun, but I only found two. The first one is hair, pronounced as Re Re. The second is Do Re, the abbreviation for the word Irunmole (Yoruba deities).

Finally, let us translate both words. The first is greeting or worshipping the hair, and the second is worshipping or greeting Irunmole (a Yoruba deity). It was Orunmila's designated method for worshipping Ifa.

Ifa said Kundu su Kundu o, 

God's messenger does not ride a horse,

Heavenly beings must not walk on bare earth,

Listen Irunmole, Igbamole, 

Okanlerinwomole and Otalelugbamole,

These are the four superbeings

Supporting the four pillars of our world,

If you use my name for an evil deed,

You will end up killing yourself.


Idanre Hill 666 Symbol

The meaning of 666 in Ogboni (Freemason) doctrine is my eyes (III), your eyes (III); face-to-face does not allow lies. It is not the mark of the beast. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses is an 18th- or 19th-century magical text allegedly written by Moses and passed down as hidden (or lost) books of the Jewish Tanakh.

The Yoruba equivalent is called Odumosun (the Book of Power) in Ifa. It took almost six years to decipher the ancient symbol on Idare Hill. The task would have been impossible without the enlightenment of Orisamika, a senior Babalawo and Ogboni Priest, in a YouTube presentation. However, the symbol on top of Idare Hill predated the one in Orisamika's Shrine by 2,000 years.

Archaeological evidence of the oldest settlement of the Idare people on top of the Hill will back up my assertion. In addition, human skulls uncovered in Iwo-eleru, approximately 15 miles from Idare Town, aged between 13,500 and 6,000 years, would also attest to my assertion.


The slight differences between the two symbols are due to the process of evolution and adaptations spanning over 2,000 years. I do not think that the symbol applies only to the Ogboni fraternity exclusively but as a general taboo to all cult members regardless.

Neither Olodumare nor Ifa condones harbouring, using or trading human body parts, killing, lies and discrimination on behalf of the religion. This ancient religion taught us to live peacefully and coexist with our neighbours and foreigners, showing respect regardless of race, religion or creed. Instruction of Ifa from a divination session can direct an individual to perform an act of charity in a Temple, Mosque, Synagogue or Church, including becoming a permanent member of those fraternities.

According to the Ifa priests, Ifa has nothing to fear from other religions because it is based on the principle of truth. For example, after being plagued with misfortunes, you consulted an Ifa priest, who predicted that Christianity, Al-Islam or Judaism is the way forward.

There is a method in the madness of an Ifa priest who predicted such a thing. For example, If you chose Christianity, Al-Islam or Judaism and became extremely or moderately successful, Ifa is still the source of the root of your success. Many benefactors of such an accurate prediction will show their appreciation through charity that will benefit others.

However, the bitter irony is that it is the other way around, especially modern Christians and Al-Islamists. Those who snubbed others using their financial might or were ready to brutalise, violate or kill others in the name of their religion are suffering from Religious supremacy on baseless grounds.


Yoruba is neither the origin of the name of our tribe nor our language. We are Omoluabi or Omo kale ojire, an ethical and candid gentleman or woman. Yoruba originated from the sentence, Yo rubo, meaning he must sacrifice. The name was given to us by the Hausa and Fulani tribes at least over 400 years ago.

In that era, whenever there was a joint project between the Yoruba, Hausa and Fulani, they always insisted on divination and sacrifice accordingly. Our Islamatised Hausa and Fulani cousins were very distressed with this Yoruba tradition because, to them, it is Haram.

Hence the sentence, he must sacrifice (Yo rubo) and an idol worshipper (Omo Aborisha). The name Yoruba is not a complimentary word but quite derogatory. Currently, no converted Yoruba Muslim is allowed to call prayer in any Mosque if a Hausa or Fulani man or both are present.

However, Bilal, a Black Ethiopian or Abyssinian, called prayer in Mecca during the time of the Prophet Mohammed. The hypocrisy and irony of this policy is that Bilal was good enough to call prayer in Mecca in front of the Arabs, whom the Hausa and Fulanis considered to be superior. 


Primordial Jesus was Horus, his mother Isis, the virgin queen. You can use the Bible to justify its criticism. It is not an historical book. The first story of the Immaculate Conception is that of Osiris, Horus, Isis and Seth, which predated the Bible by at least 6000 years. The origins of Christianity are as follows: Logos (Egyptian Deities), Gnosticism, Inner mysteries, Bible literalism, Outer mysteries, and Christianity. The name Moses has no Jewish or Hebrew origin because it is an Egyptian name. 


The introduction of chaotic doctrines and mistranslation of the scriptures exists due to the Reformation, starring Martin Luther and John Kalvin. Including over 2,000 mistranslations in the King James version of the Bible. Which many deluded and ignorant religious clerics declared to be absolute truth. Resist being caught in their passion without reservation, lest you get swept into the sea. They will offer maggot-invested pudding and present it as an exclusive and expensive dessert. 

Do not engage with these bigoted clerics because they will infect you with their ghost spells, based on spiff like rolling a leaf and smoking a reef, causing a rift by making a fist, which cost the feast while sifting the yeast and holding the hand of the beast from the east, frisking you for the disk of the risk that does not exist, telling us to stop resisting, to cease and desist otherwise deceased. 

The Right Reverend Conman is after your money. The immaculate Imam Mufti wants to control your mind, while Pastor Plonker is hell-bent on doing both. Most of these unscrupulous modern preachers will engage you in stimulating banter with the punters on the stories of hunters of immortals, cluttered with a clatter and shattered like a matter of mad hatters.


Modern Religions are like the famine in farming from lands begotten, with fields forgotten and plants unplanted from seeds unseeded by weeds, demanding bees for fees. It is up to you to draw your own conclusions, as our aim is not to sway you this way or that. 

These are the links to my music project inspired by historical research: Desire, The Joker, Unbeknownst, Hasty, Resolve, Delirious, Unresponsive, Intuitive, ExplorerTransfixed, and Clued Up.

The Origin of Worldwide Religion Part 1. Other Publications: Creation Story Part 1, Ancient Mathematics, Occultism and Astrology Part 1 2 3. King Solomon of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope The Immaculate Conception, an amazing deception Ifa, Sacred Geometry, Tetrahedron, Odu, Portals, Points The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 Hidden Letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Thursday, 11 January 2024

Worldwide Religion, Covenant of Circumcision, Origen Adamantius, Diodorus Siculus


Even the Covenant of Circumcision has an Egyptian origin. Origen wrote in Latin (Nemo apud Aegyptios aut geometriam studuit, aut Astrologiae mysteria indagavit, nisi circumcisio suscepta esset). In English, (No one among the Egyptians either studied Geometry or investigated the secrets of Astronomy without undertaking circumcision). 

Carved Inscriptions by the Ancient Egyptians

ORIGEN: Origen Adamantius 184-253 AD

Origen of Alexandria (c. 184 – c. 253), also known as Origen Adamantius, was an early Christian scholar, ascetic, and theologian born in Alexandria and spent the first half of his career there. 

He was a prolific writer who wrote roughly 2,000 treatises on multiple branches of theology, including textual criticism, biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, homiletics, and spirituality. Origen was influential in early Christian theology, apologetics, and asceticism. And they referred to him as "the greatest genius the early church ever produced".

DIODORUS: Diodorus Siculus, Diodoros Sikeliotes, (100 BCE) 

Diodorus of Sicily was a Greek historian. He is known for writing the monumental universal history Bibliotheca Historica, much of which survives between 60 and 30 BCE. He witnessed and recorded the procession of six orders of Egyptian priests celebrating their graduation in his lifetime.


The Education of the Egyptian Priests According to Their Orders. 

The Prophetes Illustrated

From Diodorus, Herodotus and Clement of Alexandria, we learn that there were six Orders of Egyptian Priests, and each Order had to master a certain number of the books of Hermes/Thoth/Nri/Orunmila. Clement has described a procession of the Priests, calling them by their Sects and stating their qualifications as follows:

First comes the Singer Odus, bearing an instrument of music. He has to know by heart two of the books of Hermes/Thoth; one containing the hymns of the gods, and the other, the allotment of the king's life.

Then Horoscopus, carrying a Horologium or sundial and a palm branch, symbols of Astronomy. He has to know four of the books of Hermes/Thoth, which deal with Astronomy.

Then comes the Hierogrammat, with feathers on his head, a book in his hand, and a rectangular case with writing materials, i.e., the writing ink and the reed. He has to know the hieroglyphics, cosmography, geography, astronomy, the topography of Egypt, the sacred utensils and measures, the temple furniture and the lands. 

The Hierogrammat Illustrated

Next, the Stolistes carry the cubit of justice and the libation vessels. Stolistes must know the books of Hermes/Thoth that deal with the slaughter of animals.

Next comes the Prophetes carrying loaves of bread and a water vessel. The Prophetes is the President of the temple. He must know the ten Hieratic books containing the laws and doctrines concerning the Gods (mystic theology) and the whole education of the Priests. The books of Hermes/Thoth are 42 in number and are necessary. Thirty-six of these books are a must-know by the Order.

Finally, the Pastophori must be well versed in six out of the forty-two books of Thoth. The six books required are about medical instructions and procedures. It deals with physiology, male and female diseases, anatomy, drugs, and instruments. The books of Hermes were well known to the ancient world and were known to Clement of Alexandria, who lived at the beginning of the third century A.D.


The ancient structures of world religions are as follows: 

Logos, Ein Sof, Brahman, Allah, Tao and the Void. 

Ein Sof Aur Illustrated

The Logo evolved to Gnosticism, Inner Mysteries, the Bible/Literalism, Outer Mysteries and Christianity. 

Ein Sof became the Kabbalah, Talmud, Torah and Judaism. 

The Void turned to Vayrayana, Hinayana, Mahayana and Buddhism. 

Tao changed to Chuan (Zen), Mystical Taoism, Folk Taoism and finally, Taoism. 

Allah developed into Batin, Sufi/Shiite, Five Pillars, Koran, Zahir and Al-Islam. 

Brahman progressed into Tantra, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Folk Hinduism/Bhakti and Hinduism.

Ein Sof, or Eyn Sof, in Kabbalah, is understood as God before any self-manifestation in the production of any spiritual realm, probably derived from Solomon ibn Gabirol's term, "the Endless One". Ein Sof is "unending", "no end", or infinity. The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah are, Keter, Tiferet, Shekhinah, Hokhmah, Hesed, Nezah, Yesod, Hod, Din and Binah. Or "forward", "backwards", "right", "left", "down", "up", "light", "darkness", "good" and "evil".

What is the light of Ein Sof?

This light is the origin of all creation and lower lights, called the "Ohr Ein Sof" ("The light of the Infinite", or itself "The Infinite Light"). The Kabbalistic and Hasidic masters asked how there could be a revelation of God, in the Ohr Ein Sof before creation. 

Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah

You may believe that everything in the Bible is literarily true and personally dictated to Moses, the Prophets and the Apostles by God. You are at liberty to hold that opinion. However, I beg to differ, but I believe the Bible is divinely inspired. Since inspiration always comes through the human vehicle, it is prone to distortion. Anybody inspired can only express it in the first language spoken, including the religion practised. 

Religion is a tree with many branches of different lengths, thicknesses and foliages. Realising the affinities between world religions will enable any human being to take a giant step towards spiritual enlightenment. If all you know is the doctrines of your religion, then you are more prone to believe everything about it. However, bothering to learn a bit about other religions will make you a seeker. And ascend above others in your chosen religion. 


Can we find affinity in Egyptian mythology that are forerunners of Christian mythology? For example, are Egyptian and Babylonian lore elements found in the Jesus myth? The Enuma Elish and Gilgamesh Epics Tablets and the Biblical flood myth. 

The Immaculate Conception, stories about Horus, Bel-Marduk and Jesus, the Ten Commandments, and the Comparative Works of Pharaoh Amenemope vs. King Solomon of Israel. Including Paraoh Akhanaten's Hymn vs. Plsam 104.


The Egyptian Horus-Osiris/Assyrian-Babylonian Bel-Marduk Myth Parallels to the Christian Jesus Myth:

1. The Annunciation of the Birth of Horus 1(a). The Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus

Eye of Horus Illustrated and Dymistified

2. The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God(s) 2(a). The Immaculate Conception/Impregnation of a Virgin by God

Citing Jackson citing Massey, we have the following four scenes:
1. The Annunciation
The god Thoth announces to a virgin, Isis, the impending birth of her son, Horus.
2. The Immaculate Conception
The god Kneph (Holy Ghost) and the goddess Hathor hold crosses, the sign of life, to the head and nostrils of Isis and mystically impregnate
The Ankh Illustrated 

3. The Birth of the Child God
The mother, Isis, sits on a midwife's stool, and the newborn infant, Horus, is held by attendants.
4. The Adoration
The infant Horus receives homage from the gods and the Three Kings, the Magi, who offer him gifts.

Jackson cites Samuel Sharpe in Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian-Christianity [London: J. R. Smith, 1879, p. 19.] thus: In this [set of engravings], we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and [the] Adoration as described in the first and the second chapter of Luke's Gospel.

Critics should remember that the scenes described are carved in stone on the walls of the Temple at Luxor and stand as the documented source of mythical elements of the Horus myth.

3. The Birth of Horus 3. The Birth of the Messiah

4. The Adoration of Horus by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts 4(a). The Adoration of Yashua by Three Kings/Magi Bearing Gifts

5. Seb was the dad of Horus, an earthly father 5(a). Jesus was the offspring of Joseph, an earthly father

The Light Of Christ Illustrated 

1. The Arrest of Bel 1(a). The Arrest of Jesus

2. The Trial of Bel 2. The Trial of Jesus

3. A Priest/Judge Asks What is his sin? 3(a). Pilate Asks What evil has he done? [St. Matthew 27:23]

4. A Criminal Condemned to Die with Bel Is Released 4(a). Criminals Are Condemned to Die with Jesus; Barrabas Is Released

5. Bel is taken Away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a hilltop--a hill for the kill) 5(a). Christ, taken to Golgotha (a hill called The Skull--a hill for the kill) 


Excerpt from the Ten Commandments:

1. You should have no (Akhair) other Eloheem except me.

2. You will not make for yourself any (Fehsel), idol at all, of any (Temoonaw), likeness in the (Shawmahyim) skies (Mahal) above or that in the whole planet earth from beneath or in the waters underneath the planet.

3. You will not (Shawkhaw) prostrate yourself to them nor (Awbad) enslave yourself to them, for I a Yahuwa Eloheek. I am a (Qannaw) jealous (El) one (Fawqad) visiting the (Awwone) iniquity of the (Awb) father upon the (Bane) children up to the (Shillaysh) third, and (Ribbayah) fourth generation of them that (Sawnay) hate me.

The Weighing of the Heart Depiction

4. You should not take the (Shawme) name of a Yahuwa Eloheek and use it (shaww) falsely for a Yahuwa will not hold him (Nawqaw) guiltless, that takes his (Shame) name and use it (shaww) falsely.

5. (Zawkar) remember the Sabbath day and keep it (Qawdash) holy.

Excerpt from Negative Confession, Papyrus of Ani, the Book of the Dead:

A Tiny example of the Egyptian version from the Book of the Dead, according to Sir E. A. W. Budge.

Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not sinned.

Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence.

Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not committed theft.

Osiris, Issis and Horus Illustrated 

Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women.

Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain.

Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings.

Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God.

Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies.


The Comparison below was but a few of the selected sayings of the so-called "Proverbs Of King Solomon" of Israel. However, the entire Psalms "Songs Of King Solomon", including the Torah, are full of direct copies of works written word for word as Egyptian sayings and teachings. 

Pharaoh Amem-Em-Ope

The Teachings of Egyptian Pharaoh Amem-Em-Ope:

"Give thine ear and hear what I say, apply thine heart, let them rest in the casket of thy belly, to act as a peg upon thy tongue. Consider these thirty chapters, that delight and instruct, knowledge how to answer him that speaketh and how to carry back report to one that sent it.

"Teachings of King Solomon" of Israel: Asia Minor, Proverbs (22) XXII 17 & (23) XXIII 14:

"Incline thine ear and hear the words, apply thine heart, to apprehend, for it is pleasant if thou keep them in thy belly, like a fixed peg upon thy lips. Have I not written for thee thirty sayings, of counsels and knowledge! that thou may make known truth to him that speaketh.

The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians:

The gospel of the Egyptians accurately known as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit is a Sethian text. The Sethian text includes a baptismal ceremony describing the celebration of Sethian-gnostic baptism. Other gnostic texts refer to baptism and its importance.

This great name of yours is upon me, you self-conceived and lacking in nothing, independent, invisible to all except me, invisible to all. Who comprehends you in speech or praise? Knowing you made me mingled with your constancy. I have armed myself, wearing the armour of grace and light and become bright. 

Sethian Text, the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit

The mother was there for the loverly beauty of grace. So, I stretched out my two hands, formed from a circle of dazzling lights in my chest, and enabled form to the many beings produced in light beyond reproach. In truth, I shall declare your glory. I have comprehended you--yours, Jesus; look, eternal O, eternal E, Christ, O eternal realm *2, god of silence. 

I honour you faithfully. You are my place of rest, child, ESES, the E, formless ones existing within each other. And raising the person by whom you will purify me into your life, according to your imperishable name. So, the sweet smell of life lies in me. I have mixed it with water as a model for all the rulers. So that I may live in the peace of the saints and you who are forever, true.

The Origin of Worldwide Religion Part 1. Other Publications: Creation Story Part 1, Ancient Mathematics, Occultism and Astrology Part 1 2 3. King Solomon of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope The Immaculate Conception, an amazing deception Ifa, Sacred Geometry, Tetrahedron, Odu, Portals, Points The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 Hidden Letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Origin of Worldwide Religion, Kybalion, Hermetic Principles, Thoth, Ifa, Taoists, Shinto text


Alchemists believe in the Hermetic principles.

Hindus believe the Veddas are divinely revealed and inspired as any Christian, Jew or Muslim. 

Al-Islamists believe the Quran is celestially inspired. 

Illustrated Alchemist

Buddhists believe that their Sutras are of heavenly or Bhuddhic origin. 

The Japanese believe that the ancient Shinto text is also of celestial origin. 

Taoists believe in Tao, the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, giving birth to infinite worlds from nothingness.

The Yoruba people believe that Olodumare is the supreme God, and his Disciples, Guardians and Angels are deific.

Which one of all these ancient texts and oral traditions can we believe? 

Is Christ a human being like Krishna, Horus, Bel-Marduk, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi or the Prophet Muhammad because they all had a colossal experience of cosmic consciousness? 

The contents of this article are in 3 parts, and the publication is every 14 days. The Thesis aims to expose you to Mystical Literature that you may be familiar with or not within a structural order. The contents of our exploration and explanation in this article are as follows: 








The Origin of Hinduism and Taoism


























Do you think you have got a monopoly on God? The world population census is over 8 billion, with at least 6.5 billion religious people, including prayers. Why should God answer your prayer or treat you as a favourite over the other 6.5 billion people? Why do you think you are special? Have you ever wondered why your prayers sometimes stayed unanswered, all the time or a few times? 

These apply to people of different faiths incorporating denominations. Have you ever questioned your faith, or even as far as to change religion or denomination? What mental power does your modern-day Pastor, Reverend, Imam, Mullah, Priest, Bishop, Guru, Prophet, or Pope have over you? Religious books in the hands of confused holy men are like a loaded sub-machine gun that has claimed many victims and will continue to do so. 

What are the answers or the answers? If you are looking for magic, we are sorry to disappoint you. If you are seeking logic, well, come on in. We will break all the answers to all these questions into bite-size; by using history, religion, philosophy, occultism, and psychology. The word Bible came from the Greek word Biblos, derived from the Egyptian word Papyrus, paper or book.

In ancient Egypt lived Champions and Masters never surpassed, and seldom equalled, during the centuries that have taken their processional flight since the days of the Great Hermes. Thoth was the first and oldest teacher of knowledge in human history. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks called him the God of Wisdom. Thoth was the author of The Emerald Tablets.


The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding"— The Kybalion. From old Egypt comes the fundamental esoteric and occult teachings that strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations, and peoples for several thousand years. Egypt, the home of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the birthplace of Hidden Wisdom and Mystic Teachings. From her Secret Doctrine, all nations have borrowed. 

The Eight Principles of the Natural Laws

The Kybalion is the oldest constitution of religious concepts. Let us begin with the Eight Natural Laws of Truth for all things created. The Kybalion is the mystical literature that every human being must possess. It is a crucial literature in Alchemy and more important than all the revered holy books. And when the eight principles in the Kybalion are understood and applied with devotion, prosecuting the game of life from the top is attainable.


The Eight Natural Laws of Truth in the Kybalion are Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender and CARE, and the encapsulation of the seven.

The principle of Mentalism specifies that the universe is mental and all things in the cosmos reside in the mind of All.

The principle of Correspondence is that what was unknown will become knowable by applying what we know.

The principle of vibration is that everything vibrates, even though visually imperceptible.

The principle of Polarity is that everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; hot and cold are the same.

The principle of Rhythm asserted the pendulum of life involved high and low, conquest and defeat, and inflow and outflow.

The principle of Cause and Effect ascertains that it is better to cause your effect than to be affected by the causations of others.

The principle of Gender is that every human has a masculine and feminine part in their brain and the power of creation on the physical plain. 

The principle of CARE encapsulates the other seven, and without it, nothing will manifest.

Mofield of Alchest truths are half-false, and most falsehoods are a half-truth. Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are half-truths. All paradoxes are reconcilable.


Understanding and practising these principles enable any human being to play the game of life successfully. Even to this day, we use the term hermetic in the sense of secret, sealed so that nothing can escape; etc., and this is because the followers of Hermes always observed the principle of secrecy in their teachings. 

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

They did not believe in casting pearls before swine but held to the teaching of milk for babes; and meat for strong men, both of which maxims are familiar to readers of the Christian scriptures. 

The Egyptians incorporated both for centuries before the Christian era. And this policy of careful dissemination of the truth has always characterised Hermetics, even currently. 

The Hermetic Teachings are in all lands, among all religions. However, it has never identified with any particular country or religious sect. 

It is because of the warning of the ancient teachers against allowing the Secret Doctrine to become crystallised into a creed. The wisdom of this caution is apparent to all students of history.

But there were always a few faithful souls who kept alive the Flame, tending it carefully and not allowing its light to become extinguished. And thanks to these staunch hearts, and fearless minds, we have the truth still with us. However, it is not found in the religious dogma of books.


Pure philosophy is spiritual striving through constant contemplation to attain the veritable knowledge of One-God Atum (concept of the divine Creator). But, now in philosophy, in times to come, no one will pursue philosophy with single-mindedness and purity of heart. Those with grudging and ungenerous temperaments will prevent humans from discovering the priceless gift of immortality. 

To love Atum in thought with a single-mindedness of the heart and follow the goodness of his will, is the essence of philosophy, unsullied by intrusive cravings for pointless opinions. But in times to come, clever, deceitful and uncandid intellectuals will mislead the minds of human beings away from pure philosophy. They will assert that our sacred devotion is ineffectual and that the sincere piety, uncandid, and sedulous service with which Kemetians honour Atum is waste without reward.

Kemet is an image of the heavens, and the cosmos dwells in its sanctuary. But, the gods will desert earth and return to heaven, abandoning the land that once stood as the home of spirituality. Kemet will be forsaken and desolate, bereft of the presence of the gods, overrun by foreigners that will neglect our sacred ways. Kemet is the holy land of temples and shrines, now full of corpses and funerals. The sacred Nile swelled with blood, and her waters fouled with gore.

The Ogdoad

Does this make you weep? There is worse to follow: This land was a spiritual teacher to all humankind, loved the gods with such devotion that they deigned to sojourn on earth, will exceed others in cruelty. The dead will outnumber the living, and the surviving Kemetian will be like men of another race. O Kemet! Nothing will remain of your religion but tall tales, which even your children refused to believe. Nothing left about your wisdom but old graven stone.


The cosmos is the image of Atum; all goodness because it is also good. Bequeath me your awareness, and concentrate your thoughts, for the intelligence of Atum's existence requires deep insight, which comes as the gift of grace. The conception of Atum is complicated, and to define him is impossible. The imperfect and the impertinent cannot apprehend the eternally perfected. Atum is whole and constant, and he is motionless yet self-moving. Atum is immaculate, incorruptible and everlasting. 

Atum is light, the eternal source of energy, and the everlasting dispenser of life. Once power is dispenced, unending cosmic laws manage the supply. The cosmos' existence is within infinite energy. It is energy from which life issues, so it can't stop or be prone to destruction. It is contained and bound together by a timeless life force. The cosmos dispenses this life to all things within it.


Shinto Texts

The Holy books of Shinto include the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters), the Nihon shoki, or Nihon-gi (Chronicles of Japan), the Kogoshūi (Gleanings of Ancient Works), and the Engi Shiki (Institutes of the Engi Period). These books are compilations of ancient myths and traditional teachings. And are orally passed on. 

Shinto means the way of the gods. Shintoism is an Ancient religion in Japan. It started around 1000 BCE but is still practised today by at least five million people. The followers of Shintoism believe that spiritual powers exist in the natural world.

Shinto has no founder or sacred scriptures like the sutras or the Bible. Propaganda and preaching are uncommon because Shinto is deeply rooted in the Japanese people and traditions. "Shinto gods" are called Kami.


The Ying and Yang

According to Lao Tzu, The unnameable is the eternally real. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Free from craving, you realise the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Yet mystery and materialisation arise from the same source. This source is the mother of all secrets and the gateway to all understanding. The Tao is called the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds. 

Purification is a must to reach this state of receptiveness to the energy around us. It is the essential process of alchemy. To "separate the subtle from the gross". We must overcome our lower, animal nature and cultivate the spiritual one. It is the ultimate goal of life and the destiny of everybody. 

We will reincarnate in our physical bodies until we achieve this transformation and graduate to the next level. If we knew what awaits us beyond this reality, we would stop in a heartbeat and get to work because the payoff is better than anything the physical world offers.

There are three bodies we must purify, which are physical, emotional, and mental. The secrets of alchemy are the methods used to purify these bodies. When the river is clean, the water can flow. This water is known as Kundalini. The Kundalini is the vital energy of transformation. 

It keeps our body healthy, and when it ascends to the pineal gland, it creates a mystical experience by creating DMT in our pineal gland. It is the energy generated in the body by transforming food into blood; and finally into the cerebral spinal fluid.

The goal is to retain this fluid by not ejaculating and raising it to the brain through yogic practices. Breathing is crucial for this, and there are many methods of channelling the breath to raise the Kundalini, known as pranayama.


Neither Olodumare nor Orunmila nor Ifa condones harbouring, using or trading human body parts, killing, lies and discrimination on behalf of the religion. This ancient religion taught us to live peacefully and coexist with our neighbours and foreigners, showing respect regardless of race, religion or creed. Instruction of Ifa from a divination session can direct an individual to perform an act of charity in a Temple, Mosque, Synagogue or Church.

The Concept of the Holy Trinity

Ogun is the head of the house of Awo. Ogun takes care of the human heads, Orunmila does the same for the skins, and Ifa looks after the eyes. Discrimination is a taboo in this ancient religion of worshipping the Trinity, containing three spiritual houses, with Olodumare (Supreme God) on top of the hierarchy.

However, the bitter irony is that it is the other way around, especially modern Christians and Al-Islamists. Those who snubbed others using their financial might or were ready to brutalise, violate or kill others in the name of their religion are suffering from Religious supremacy on baseless grounds.

Orunmila (god of Wisdom and Knowledge) is a messenger of Olodumare (the Supreme God). Orunmila brought the divination system from heaven to earth and introduced it to human beings. It was taboo to record Ifa's poetry and verses in a written form until recently. The old doctrine of the oral transfer of divination knowledge from mouth to ear is now waning.  Orunmila divided the world into three segments, containing the house of Orisha (Deities), Awo (Cults) and Ifa (Divination). 


Ogun (the god of iron) is the leader of Ile Awo (the domain of the cults) and others to the residence of the Orishas. Traditional House of Worship International is a concept of Orunmila declared to the Yoruba tribes that unless their minds are united, he can not grant their requests after his departure. There are three different dress modes for each residence. Those from the house of Orisha can embellish their clothing with magical charms. As for Awo and Ifa dress code, the colour must be white. Telling lies while wearing the white robe is taboo. 

The symbolism of the colour white is to communicate purity and sincerity. Ifa's mode of worship demanded bowing, kneeling and touching the ground with the forehead, which predated the Al-Islamist technique for thousands of years. Saturday (Ojo Abameta) is chosen and separated into three rituals in Yorubaland. Morning is for the rituals of the Awos, the afternoon is for the Orishas, and the evening is for Ifa. And Olodumare will answer their prayer. 

There are fundamental differences between Babalawo (Ifa Priest),  Onishegun (Medicine Man) and Adaunshe (a Lone Wolf Medicine Man). A Babalawo uses and worships Ifa, Onishegun utilises herbs and adulates Osanyi (god of Medicine), younger brother of Orunmila, and the knowledge of Adahunse is probably hereditary.


The fundamental Ifa practitioners still adhered to the principle that when the ear is ready, the opening of the mouth occurs, from Babalawo to Babalawo and their descendants. The Odus (Galaxies, Chapters or Houses) of Ifa contains all situations, circumstances, actions and consequences based on the uncountable Eses (Holy Verses). Sacrifices are exchanges for human failures, and Ifa demanded that all Babalawo must be honest. 

Let us examine the story of Ikin and Opele (divination tools) and why one ranks above the other. What is the Opele in Ifa? The Opele is the minor divination tool utilised by Ifa priests for divination, believed to be an assistant or slave of Orunmila, who communicates his desires to the Babalawo and from the Babalawo back to Orunmila. 

The majority of daily divination work employs Opele as a tool of choice. In the story, Ikin and Opele were once human and are practising Babalawo. However, while Ikin executed his practice candidly, Opele got greedy, asking ten times what Ifa required for the sacrifices. However, Opele's odu transliteration is faster during multiple divination sessions, but Ikin is superior. The end of Part 1 and Part 2 will follow in a fortnight.

Other Publications: Creation Story Part 1, Ancient Mathematics, Occultism and Astrology Part 1 2 3. King Solomon of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope The Immaculate Conception, an amazing deception Ifa, Sacred Geometry, Tetrahedron, Odu, Portals, Points The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 Hidden Letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Yoruba, Japanese, Indian, Egyptian, and Chinese, Creation Story

Yoruba Creation Story

The difference between the Ifa creation story and Yoruba mythology is that the former predated the latter by thousands of years. The Yoruba mythology is the fourth stage of evolution. It is about cycles of existence, destruction and replenishment. However, there are still many affinities between the two stories.

Creation Illustration
Once upon a time, there was only the sky above, water and marshland below. Olorun (owner of heaven) ruled the sky, and the goddess Olokun ruled below the heaven. Obatala, another god, reflected upon this situation and then went to Olorun for permission to create dry land for all kinds of life forms to inhabit. After he got permission, he sought advice from Orunmila, the oldest son of Olorun and the god of prophecy and writing.

Before starting his journey to Earth, Obatala needed a gold chain long enough to reach below, the shell of a snail filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, and a palm nut, all of which he was to carry in a bag. All the gods contributed what gold they had, and Orunmila supplied the articles for the bag. When all was ready, Obatala hung the chain from a corner of the sky, placed the bag over his shoulder, and started the downward climb. The gold chain symbolises human DNA.


When he reached the end of the chain, he saw he still had some distance to go. Orunmila instructed Obatala from above to pour the sand from the snail shell and to immediately release the white hen. Obatala did what Orunmila said, and wherever the hen landed on the sand, it began scratching and scattering it about. Wherever the sand settled, it formed dry land, with bulkier piles becoming hills and the smaller piles valleys. Obatala jumped to a hill and named the place Ife. 

And the world was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God flew over the waters, Genesis Chapter 1 verse 2. In Genesis Chapter 1, verses 8 and 9, God made the firmament and divided the waters under from above, and it was so. And God called it Heaven, and the evening and morning were the second day.

Obatala soon found clay to mould figures like him and started his task, but he soon grew tired and decided to take a break. He made wine from a nearby palm tree and drank bowl after bowl. As a direct result of Obatala’s intoxication, he assembled many mentally and physically impaired human beings. Once sober, Obatala comprehended what an atrocious job he did. So God created man in his image, in the image of God, male and female, Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27.

The Principles and Binary Number of the Opele Divination Chain

First, He promised never to drink alcohol again nor allowed it near his shrine. Second, he became the patron Saint of disabled people. The foundation of analysis in Ifá is a systematised graphic translation of the results of the random presentation of the divination objects, among which the chain (Opele) and palm nuts (ikin) are the most prestigious. 

Tribute to Orunmila 

Fig 1 The Sacred Wall of Orunmila

Orunmila! The witness of fate Second to Oludumare (God or The Supreme Architect)) Thou are far more efficient than medicine, the Immense orbit that averts the day of death. My Lord Almighty, you saved the mysterious Spirit that fought death. To Thee, a salutation is first due in the morning.

Thou are the Equilibrium that adjusts World Forces. Thou art the One whose exertion is to reconstruct the creature of the debauched lot. Repairer of terrible luck, He who knows thee becomes immortal Lord, the indisputable king, perfect in the House of Wisdom! My Lord! Infinite in knowledge! Orunmila, not knowing thee is futile, but if we knew thee comprehensively, all would be well with humans. Ase o, Amen, Amun or Amen-Re.

Japanese Creation Mythology

Once upon a time, all the elements were admixtures with one germ of life. This germ began to mix things around and around until the heavier part sank and the lighter part rose. A muddy sea originated that covered the entire Earth. From this ocean grew a green shoot. It continued growing until it reached the clouds, transforming into a god. Soon, this god grew lonely, and it began to create other gods. 

The last two gods it made, Izanagi and Izanami, were the most remarkable. One day, while walking, they looked down on the ocean and wondered what was beneath it. Izanagi thrust his staff into the waters, and while pulling it back up, clumps of mud fell back into the sea. They began to harden and grow until they became the islands of Japan. 

Japanese Creation Mythology

The mode of transport from the city of heaven by Olofin Otete was a mystical chain, symbolising the umbilical cord in the Ifa creation narrative. Ifa creation narrative is similar to the statement; from this ocean, which grew a green shoot, in the Japanese version. The Japanese account also confirmed the Yoruba version, stating: 

When all was ready, Obatala hung the chain from a corner of the sky, placed the bag over his shoulder, and started the downward climb. Wherever the sand settled, it formed dry land, with bulkier piles becoming hills and the smaller piles valleys. However, in the Japanese chronicle, the growth of the green shoot was in the opposite direction.

Indian Creation Story

A lotus flower grew from the navel of Lord Vishnu with Brahma sitting on it. Brahma separated the flower into heaven, Earth and sky. Out of loneliness, Brahma split himself into two to create a male and a female. From this male and female, all beings existed. Let us compare the previous sentence to the Ifa creation story. 

The first human being he created is Enibieni (person in person), and she is a female. Enibieni was fourteen when she arrived on Earth with 450,000 herbs. She married Olofin Otete, and they had eight twins. It is very similar to the assertion that out of loneliness, Brahma split himself into two to create a male and a female. 

Lord Vishnu

In addition, Orunmila is the mysterious Babalawo who cast divination for Aye. He challenged Aye and stated that his reason for the divine session was loneliness. Aye confessed and agreed with Orunmila and said the world is devoid of human beings. It is another example of two common themes between Indian and Ifa world creation mythology.

Egyptian Creation Story: Hermopolis

The creation myth promulgated in the city of Hermopolis focused on the nature of the universe before world creation. The inherent qualities of the primaeval waters are represented by a set of eight gods called the Ogdoad. The goddess Naunet and her male counterpart Nu represented the stagnant primordial water itself; Huh and his counterpart Hauhet represented the water's infinite extent; Kek and Kauket personified the darkness present within it; and Amun and Amaunet represented its hidden and unknowable nature, in contrast to the tangible world of the living. 

The primaeval waters were part of the creation process, and the deities representing them were perceived as creator gods. According to the myth, the eight gods are divided into male and female groups. They were symbolically depicted as aquatic creatures because they dwelt within the water: the males were portrayed as frogs and the females as snakes. These two groups eventually converged, resulting in a great upheaval, which produced the pyramidal mound. From it emerged the sun, which rose into the sky to light the world.

Sumerian Creation Myth

The first world creation occurred during the existence of Apsu (Seawater) = One who existed from the beginning, and Tiamat (Freshwater) = The Maiden of life. Fresh and Sea waters mingled to become the first Adam and Eve. All marine life forms were supposed to have evolved from Fresh and Sea waters. 

They existed during the First Moon or Silver Cycle, known as the morning. And the world was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God flew over the waters, Genesis Chapter 1 verse 2. 

An Image of Atum

The second stage of  Earth occurred in the era of Lahmu (Mr. Mud) the deity of war, and Lahamu (Mrs. Mud) the lady of the battle. They existed during the first Sun cycle, known as evening. Then, the gods materialised within them. Lahmu (Mr. Mud) and Lahamu Mrs. Mud manifested by the name and emerged before they had grown in age and stature. So God created man in his image, in the image of God, male and female, Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27.

Egyptian Creation Story: Memphis

The Memphite version of creation centred on Ptah, the patron god of craftsmen. As such, he represented the craftsman's ability to envision a finished product and shape raw materials to create that product. The Memphite theology said that Ptah similarly created the world. Unlike the other Egyptian creations, it was not a physical but an intellectual creation by the Word and the Mind of God. 

The ideas developed within Ptah's heart (regarded by the Egyptians as the seat of human thought)  formed when he named them with his tongue. By speaking these names, Ptah produced the gods and all other things. The Memphite creation myth coexisted with that of Heliopolis, as Ptah's creative thought and speech were believed to have caused the formation of Atum and the Ennead. Ptah was also associated with Tatjenen, the god who personified the pyramidal mound.

Images of Pataeke/Pataikos Son of Ptah

Egyptian Creation Story: Thebes

Theban theology claimed that Amun was not merely a member of the Ogdoad but the hidden force behind creation. There is a conflation of all notions of creation into the personality of Amun, emphasising how Amun transcends all other deities in his being "beyond the sky and the underworld. One Theban myth likened Amun's act of creation to the call of a goose, which broke the stillness of the primaeval waters and caused the Ogdoad and Ennead to form. 

Amun was separate from the world, and his true nature was concealed even from the other gods. At the same time, however, because he was the ultimate source of creation, all the gods, including the other creators, were merely aspects of Amun. Amun eventually became the supreme god of the Egyptian pantheon because of this belief.

Amun is synonymous with the growth of Thebes as a religious capital. But it is the columned halls, obelisks, colossal statues, wall reliefs, and hieroglyphic inscriptions of the Theban temples that we look to gain the impression of Amun's superiority. Thebes was thought of as the location of the emergence of the primordial mound at the beginning of time. Anath.

Chinese Creation Chronology 

Image of Pan Gu

A mixture of yin and yang — female-male, aggressive-passive, cold-hot, dark-light, and wet-dry, contained chaos in a colossal egg. Within this yin and yang was Pan Gu, who broke forth from the egg as the giant who separated chaos into the many opposites, including Earth and sky. 

However, Taoists believe in Tao, the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, giving birth to infinite worlds from emptiness. 

One of the eight Akamara (the Universal Spirit of the Universe), a powerful being, oversaw the making of the Universe. Akamara is the end of nothingness and the beginning of existence. 

The common theme between Chinese and Ifa creation stories is the materialisation of infinite worlds from emptiness. Figure 1 is the sacred symbol of the wall of Orunmila, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Taoist Tao, containing yins and yangs.

The end of part 2. In Part 3 we will explore Sumerian, Biblical,  Cherokee, and Salinan Creation Mythology. Other Publications: Creation Story Part 1, Ancient Mathematics, Occultism and Astrology Part 1 2 3. King Solomon of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope The Immaculate Conception, an amazing deception Ifa, Sacred Geometry, Tetrahedron, Odu, Portals, Points The Baptismal Ceremony of The Gospel Of The Egyptians To learn more: A Study Finds that Yorubas Are Genetically 99.9% Igbo. There is a true story behind the Zombie legends. Ogham line alphabets, African Origin. This video presentation concentrated on prehistoric and ancient cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Namely, Gabon, Zambia, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Congo, Khem, South Africa and Ethiopia. Gnostic Bible, The 34 Hidden Letters and Messages in Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum