Thursday 11 August 2016

Imhotep, Egyptian Science & Masonified Numbers

Right: Note that the large numbers were written with the highest figure first. For example 1,321 is written, I, 000 + I00 + I0 + I0 + I.
 Although the Africans had many set symbols for certain mixed numbers, most were written with a numerator of one (I or 1) over a denominator.

Masonic Chronological Calculations of the Grand Lodge of Luxor (Thebes) Working on the formula based on Talismanic Numerology we have the following: Top left: The numerical value of Cubic Dactyles, A, of the Talismanic Number G, the Talismanic Number D, and the Square Root of the sum of the Squares of the length and the height of the Ark is equal to the mathematical calculation:

2.91547594722650235 + D. By substituting Numbers for Days we arrived at the length of One [I] Sidereal or Sothis year, which equals one third.
 In the formula on the left: following value were used, d = Days, h = Hours, ' = Minutes and " = Seconds. The Ark Mentioned in the above formula is exactly the same as the Stone Chest that is detailed in the Book of Coming Forth by Day.

The Ark of the Covenant, built and set up by Moses in the wilderness, according to the sacred volume that had never been seen or proved, is precisely similar in all measurement to the Stone Chest still to be discovered in the king's chamber of the great pyramid. Which is undoubtedly was the original, though the contents are gone. According to the rituals it should contain the Coffined One; we also know that the miniatures of it used to be carried around the Egyptian temples at Menphis on state occasions during their religious rites.

Chronological Numerology Of The All-Seeing Eye, One, and The God Ra:
 The Formula For Time-Years gives us the basic calculation for the equal length Tri-Leg of the Pole Stars or House of Fire (The Pyramid or House Of Amenta). Thus we have the Pyramid Ideogram and the Sacred Magical Number Seven (7).

We also have the Masonified Numbers, B = 24 and C = 15. Using the time-years formula we have, Time times and half = b + b² + b + b²/2 - (c + c² + c + c²)/2 = 900 - 360 = 540 Sacred Years of 360 Days/Year = 532.238 Julian Years = D. By substituting D in the formula, we have, D - 7days/365.25 = 532.238 - 531.778.

The world's first physician (doctor) known by name was the Egyptian Imhotep, who lived about 2650 B.C. The Egyptians later worshipped him as the god of healing about 2500 BCE.
 Egyptian physicians began to specialise. Some physicians treated only diseases of the eyes or teeth.
Others specialised in internal diseases. Egyptian surgeons produced a textbook that told how to treat dislocated or fractured bones and external abscesses, tumours, ulcers, and wounds.

Imhotep was one of the highest ranking officials in Egypt. He designed and built the first known Egyptian pyramid, for King Djoser. The pyramid stands in the village of Saqqarah, near present-day Cairo. Imhotep had a reputation for wisdom that came from a text he wrote called Instruction.

Today, the field of medicine honours him as the first physician known by name. The Egyptians made disinfectant out of plants and their oils. They used Myrrh, Natron (a natural form of salt) to kill the germs on their mummies. Medical equipment such as the forceps (an instrument used to clamp a baby's forehead during birth) was found on a temple carving showing many different medical instruments.

The "Eber Payrus" 1550 BCE the earliest known "Fertility Control Recipe"
This is one of a compendium of medical inscription left by the indigenous Africans of (Ta-Merry, Ta-Nehisi, Itopi and Meroe). It is an inscription for medicated "Tampon" designed to prevent pregnancy.
Eber Payrus
 It requires the following: A mixture of the tips of the shrub of Accacia and honey made into a tampon and inserted into the vagina as a suppository.

The chemical reaction is that Accacia fermentation breaks down into lactic acid, one of the active spermicidal agents used in the contraceptive jellies today. The Ebers Papyrus is a huge roll of more than 20 meters long and 30 cm wide. It is chiefly an internal medicine reference, as well as diseases of the eye, skin, extremities, gynaecology and some surgical diseases.  Anatomical and physiological terminology is also included. For treatment of those diseases, 877 recipes and 400 drugs were described.

The Triangle Of The Pyramid Field, Man's Earliest Numerological And Mathematical Challenge 8000 To 341 BCE. The triangular field on the left contain mathematical calculations that solved the area of the Tri-Leg or House of Amenta (Pyramid or House of Heaven).  It was developed in the pre-dynastic era and solved about 341 BCE.
 The indigenous African not only solved the problem of the Pyramid or House of Heaven, they also squared the circle.

The most famous and elaborate papyri are the Edwin Smith Papyrus (1600 BC) and the Ebers papyrus, which refers to King Den (1st dynasty, 3000 BC), suggesting a much earlier origin. The book of was found in writings under the two feet of Anubis in Letopolis and was brought to the majesty of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Den.
Edwin Smith Papyrus
 The Edwin Smith Papyrus is 5 meters long, and is chiefly concerned with surgery. It described 48 surgical cases of wounds of the head, neck, shoulders, breast and chest. Unfortunately, the scribe who copied it did not proceed further from the thorax, and it ended abruptly in the middle of a sentence.

The papyrus listed the manifestations, followed by prescriptions to every individual case. It included a vast experience in fractures that can only be acquired at a site where accidents were extremely numerous, as during the building of the pyramids.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Fourteenth Egyptian Dynasty

The Eleventh (all of Egypt), Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Dynasties of ancient Egypt are often combined under the group title, Middle Kingdom, though this dynasty overlaps partially with either (or both of) the Thirteenth Dynasty or the Fifteenth Dynasty, during the Second Intermediate Period.
It is associated with the Delta region of Egypt, and may have ruled from Xois, though for only little more than 100 years. Its rulers may have been related to the Hyksos, though they are very frequently identified as being of Semitic origin, owing to the distinct origins of the names of some of their Kings, like Yakobaam or Yaqub-Har.

As many as 76 kings are known from various king lists (from Manetho; the Turin King List gives 32), but only a few are attested in contemporary sources, so some may not have been actual rulers (eg some may be pseudonyms of other rulers). Most likely, many of these ruled concurrently over different parts of the Delta. Known rulers, in the History of Egypt, for this Dynasty include: Nehesy (or Nehesi)

Nehesy (Nehesi) was a ruler traditionally placed in the 14th Dynasty of Egypt of the Second Intermediate Period. He left his name on two monuments at Avaris. His name means "Nubian" in Egyptian. In the Turin King list (8:1), he is mentioned under Merdjefare. His name is also known from scarabs. Arguably, he is the best-known ruler of the 14th Dynasty. At Tell Habwe, there is a pair of steles. In Lower Egypt, at the Temple of Seth in Raahu, he erected an obelisk with an inscription "king's eldest son". Also an usurped seated statue by Merenptah is believed to belong to Nehesy, inscribed with "Seth, the Lord of Avaris".

This should be compared with the 400-year-stele of Ramesses II commemorating the Jubileum of the Cult of Seth during the reign of Haremheb. According to Manfred Bietak, the father of Nehesy may have been a military or administrative high official, who from the City of Avaris controlled the Northeastern part of the Nile Delta. Sekheperenre Merdjefare. Attested by a single stela from Saft al-Hinna, in the Delta.

Several other rulers may be dated to the 14th dynasty or the 15th dynasty:
Sekhaenre Yakbim
Qareh (or Qar)
Maaibre Sheshi

Maaibre Sheshi was a pharaoh of Egypt during Egypt's fragmented Second Intermediate Period. Sheshi is difficult to precisely place chronologically. While he is usually described as the founder of the 15th dynasty, this suggestion does not appear tenable since the early Hyksos kings such as Sakir-Har and Khyan are known to have adopted the title heka-khawaset. Khyan only used a prenomen in the second half of his reign-a practice which was followed by his successor Apophis. In contrast, Sheshi always used a prenomen according to his seals. The Danish Egyptologist Kim Ryholt has suggested that Sheshi was actually a 14th Dynasty Asiatic king - such is the degree of confusion over his timeline during the Second Intermediate Period.

The section of the Turin King List dealing with this complex period of Egyptian history is badly damaged and Sheshi's origins and timeline within the Second Intermediate period is uncertain. Sheshi's throne name, Maaibre, means 'Seeing is the heart of Re'. He is well known from more than 300 seals and seal impressions made during his reign. According to Ryholt's 1997 book, Sheshi is attested by 396 seals alone which is 3 times higher than the next highest figure of 123 seals for Yakbim Sekhaenre who is another Asiatic ruler in Egypt whose precise dynasty or timeline is unknown.

Aperanat, also written Aper-anat, actually Aper-en-a-ti, is the birth name of an ancient Egyptian minor king or prince of the Second Intermediate Period (ca. 1650 to 1550 BC), who has yet to be exactly placed within this epoch. Aperanat is only known from a few individual seals. He bears the title of Heka-chasut, which translates as "Ruler of the Foreigners" and from which the word Hyksos is derived. The status of Aperanat is disputed. Ryholt sees him tentatively as the second ruler of the 15th dynasty, but points out that Heka-chasut, with one exception, is never connected to the royal form of address and these people tend to be officials, and not kings, as is often supposed. Von Beckerath sees him as a minor king, who reigned in Palestine and reads the name as "User-anat"

Meruserre Yaqub-Har: Yaqub-Har (Other spellings: Yakubher), also known as Yak-Baal was a pharaoh of Egypt during the 17th or 16th century BCE. As an Asiatic ruler during Egypt's fragmented Second Intermediate Period, Yaqub-Har time is difficult to locate chronologically. While he is occasionally described as a member of the Hyksos based 15th dynasty, the Danish specialist Kim Ryholt has suggested that Yaqub-Har was actually one of the last kings of the 14th Dynasty. This is because while the early Hyksos kings are known to have used the title heka-khawaset in their reigns such as Sakir-Har or Khyan -- at least early in the latter king's reign before he chose the prenomen Seuserenre.

Later Hyksos kings such as Apophis simply adopted a prenomen -mlike the 14th dynasty kings. Yaqub-Har himself always used a prenomen or royal name, Meruserre, in his reign which strongly suggests that he was rather a member of the Asiatic 14th dynasty which preceded the Hyksos. Meruserre means 'strong is the love of Re.' The 14th Dynasty of Egypt was an Asiatic dynastic which ruled in the Delta region - like the Hyksos. Ryholt has suggested that the name Yaqub-Har had a West Semitic origin. The Ancient Egyptians blamed the Hyksos for conquering their country. The truth may have been a somewhat more benign and gradual process of integration.

    Tuesday 9 August 2016

    Thirteenth Egyptian Dynasty 1773 - 1650 BCE

    The thirteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt (notated Dynasty XIII) is often combined with Dynasties XI, XII and XIV under the group title Middle Kingdom. Other writers separate it from these dynasties and join it to Dynasties XIV through XVII as part of the Second Intermediate Period. Dynasty XIII was from approximately 1773 BC to sometime after 1650 BC. The outlines of the traditional account of the "invasion" of the land by the Hyksos is preserved in the Aegyptiaca of Manetho, an Egyptian priest who wrote in the time of Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Manetho recorded that it was during the reign of "Tutimaios" (who has been identified with Dedumose I of the Thirteenth Dynasty) that the Hyksos overran Egypt, led by Salitis, the founder of the fifteenth dynasty. 

    This dynasty was succeeded by a group of Hyksos princes and chieftains, who ruled in the eastern delta region with their local Egyptian vassals and are known primarily by scarabs inscribed with their names and the period of their reign is called the sixteenth dynasty by modern Egyptologists.
    XIII Egyptian Dynasty 1773 - 1650 BCE
    Wegaf/Sobekhotep I/Sekhemre-Khutawy?
    Amenemhet V/Sekhemre-Khutowi/Sekhemkare
    Ameny-Qemau (Son of Ameny?)
    Amenemhet VI/Sankhibre
    Hornedjhiryotef - sa-Qemau
    Sobekhotep II/
    Amenemhet VII/Sedjefakare
    Sobekhotep III/Sekhemre/Sewadjtawy
    Neferhotep I/Khasekhemre
    Sobekhotep IV/Khaneferre
    Sobekhotep V/Merhotepre
    Sobekhotep VI/Khahotepre
    Ini I/Merhotepre
    Dedumose I

    Sobekhotep II was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty. He is known from several monuments, including a statue, several Nile level records in Nubia and from building works at Medamud and Luxor. The Nile level records provide a year date 'four', showing that he reigned at least three years.
    The Papyrus Boulaq 18 found in the tomb of the scribe of the great enclosure Neferhotep, is an administrative document of the Theban palace which dates to Sobekhotep II and names the 'king's wife' Aya, the vizier Ankhu and other officials.

    Amenemhat V Sekhemkare was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty. He appears as 'Sekhemkare' in the Turin King List. Contemporary monuments of this king are several Nile level records and a statue found at Elephantine. He reigned for a minimum of 3 years according to the Turin Kinglist.

    Ameny Qemau was an Ancient Egyptian king of the early Thirteenth Dynasty, probably the same person as Sehotepibre, who is known from the Turin King List. His position within the succession is uncertain. The Pyramid of Ameny Qemau, one of the pyramids in southern Dahshur has been identified as being constructed for him. 
    Neferhotep I/Khasekhemre

    HotepibRe (or Siharnedjheritef) was an Ancient Egyptian King of the Thirteenth dynasty of Egypt (Second Intermediate Period). Siharnedjheritef was likely the son of Ameny Qemau and the grandson of King Amenemhet V. He was possibly succeeded by a king named Jewefni who may have been a brother. After a short reign the throne went to another grandson of Amenemhet V named Amenemhet VI. For this king we have a statue dedicated to Ptah. The statue was found in Khatana, but the original location is not known. A Temple-block from el-Atawna is now in the Cairo Museum (Temp

    Amenemhet (VI) (with the additional names Ameny Antef) is listed as seventh king of the Thirteenth Dynasty according to the Turin Canon. Semenkare (birth name: Nebnun) was an Egyptian king (throne name: Semenkare) of the 13th Dynasty. "Semenkare" means "the one who establishes the Ka of Re". He appears in the Turin King List. He is only known from one contemporary object: a stela found at Gebel Zeit. He reigned most likely only for a very short time.

    Sobekhotep (Amenemhat), throne name: Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep II was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty. He is known from several monuments, including a statue, several Nile level records in Nubia and from building works at Medamud and Luxor. The Nile level records provide a year date 'four', showing that he reigned at least three years. The Papyrus Boulaq 18 found in the tomb of the scribe of the great enclosure Neferhotep, is an administrative document of the Theban palace which dates to Sobekhotep II and names the 'king's wife' Aya, the vizier Ankhu and other officials.

    Renseneb or Ranisonb was an Egyptian king (throne name: so far unknown) of the 13th Dynasty. He appears in the Turin King List (Columne 7, line 16) with a reign of four months. He is only known from one contemporary object, a bead which shows that he had a double name: Renseneb Amenemhat. Egyptologist Kim Ryholt reads the double name as a filiation, 'Renseneb son of Amenemhat'. However, other researchers do not follow him in this interpretation.
    Sobekhotep IV/Khaneferre

    Hor was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty. He appears in the Turin King List as Au-ib-Re. He most likely reigned only for a short time, not long enough to prepare a pyramid, which was in this dynasty still the common burial place for kings. Hor is mainly known from his burial in a shaft tomb found at Dahshur next to the pyramid of king Amenemhat III. The tomb was found essentially intact and still contained the partly gilded wooden coffin of the king, a naos with a statue, some jewelry, the canopic box with canopic vessels, two inscribed stelae and several other objects.

    Amenemhat Kay, throne name: Sedjefakare, Sedjefakare Amenemhat was an Egyptian king of the 13th dynasty, known from the Turin King List, and several other objects, including six cylinder seals, one bark stand from Madamud and two scarab seals. His name appears as graffito in the tomb of queen Khuit at Saqqara. Ryholt assigns him without further evidence a reign of 6-7 years.

    Khutawyre Wegaf (or Ugaf) was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty who is known from several sources, including a stelae and statues. There is a general known from a scarab with the same name (Wegaf) who is perhaps identical with this king,

    Khendjer was an Egyptian king (throne name: Userkare) of the 13th Dynasty. The name Khendjer is poorly attested in Egyptian. Khendjer was, therefore, the earliest known Semitic king of a native Egyptian dynasty. Khendjer's prenomen or throne name, Userkare, translates as "The Soul of Re is Powerful. The latest attested date for his reign is the fourth month of the season of Akhet (inundation), day 15 in his fifth regnal year. Kim Ryholt notes that two dated control notes on stone blocks from his unfinished pyramid complex give him a minimum reign of 4 years 3 months and 5 days. The aforementioned control notes are dated to Year 1 I Akhet day 10 and Year 5 IV Akhet day 15 of his reign.
    Sobekhotep V/Merhotepre

    Sehetepkare Intef (alternatively Antef or Inyotef) was an Egyptian king of the 13th dynasty, known from the Turin King List, and a statue now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. He originally came from Medinet Madi. He reigned only for a short period. In the literature he is sometimes referred to as Intef IV [2] or Intef V. Queen Aya (Iy) may have been a wife of Sehetepkare Intef, but this is not certain and she may have been the wife of another 13th dynasty king.

    Sobekhotep III (throne name: Sekhemresewdjtawy) was an Egyptian king of the 13th dynasty. The family of the king is known from several sources. A monument from Sehel Island shows Sobekhotep with his father Mentuhotep, his mother was Iuhetibu (Yauheyebu), his brothers Seneb and Khakau, and a half-sister called Reniseneb. Reniseneb was a daughter of Iuhetibu and her second husband Dedusobek. Sobekhotep II had two wives, Senebhenas and Neni. A stela from Koptos (Qift), now in the Louvre (C 8), mentions the daughters of Neni: Iuhetibu (Fendy) and Dedetanuq. Iuhetibu Fendy wrote her name in a cartouche. This is a second time in Egyptian history that a king's daughter received this honour.

    Neferhotep I was an Egyptian king of the Thirteenth Dynasty and one of the most powerful rulers of this dynasty.The Turin Canon assigned him a reign length of 11 years. Neferhotep I came from a military family. His grandfather, Nehy, held the title 'officer of a town regiment'. Nehy was married to a woman called Senebtysy. Nothing is known about her, other than that she held the common title 'lady of the house'. Their only known son was called Haankhef. He appears in the sources always as 'God's father', and he was married to a woman called Kemi. Haankhef and Kemi were the parents of Neferhotep I.

    Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV was one of the most powerful Egyptian kings of the 13th Dynasty. He was the son of the 'god's father' Haankhef and of the 'king's mother' Kemi. His brother, Neferhotep I, was his predecessor on the throne. The king is believed to have reigned for around 10 years. He is known by a relatively high number of monuments, including stelae, statues, many seals and other minor objects. There are attestations for building works at Abydos and Karnak. Sobekhotep IV's wife was the 'king's wife' Tjan. Several children are known. The royal court is also well known. Vizier was Neferkare Iymeru. Treasurer was Senebi and high steward a certain Nebankh.

    Sobekhotep V was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty. His birth name was Sobekhotep, and his throne name was Merhotepre Sobekhotep V appears in the Turin King List as the successor of Sobekhotep IV. According to this document, he only reigned for four years. Sobekhotep IV was perhaps his father, as he had a son called 'Sobekhotep'. Sobekhotep V is known from a statue found at Kerma and from several scarab seals. Sobekhotep VI was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty. His birth name was Sobekhotep, and his throne name was Khahotepre.

    Wahibre Ibiau (throne name: Wahibre - birth name: Ibiau) was an Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty, who reigned for 10 years, 8 months and 29 days according to the Turin King List. He is not known from many contemporary monuments. There are several scarab seals with his name as well as a stela of an official of his and some other minor objects.

    Merneferre Ay (also spelled Aya or Eje) was an Ancient Egyptian ruler of the Thirteenth dynasty of Egypt. He assumed the throne around 1700 BC. His reign length-as preserved in the damaged Turin King List - was disputed in the past with Jurgen von Beckerath reading the damaged figure on the papyrus fragment as only 13 years in his 1964 work Untersuchungen zur politischen Geschichte der zweiten Zwischenzeit in Agypten, while both Alan Gardiner - in The Royal Canon of Turin (1959)--and Kenneth Kitchen in his 1987 paper 'The Basics of Egyptian Chronology in Relation to the Bronze Age at the "High, Middle or Low" University of Goteborg convention maintained that it was 23 Years.

    Merhotepre Ini was the son and successor of Merneferre Ay and a king of the late Thirteenth dynasty of Egypt. He is assigned a brief reign of 2 Years 3 or 4 Months and 9 days in the Turin Canon. Although Merhotepre enjoyed a very brief reign, he is attested in the historical records by the Cairo Juridical Stela. This document, which is dated to Year 1 of the later Theban king Nebiryraw I, contains a genealogical charter which states that Ayameru--the son by Vizier Aya and the King's daughter Reditenes - was appointed Governor of El-Kab in Year 1 of Merhotepre Ini.

    Saturday 6 August 2016

    King Solomon & Moses, of Israel, Vs, Pharaoh, Amenemope & Papyrus of Ani

    Egyptian Scrolls And The Bible, Amenemope Vs King Solomon of Israel
    The Comparison below was but a few of the selected sayings of the entire so-called "Proverbs Of King Solomon" of Israel, however, the entire Psalms "Songs Of King Solomon" including the Torah, are full of direct copies of works copied word for word as their African sayings and teachings.

    The Comparative Works, The Teachings Of Egyptian Pharaoh Amem-Em-Ope:
    "Give thine ear and hear what I say, apply thine heart, let them rest in the casket of thy belly. That they may act as a peg upon thy tongue. Consider these thirty chapters, they delight and instruct, knowledge how to answer him that speaketh and how to carry back report to one that sent it. 
    Pharaoh Amenemope

    Beware of robbing the poor and of oppressing the afflicted. Associate not with a passionate man nor approach him for conversations, leap not to cleave to such one that the terror carries thee not away. A scribe who is skilful in his business findeth himself worthy to be a courtier."

    Asia Minor, Proverbs (22) XXII 17 & (23) XXIII 14 The "Teachings Of King Solomon" of Israel: "Incline thine ear and hear the words, apply thine heart to apprehend, for it is pleasant if thou keep them in thy belly, that they may be fixed like a peg upon thy lips.

    Have I not written for thee thirty sayings, of counsels and knowledge! that thou may make known truth to him that speaketh. Rob not, the poor for he is poor, neither oppresses the lowly at the gate. Associate not with a passionate man nor go with a wrathful man, lest thou learn his ways and get a snare to thy soul." Top right pharaoh Amenemope.

    The Ten Commandments By Moses an Israelite Vs The Egyptian Book Of The Dead, Papyrus of Ani.
    Moses an Israelite Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-19.
    1. You are to have no (Akhair), other Eloheem except me.
    2. You will not make for yourself any (Fehsel), idol at all, of any (Temoonaw), likeness in the (Shawmahyim) skies (Mahal) above or that in the whole planet earth from beneath or in the waters underneath the planet.
    3. You will not (Shawkhaw) prostrate yourself to them nor (Awbad) enslave yourself to them, for I a Yahuwa Eloheek. I am a (Qannaw) jealous (El) one (Fawqad) visiting the (Awwone) iniquity of the (Awb) father upon the (Bane) children up to the (Shillaysh) third and (Ribbayah) fourth generation of them that (Sawnay) hate me.
    4. You should not take the (Shawme) name of a Yahuwa Eloheek and use it (shaww) falsely for a Yahuwa will not hold him (Nawqaw) guiltless, that takes his (Shame) name and use it (shaww) falsely.
    5. (Zawkar) remember the Sabbath day and keep it (Qawdash) holy.
    6. You are not to (Rawtsakh) fight to kill.
    7. You are not to (Nawaf) commit abominations.
    8. You will not (Gawnab) Steal.
    9. You are not to (Awnaw) bear (Shehker) false (Ayd) witness against your (Rayah) neighbours.
    10. You will not (Khawmad) desire your Israelite neighbour's house, you will not desire your Israelite neighbour's wife, nor his male and female slaves, nor his ox and ass, nor anything that is your Israelite neighbour's.
    Papyrus of Nu
      Above Dura-Europos Synagogue painting: Moses and the Burning Bush: 303 - 256 A.D.

    The Egyptian Book Of The Dead, Papyrus Of Ani
    A Tiny Example Of the Egyptian Version From The Book Of The Dead According To Sir E. A. W. Budge.
    Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin.
    Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence.
    Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not stolen.
    Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women.
    Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain.
    Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings.
    Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God.
    Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies.
    Prophet Elijah
    Hail, Set-qesu, who comest forth from Hensu, I have not carried away food.
    Hail, Utu-nesert, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not uttered curses.
    Hail, Qerrti, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men.
    Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have made none to weep.
    Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Bast, I have not eaten the heart.
    Hail, Ta-retiu, who comest forth from the night, I have not attacked any man.
    Hail, Unem-snef, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I am not a man of deceit.
    Hail, Unem-besek, who comest forth from Mabit, I have not stolen cultivated land.
    Hail, Neb-Maat, who comest forth from Maati, I have not been an eavesdropper.
    Hail, Tenemiu, who comest forth from Bast, I have not slandered [no man].
    Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Anu, I have not been angry without just cause.
    Hail, Tutu, who comest forth from Ati, I have not debauched the wife of any man.
    Hail, Maa-antuf, who comest forth from Per-Menu, I have not polluted myself.
    Hail, Her-uru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have terrorized none.