Gnostic Bible, Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature:
Jabir rose to his feet and said, My Lord, tell me the meaning of the phrase Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim. It means, in the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful, begins each chapter of the holy Quran. Many Muslims recite the phrase before doing anything. And are known as an essential mystery.
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Medulla Oblongata |
Baqir said this phrase is from the High King called God. He wrote them as the loftiest line on earth. It consisted of seven and twelve parts the King made for himself. Overhead he made the sea of a thousand colours and below another sea named godliness. And between these seas, the King placed seven and twelve deathless but uncreated lights.
The holy Quran revealed he let two bodies of water flow, and they met a barrier that halted their commingling. The large bodies of water are the two seas. The sea barrier is the King, and their pearls and corals are the Naqib and Najib angels.
They are dazzling lights and lamps joining realms to believers' hearts. The seven and twelve light our form and body. So, the brain is the white sea, and the spirit of speech is the High King found in the medulla. The two eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth are seven parts of the High King.
Gnostic Bible Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim:
The medulla oblongata connects the brainstem and the spinal cord, carrying multiple important functional centres. It comprises the cardiovascular-respiratory regulation system, descending motor tracts, ascending sensory tracts, and cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII.
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originBrain White Earth |
The two hands with ten fingers equal twelve parts dividing the white sea. And an eternal sphere. The brain is the white earth over seven skies like the white sea lying over seven realms of the heavenly palace. God is on the white sea as High King's throne and powerful.
The brain is the most complex part of the human body. This three-pound organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and behaviour controller. Lying in its bony shell and washed by protective fluid, the brain is the source of all the qualities that define our humanity.
Bismillah Portraying The Human Face
Jabir, Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim is at the beginning of every chapter of the Quran, is the holy palace. Ba, Sin, Min and the dot under the Ba equal four angels, Named Salman, Miqdad, Abu Zarr, and Ammar. Two Lams and Ha describe three other angels called Komayl, Abu Horayra and Jondob. And Alif, in the middle of the seven letters, is the High King, the Almighty.
The human form was to prove this mystery. The right ear, eye, nostril and language reflect ba, sin and mim. And the language reflects the dot under ba. The left ear, eye and nostril become lams, mim and ha. And holy spirit of life located between the forehead is Alif.
The ears on both sides, quicker than blinking, are set for eternity and inform life spirit. The nose and mouth set to Salman, Miqdad, Ammar, Abu Zarr, Jondob, Abu Horayra, and Komayl.
The Revealer of Knowledge said: These words and images are on a silver tablet as Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim.
Gnostic Bible Page 688: Bismillah Also Means God's Throne Greatness:
Jabir said Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim is grander than people say. The human heart cannot imagine God's name, throne, and godhead. Here we have the high King's complete magnificence. So, his seven and twelve attributes appear in the letters. And are also concealed inside them.
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Bismillah's Nineteen Letters |
The twenty-eight lights of the Najib angels and another light of four angels illuminated heaven and earth with life. And life and lights also slip away from heaven and earth. They hide in the clothing of the twelve letters al-Rahman al-Rahim, and Bismillar is the throne of God.
Bismillah's Nineteen Letters:
Jabir said Be visible to your weak servant, Lord. The Revealer of Knowledge answered be careful.
He continued Bismillah stands for the remote realm, and al-Rahman al-Rahim is the white sphere. Bismillah has Nineteen Letters: Ba 2, Sin 3, Mim 3, Alif 3, and Lam 3, including the second Lam also 3, and Ha 2, which equals Nineteen Letters total.
The Seven and Twelve Letters Represented Muhammad and His Family The seven parts of the High King: Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Husayn, Abdallah and Abu Talib.
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Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim With 34 Hidden Letters |
Nothing is above or beside the seven above-mentioned, glorified via a million lights, sparks and glow of every colour and type. The seven appear in the white sea. The other twelve letters are the lights of the people of the house, lined in a row as incomparable members of this realm.
Gnostic Bible Page 689: Bismillah: The Seven and Twelve Letters As Heavenly Features:
The seven and the twelve lie hidden in the apparel of seven angels, signifying the seven letters of the Bismillah. Namely, Salman, Miqdad, Abu Zarr, Ammar, Abu Horayra, Jondob and Komayl.
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Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim, Plus 28 Najib, 2 Yatim and 4 Angels |
Seven and twelve are also in Bismillah, which secret letters lie hidden deep in the seven from east to west. Al-Rahman al-Rahim is the twelve Naqib of the white sea, and their habiliment conceals twenty-eight Najib and four familiar angels.
Najib and the four familiar angels are all hidden, but if you add the letters of al-Rhman al-Rahim, which equals thirty-four: twenty-eight Najib, two Yatim and four mentioned angels. The twelve cryptic letters are Bismillah as Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.
The remotest realm is the High King's canopy over the white sea. And twelve Naqib of superior beings; carry the white sea. They support the Lord's throne daily. Each day eight in the sky cart the Lord's throne. The twenty-four posts of God's throne are the twelve Naqib, seven angels and five elite beings from Muhhamad to Abu Talib, consisting of two groups of seven.
Even though I grew up as a Christian, but later became a seeker of knowledge. I do not discriminate based on religion, race or nationality. I acquire knowledge from wherever I can find it.
Source: Gnostic Bible, Mother of All Books, Islamic Mystical Literature: Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer
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