Sunday 26 June 2016

Memphite Theology, Philosophy, Text, Ptah, Atum (Atom)

The identity between the sun God Atom and the atom of science: The Ennead and the Nebular Hypothesis coincide. Not is the Memphite Theology the source of Greek Philosophy or primitive science, it is also the basis of modern scientific belief.
If we compare this Egyptian cosmology with the Nebular hypothesis of Laplace, we would find striking similarities in the two contexts.

According to the Nebular hypothesis our present solar system was once a molten gaseous nebula. This nebula rotated at an enormous speed, and as the mass cooled down it also contracted and developed greater speed. The result was a bulging at the equator and a gradual breaking off of gaseous rings, which formed themselves into planets. These planets in turn threw off gaseous rings, which formed themselves into smaller bodies, until it was just the sun that was left, as the remnant of the original parent Nebula. 

From this context it is clear that the original parent nebula was fire or the Sun, and that by throwing off parts of itself, it created some planets, which in turn threw off parts of themselves and created others. According to the context of the Memphite Theology, the creator God was the Sun God or fire God Atum (Atom), who named four pairs of parts of his own body, from which Gods came.

But Atum (Atom) plus the eight other Gods created consisted of the Ennead or Godhead of nine.
It bears a striking similarity to modern science, which teaches that there are nine major planets. We can now summarise these similarities the creator God in both the Egyptian and Modern Cosmologies is the Sun or Fire. The creator God in both cosmologies creates Gods from parts of Himself. The numbers of Gods are nine, and correspond to the nine major planets.

These similarities make it evident that Laplace inspired by the Nebula hypothesis from the Memphite Theology or other Egyptian sources. Anyway, the entire setting of the Memphite Theology is astronomical, and what could be more natural, than to expect an astronomical interpretation? It seems well within reason, to regard the Ennead as the heliocentric system of history. Atom the sun God, created eight other Gods or planets, from his own body as the Unmoved Mover, teachings which had been falsely attributed to Aristotle.

The Memphite Theology was dated to a very early period of Egyptian history, i.e. the time before the first Dynasties had made their new capital at Memphis: the city of the God Ptah, i.e., between 5000 and 35OO B.C. Intellectual Adventure of Man by Frankfort, p. 55.  This consists of three supplementary parts, each of which will be treated separately: Part I presents the Gods of Chaos. Part II presents the Gods of Order and arrangement in creation, and Part III presents: the Primate of the Gods, or the God of Gods, through whose (Logos) creation was accomplished.

Part One
The Primate of the Gods Ptah, conceived in his heart, everything that exists and by His utterance created them all. He is first to emerge from the primeval waters of Nun in the form of a Primeval Hill. Closely following the Hill, the God Atom also emerges from the waters and sits upon Ptah (The Hill). There remain in the waters four pairs of male and female gods
(the Ogdoad, or unity of Eight-Gods), bearing the following names:-

(1) Nun and Naunet, i.e., the Primeval waters and the counter heaven.
(2) Huh and Hauhet, i.e., the boundless and its opposite.
(3) Kuk and Kauket, i.e., darkness and its opposite.
(4) Amun, i.e., (Amon) and Amaunet, i.e., the hidden and its opposite.
(Egyptian Religion by Frankfort, p. 20; 23. Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man by Frankfort, p. 21).
The Philosophy of Part 1:

(1) Ptah has the following attributes; (a) The Primate of the Gods, i.e.. The God of Gods (b) The Logos. Thought and creative utterance and power (Egyptian Religion by Frankfort, p. 23). (c) The God of Order and form (d) The Divinity Artificer and Potter (Fire Philosophy by Swinburne Clymer Jamblichus; Ancient Egypt by John kendrick, Bk. I, p. 318. and 338).

A. Text of Part II
The Gods of Order and arrangement in the cosmos are represented by nine gods, in one God-head, called the Ennead Here Atum (Atom), the source of the Ogdoad, is also retained as the source of the Gods of Order and arrangement. Atum (Atom) names four pairs of parts of his own body, and thus creates eight Gods, who together with himself become nine. These Eight Gods are the created Gods, the first creatures of this world. And (Atum), the creator God, the Demiurge, of whom Plato spoke. (Atom) projected from his body were:

(i) Shu (Air)
(ii) Tefnut (Moisture)
(iii) Geb (Earth) and
(iv) Nut (Sky);
who are said to have given birth to four other Gods:
(v) Osiris (the God of omnipotence and omniscience)
(vi) Isis (wife of Osiris, Female Principle)
(vii) Seth (the opposite of good)
(viii) Nephthys (Female Principle in the Unseen World).
Plutarch: Isis et Osiris, 355A; 364C;371B; Frankfurt; Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, p. 6667.

The Philosophy of Part II.
As we read the text of Part II, we find that the Sun God Atum (Atom) who was present in the Chaos was also presented at the development of orderly arrangement in the cosmos. At this stage Atum (Atom) assumes the role of creator of all Gods except Ptah, the God of Gods. He next proceeds to accomplish this special type of creation in the following manner:
He commands Eight Gods to proceed from His own body according to the names of those eight parts. The result of this creation presents us with what is called: The "Enead" or the unity of "Nine Gods in one Godhead."

Text of Part lll
In this third part of the Memphite Theology, the Primate of the Gods is represented as Ptah: Thought, Logos and Creative Power, which are exercised over all creatures. He transmits power and spirit to all Gods, and controls the lives of all things, animals and men through His thought and commands. In other words it is in Him that all things live move and have their eternal being.

The Philosophy of Part lll
From Part III we infer the following doctrines:- (a) all things were created by the thought and command of Ptah, the God of Gods. (b) Through the thought and command of Ptah, we all live, move and have our eternal Being, (c) Ptah is Creator and Preserver. Ptah's powers were transmitted by magical means to Atum who performed the work of creation. Intellectual Adventures of Man by Frankfort, p. 52-60.

Sources: History of Science by Sedgwick and Tyler page 141 and 153 C. IX. History of Philosophy by Zeller Introduction page 31. Europe in the Middle Ages by Ault page 216-219. History of the Arabs by Hitti page 370, 629, 665 and 572. Esoteric Christianity by Annie Besant page 107, 128-129. Ancient Mysteries by C.H. Vail page 59, 61, 74-75 and 109.

Friday 24 June 2016

Egypt: Memphite Theology, Ptah, Shabaka Text

Ptah is the creator-god of Memphis, and during the long period the city served as the capital of Egypt it was known as Het-ka-Ptah or "House of the Soul of Ptah."
Ptah is one of several Egyptian deities attributed with a myth about fashioning creation. Ptah, as the god Ta-tenen (the primordial mound), creates in the so-called "Memphite Theology" the world, its inhabitants, and the kas of the other gods.

Reference is again made to the Ennead, this time with Ptah at its head. The whole Memphite theology is preserved on a slab of basalt now exhibited in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery. It was composed at a very early date, and committed to stone during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty by the order of the Pharaoh Shabaka.

The Shabaka Text (c. 710 BCE) which was intended to preserve "a work of the ancestors," this text is alternatively known as The Memphite Theology, and based upon the generative power of God's thought and speech. As with all the Egyptian theologies, the Memphite religion was also political, justifying the primary status of the new capital. Ptah, the principal god of Memphis, had to be shown to be the great creator-god, and a new legend about creation was coined.

But it was also important to organize the new cosmogony so that a direct breach with the priests of Heliopolis might be avoided. Ptah was the great creator-god, but eight other gods were held to be contained within him, including some of the Heliopolitan Ennead and the Hermopolitan Ogdoad. The Heliopolitan Atum held a central position, and the Hermopolitan Nun and Naunet were also included.

The Shabaka Text enumerates Ptah's eight hypostases or qualities as "the Neterw who have come into existence in Ptah". Ptah himself incarnates the primordial Eight, and then becomes Tatenenn, 'the earth which rises up', an evocation of the primordial hill. "He who manifested himself as heart, he who manifested himself as tongue, in the likeness of Atum, is Ptah, the very ancient, who gave life to all the Neterw." The Shabaka Text is perhaps the earliest record of theistic creation in existence. Unfortunately, this Shabaka Stone was subsequently used as a nether mill-stone and much of the text has been lost. The document known as the Bremner-Rhind Papyrus includes, among other religious texts, two monologues of the sun-god describing how he created all things.

 Tongue means speech, or in later philosophical idiom the logos. Ptah conceived the world intellectually before creating it 'by his own word'. The heart and the tongue 'have power over' all the other members, since the tongue describes what the heart conceives. Thus Ptah re-creates the Great Ennead, and gives rise to all the qualities of things, through the Desire of his heart and the Word of his tongue. Ptah's name means "Creator". He is depicted as a mummified man with only his hands free to grasp a sceptre composed of the symbols of life (ankh), power (was), and stability (djed). He is also typically shown wearing a skullcap and standing on the plinth-shaped hieroglyph that is part of the name for Ma'at, the goddess of fundamental truth.

Sir E. A. W. Budge, gives a list of the Egyptian Gods that originated in the Sudan, the land of the Negroes, and says there is "Little doubt that the Great God of Memphis, Ptah was originally a great handicraftsman and worker in metals who was deified." He continued "It was the Negroes in the South who introduced the use of iron into Ancient Egypt. Prehistoric iron furnaces discovered in northern Rhodesia, almost in the heart of Africa, by Nino Del Grande, shows that the Negro knew the use of iron untold centuries before the European."  And "Archaeologists generally agree that it was the Negro who first discovered the secret of Iron." The Menphite Theology is an inscription on a stone, now kept in the British Museum. It contaim the theological, cosmological and philosophical views of the Egyptians.

Sources: Oxford Ashmoleum Museum, Sir E. A. Wallis. Budge

Sumerian Cosmology, Anki, Apsu, Lahmu, Mummu, Tiamat

The image on the left is the four-sided object, pierced vertically so that it could be rotated if mounted on a frame, is named after the man who gave it to the Museum. It is written in the Sumerian language in the cuneiform (wedge-shaped) script used in ancient Babylonia (southern Iraq). It was written in the city of Larsa to record the rulers of the region from 3200-1800 BCE, ('The Sumerian King-list').

"It is a work of literature, not of history, as we would understand it." Famously, this list begins with rulers before 'the Flood', in a way very similar to the genealogies of Genesis 5. Then it says "The Flood swept over the land. After the Flood had swept the land and kingship had descended from heaven for a second time, Kish became the seat of kingship." Source Ashmolean Museum Oxford.

Many stories of the flood, trio settlement of the land, and the setting up of kingship are found in Sumeria itself. After me flood it was said mat kingship descended at Kish. This name is important because (1) the name Kish so closely resembles that of Nimrod's father Csh, (2) Long before the discovery of Sumer a Civilization, Jacob Bryant 5 study of Classical mythology had led him to the conclusion that Csh must have led the initial settlement of that territory where Sumer arose.

The first twelve names of the kinglist of Kisri are allotted no mythological legends, might it is of interest, considering the association of Nimrod's family with Egypt, that two of these names Scorpion and Gazelle - are also known from predynastic Egypt. As we remember, the thirteenth name in the Hamitic genealogy of Genes 5 10 was Nimrod. The thirteenth name of the kinglist of Kish was Etana who "consolidated all countries" to become a "king and ruler." When Scripture terms Nimrod a mighty hunter, Etana was called "king of animals."

Sumerian Cosmology 8,000 BCE. From verses scattered throughout hymns and myths, one can compile a picture of the universe's (Anki) creation according to the Sumerians. The primeval sea (Apsu) existed before anything else and within that, the heaven (An) and the earth (Ki) were formed. Bottom right Lahmu and right Madruk. The boundary between heaven and earth was a solid (perhaps tin) vault, and the earth was a flat disk. Within the vault lay the gas-like 'lil', or atmosphere, the brighter portions therein formed the stars, planets, sun, and moon. (Kramer, The Sumerians 1963: pp. 112-113) Each of the four major Sumerian deities is associated with one of these regions.

When on high the Heavens had not been named, Firm ground below had not been called by name, Nothing but ‘Primordial Apsu’ the Begetter, [Fresh Water] and ‘Mummu Tiamat’, She Who Bore them All, [Salt Water] their waters commingling as a single body No reed hut had been matted, no marsh land had appeared, Uncalled by name, their destinies undetermined. Then it was that the Gods were formed within Them. Lahmu [‘mud’] and Lahamu ‘Mrs. Mud’ were brought forth, by name they were called Before they had grown in age and stature. Anshar ‘Upper Firmament’ and Kishar [‘Lower Firmament’] were formed, surpassing the others. They prolonged the days, added on the years.

Anu was their heir, the rival of his fathers; Yes, Anu, Anshar’s first-born, was his equal. He begot in his image Nudimmud [Ea].
This Nudimmud was the master of his fathers; Of broad wisdom, understanding, mighty in strength, Mightier by far than his grandfather Anshar. He had no rival among the gods, his brothers. The divine brothers banded together, They disturbed Tiamat as the surged back and forth, Yes, they troubled the mood of Tiamat By their hilarity in the Abode of Heaven. Apsu could not lessen their clamor And Tiamat was speechless at their ways. Their doings were loathsome too. Unsavory were their ways; they were overbearing.

Apsu was not diminished in might... And Tiamat roared... She smote, and their deeds... Their way was evil... Then Apsu, the begetter of the great gods, Cried unto Mummu, his minister, and said unto him: "O Mummu, thou minister that rejoicest my spirit, Come, unto Tiamut let us go! So they went and before Tiamat they lay down, They consulted on a plan with regard to the gods, their sons. Apsu opened his mouth and spake, And unto Tiamut, the glistening one, he addressed the word: ...their way... By day I can not rest, by night I can not lie down in peace.

But I will destroy their way, I will... Let there be lamentation, and let us lie down again in peace." When Tiamat heard these words, She raged and cried aloud... She... grievously..., She uttered a curse, and unto Apsu she spake: "What then shall we do? Let their way be made difficult, and let us lie down again in peace." Mummu answered, and gave counsel unto Apsu, ...and hostile to the gods was the counsel Mummu gave: Come, their way is strong, but thou shalt destroy it;

Then by day shalt thou have rest, by night shalt thou lie down in peace." Apsu harkened unto him and his countenance grew bright, Since he (Mummu) planned evil against the gods his sons. ... he was afraid..., His knees became weak; they gave way beneath him, Because of the evil which their first-born had planned. ... their... they altered. ... they..., Lamentation they sat in sorrow ..................
Then Ea, who knoweth all that is, went up and he beheld their muttering. [about 30 illegible lines] ... he spake: ... thy... he hath conquered and ... he weepeth and sitteth in tribulation. ... of fear, ... we shall not lie down in peace.

... Apsu is laid waste, ... and Mummu, who were taken captive, in... ... thou didst... ... let us lie down in peace. ... they will smite.... ... let us lie down in peace. ... thou shalt take vengeance for them, ... unto the tempest shalt thou...!" And Tiamat harkened unto the word of the bright god, and said:

... shalt thou entrust! let us wage war!" ... the gods in the midst of... ... for the gods did she create. They banded themselves together and at the side of Tiamat they advanced; They were furious; they devised mischief without resting night and day. They prepared for battle, fuming and raging; They joined their forces and made war, Ummu-Hubur [Tiamat] who formed all things, Made in addition weapons invincible; she spawned monster-serpents, Sharp of tooth, and merciless of fang; With poison, instead of blood, she filled their bodies. Fierce monster-vipers she clothed with terror,

With splendor she decked them, she made them of lofty stature. Whoever beheld them, terror overcame him, Their bodies reared up and none could withstand their attack. She set up vipers and dragons, and the monster Lahamu, And hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men, And mighty tempests, and fish-men, and rams;

They bore cruel weapons, without fear of the fight. Her commands were mighty, none could resist them; After this fashion, huge of stature, she made eleven [kinds of] monsters. Among the gods who were her sons, inasmuch as he had given her support, She exalted Kingu; in their midst she raised him to power. To march before the forces, to lead the host, To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack, To direct the battle, to control the fight, Unto him she entrusted; in costly raiment she made him sit, saying:

I have uttered thy spell, in the assembly of the gods I have raised thee to power. The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto him. Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse,  May they magnify thy name over all of them the Anunnaki." She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying: Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established." Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu, Decreed the fate among the gods his sons, saying: "Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god; Whoso is exalted in the battle, let him display his might!"

Thursday 23 June 2016

Ogboni Society Ancient Freemasons

Here the fundamental basis for the rituals of Free Masonry and most of the 20th Century "Western" Secret Societies were established by indigenous Africans, whose descendants are now despised for their Sable Skin, Woolly Hair, Thick Lips, Broad Nose and even rejected from the Inner Circles for the same reason. The ancients, including the Greeks and Romans, visited this Grand Lodge to obtain the "Highest Degrees" in human learning.

Here they were introduced to Philosophy, Law, Religion, Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine, History, and all of the other subdivisions of the "Seven Liberal Arts. Top right: 16th century Copper; The large bulging eyes, protruding lips, and stylized ears of this figure are characteristics of late Ife art as it developed into the modern Yoruba style, from the sixteenth century onward. The gesture made by the hands with one grasping the thumb of the other, is characteristic of the Ogboni Society, a secret society responsible for justice and for the Egbe of the earth in Yorubaland.

The History of 'Aborigine' Ogboni, could be traced to that era. Egyptian's Horus Edfu Texts and of Sharu (priest) Kings of Sumeria civilization sometimes between 12,000 BCE, and from 4500BC in Ife-Oodaye, Nigeria and from about 30,000 B.C.E. in Southern Africa. That period of antiquity and a geological era, very long ever before the arrival of the legendary Oduduwa himself to lle-ife, around 4th - 5th centuries A.D. The language spoken then was 'Ife' and not 'Yoruba'.

While no one could precisely say what motivates 'Ogboni' cult or confraternity, to come into being in Ife-Oodaye, but postulations in Yoruba mythology, shed light on the pre-Oduduwa era in the IIe-Ife, when 'Obatala' and Oreluere were the ruling chieftains of the Aborigine Ife-speaking community.

The Aborigine Ogboni Fraternity is the Traditional Religion of the Yoruba's and indeed African Traditional Religion Worldwide. The importance of every good thing in life is faith and beliefs. The truth is, if you find faith with no obstacles, it is most likely to be a faith that doesn't lead to anywhere important.

The world is created on the foundation of tradition. Before Christ, before Mohammed, tradition has been in place. When God wanted to create the world, he said: "come, let create…." Who are "us" God was referring to? They are the other creators that do not angle but are super-beings with lots of power. The sea constituted about 75% (percent) of the entire World. Right in the deep sea, we have the Olokun/Yemoja/Oshun.

'Awo' Ogboni, among so many other 'Awos'(i.e cults) in Ife then, became so prominent and relevant, more like a pressure group to protest the unceremonious arrival of the great colonial master in history, (i.e.) Oduduwa.We cannot even begin to comprehend the power that these ancient Ifa Priests had, and the respect they must have been given by the ancient people. Therefore, they must have taken their, devised (Ifa) computer compatible binary coding system, to go forth and conquer the world. Even modern humans are still in awe of the power of computers. The illustration below shows the activities during the Ifa divination. It displays the basic steps during the divination from the point of listening to client problems and then to the prescription of Ogun (medicine). Iya-ifa (Divination Supervisor) [Babalawo] Off [Disempowered] [Iya-ifa] Off [Disempowered] [Client] Off [Disempowered]

 Start [Babalawo] On Empowered [Client] On [Disempowered] (listen to client problem) Next---- Ifa Dida (Divination) [Iya-ifa] On Empowered Next---- [Iya-ifa] Off [Disempowered] Is Ebo Required (Rituals)? No Next---- Prescribe Advice or Ogun (Medicine) Stop [Babalawo] Off [Disempowered] [Client] Off [Disempowered] Is Ebo Required (Rituals)? Yes Next---- Do Ebo (Rituals) Next Prescribe Advice or Ogun (Medicine) Stop [Babalawo] Off [Disempowered] [Client] Off [Disempowered]

However, this system can be abused. Hence a fail-safe system was incorporated. This meant that after the solution to the client's problem has been found, the Babalawo must recite 10 solution related poems, and the client must choose one which best matches their initial problem. [Babalawo] On [empowered] [Client] On [empowered] Start [Babalawo] recite 10 solution related poems [Client] choose one which best matches your initial problem [Babalawo] [Disempowered] Stop. 

If you are accustomed to programming you will realise this is a very programmable algorithm provided there is a Babalawo (Elder of the order) to help you define required variables. Today big corporation like, Microsoft, Google, EBay and especially Amazon which uses this program to forecast what their existing customer will buy next.