Sunday, 2 June 2019

Emerald Tablet, Tablet II, Halls of Amenti, THOTME, Zambia, Gabon

Quoting directly from Thoth in the Emerald Tablet I, second paragraph, from the second article of ten. "A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light, and as many times have I ascended from the darkness into the light my strength and power renewed. Now for a time, I descend, and the men of KHEM shall know me no more. But in a time yet unborn will I rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left behind me." "A hundred times ten times equals" 1000 times and assuming an average lifetime of 100 years, equals to 100,000 years.
10 Islands Continental Drift? 

Again, Quoting directly from Thoth in the Emerald Tablet I, fifth paragraph, from the second article of ten. "And of all these, greatest among the children of  men was my father, THOTME, keeper of the great temple, the link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands."

So, we can reasonably assume that Thoth has existed for over 100,000 years while reincarnating himself over 1000 times. Yet Thoth new about 10 Islands during the continental drift speculated to be between 800 and 110 million years ago.

In addition, according to Thoth during the time of his childhood with his dad, around 100,000 BCE or more: "THOTME, keeper of the great temple, the link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands." Assuming continental drift. However, there were ancient civilisations that predated Thoth living in Southern, Eastern and Central West-Africa. The Eurocentric timeline is based on radio-chronological, archaeological, and paleo-ecological data after 5000 B.C.E., anything before that is mostly speculations.

It was on this data that the out of East Africa into the rest of the world hypothesis was based, in order to ultimately tally it with European history itself, incorporating human evolution and migration. Zambia is famous for its ancient schematic rock art. Northern Province has the highest concentration of rock art in Zambia and paintings are mainly found in and around rocky overhangs and caves.
Modern-day Map of  West, East, Central, and Southern Africa

The most famous site is the Mwela, about 7 miles east of the town of Kasama which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The oldest in Zambia have been dated to between 350,000 and 400,000 years old! Many more are yet to be discovered. Archaeologists in Zambia have uncovered evidence that early humans used paint for aesthetic purposes far earlier than previously thought. The team found pigments and paint grinding equipment believed to be between 350,000 and 400,000 years old.

The oldest pigments previously found were 120,000 years old and the oldest known paintings are just 35,000 years old. Over 300 fragments of pigment have now been found in a cave at Twin Rivers, near Lusaka, Zambia. These materials were apparently gathered in from the surrounding area. It is likely that the stone age inhabitants used the colours, which range from yellow to purple, to paint their bodies during Religious rituals, ceremonies, and other social events.
One of the ancient Cave-Painting from Zambia

"It also implies the use of language, so it's an important discovery, full of implications for the development of new behaviours."

The remnants date from before the "Official Accepted" date of the appearance of anatomically modern humans, Homo Sapiens. One of the teams that made the discovery, Dr. Lawrence Barham from the University of Bristol, UK, said:

We're dealing here with people who were perhaps using symbols far earlier than we expected. (BBC) , Top right, Rock Painting from Zambia, and bottom right, Petroglyphs, from Lope-Okanda, Gabon, Central Africa. Archaeologists:  Dr. Lawrence Barham, (BBC) (UNESCO).

The forest-savanna interface typical of central Gabon is well preserved in the park, and ecological and archaeological evidence shows that the area was inhabited almost continuously from late Paleolithic times 350-400,000 years ago to the present. Scattered across the landscape is an exceptional archaeological record of successive cultures including the remains of Paleolithic tools, Neolithic villages around 4,000 years old and Iron Age metal-working sites from 2,500 years ago.

The Lope area has been inhabited for nearly 400,000 years and there are numerous artifacts telling the tales of the ancient hunter-gatherer settlements.
Ancient Glyph carved on a stone from Lope-Okanda Gabon

We are currently unable to say much about the way these earlier peoples lived. From about 10,000 B.C.E. onward we possess a relatively detailed picture of population dynamics in the middle Ogooue valley, which demonstrates the arrival of a long sequence of civilizations, particularly from the Neolithic (c. 4,500 B.C.E.) onward.

It seems that the major migrations of Bantu ironworkers were linked to a dry climatic phase in the Kibangian B (3,500-2,000 B.C.E.), which probably resulted in decreased forest cover and may have enabled these savanna-dwelling peoples to avoid the prospect of a daunting trip into extensive forest vegetation (Maley 1992, Schwartz 1992;).

These migrations were undertaken through Gabon following ridge lines (Oslisly 1995), although elsewhere river navigation was used (see, e.g., Eggert 1993). The migrating peoples seem to have favoured areas with at least some savanna vegetation, reflecting their origins outside the forest ecosystem, and it is not surprising that the middle Ogooue valley was appealing to them. It seems that they systematically supplanted resident cultures, although it is possible that they also assimilated some local knowledge. Archaeologists:  Richard Oslisly. Below an illustration of no 9, which is everything and yet nothing Zero. Nine is higher than 7 which signifies perfection and 8 which is incomplete. 
Illustration of the special number 9 pertaining to Wholeness and Godliness

Deep in Earth's heart lie the Halls of Amenti, far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis, Halls of the Dead and halls of the living, bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.

Far in a past time, lost in the space-time the Children of Light looked down on the world. Seeing the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came from beyond.

Knew they that only by freedom from bondage
could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as their own. 

The Masters of everything said after their forming: "We are they who were formed from the space-dust, partaking of life from the infinite ALL; living in the world as children of men, like and yet unlike the children of men." Then for a dwelling place, far 'neath the earth crust, blasted great spaces they by their power, spaced apart from the children of men. Surrounded them by forces and power, shielded from harm they the Halls of the Dead. Side by side then placed they other spaces, filled them with Life and with Light from above.

Built they then the Halls of Amenti, that they might dwell eternally there, living with life to eternity's end. Thirty and two were there of the children, sons of Lights who had come among men,
seeking to free from the bondage of darkness those who were bound by the force from beyond.
Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming, expanding, driving backward the night. Placed in the center, a ray of great potency, Life-giving, Light giving, filling with power all who came near it.
Mark Rodin Illustration of 3, 6 and 9, pertaining to Vortex Mathematics, energy flow.
Placed they around it thrones, two and thirty, places for each of the Children of Light, placed so that they were bathed in the radiance, filled with the Life from the eternal Light. There time after time placed they their first created bodies so that they might be filled with the Spirit of Life. One hundred years out of each thousand must the Life-giving Light flame forth on their bodies. Quickening, awakening the Spirit of Life. There in the circle from eon to eon, sit the Great Masters, living a life not known among men. There in the Halls of Life, they lie sleeping; free flows their Soul through the bodies of men. Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping, incarnate them in the bodies of men.

Teaching and guiding onward and upward, out of the darkness into the light. There is the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom, known not to the races of man, living forever 'neath the cold fire of life, sit the Children of Light. Times there are when they awaken, come from the depths to be lights among men, infinite they among finite men. He who by progress has grown from the darkness lifted himself from the night into light, free is he made of the Halls of Amenti, free of the Flower of Light and of Life. Guided he then, by wisdom and knowledge, passes from men to the Master of Life.
The Wholesome and Mysterious no "9".

There he may dwell as one with the Masters, free from the bonds of the darkness of night. Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven Lords from the Space-Times above us, helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom, the pathway through time of the children of men.

Mighty and strange, they,
veiled with their power, silent, all-knowing, drawing the Lifeforce, different yet one with the children of men. Aye, different, and yet One with the Children of Light.

Custodians and watchers of the force of man's bondage, ready to lose when the light has been reached. First and most mighty, sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords, the infinite Nine, over the other from each the Lords of the Cycles; Three, Four, Five, and Six, Seven, Eight, each with his mission, each with his powers, guiding, directing the destiny of man. There sit they, mighty and potent, free of all time and space. Not of this world they, yet akin to it, Elder Brothers they, of the children of men. Judging and weighing, they with their wisdom, watching the progress of Light among men. There before them was I led by the Dweller, watched him blend with ONE from above.

Then from HE came forth a voice saying: "Great art thou, Thoth, among children of men. Free henceforth of the Halls of Amenti, Master of Life among children of men. Taste not of death except as thou will it, drink thou of Life to Eternity's end, Henceforth forever is Life, thine for the taking.
Henceforth is Death at the call of thy hand. Dwell here or leave here when thou desireth, free is Amenti to the son of man. Take thou up Life in what form thou desireth, Child of the Light that has grown among men. Choose thou thy work, for all should labour, never be free from the pathway of Light. One step thou has gained on the long pathway upward, infinite now is the mountain of Light.
Dividing By Nine
Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain; all of thy progress but lengthens the goal. Approach ye ever the infinite Wisdom, ever before thee recedes the goal. Free are ye made now of the Halls of Amenti to walk hand in hand with the Lords of the world, one in one purpose, working together, bring of Light to the children of men." Then from his throne came one of the Masters, taking my hand and leading me onward, through all the Halls of the deep hidden land. Led he, me through the Halls of Amenti, showing the mysteries that are known not to man.

Through the dark passage, downward he led me, into the Hall where site the dark Death. Vast as space lay the great Hall before me, walled by darkness but yet filled with Light. Before I arose a great throne of darkness, veiled on it sat a figure of night. Darker than darkness sat the great figure, dark with a darkness not of the night. Before it then paused the Master, speaking The Word that brings about Life, saying; "Oh, master of darkness, guide of the way from Life unto Life, before thee, I bring a Sun of the morning. Touch him not ever with the power of night.
Circles Are Nines

Call not his flame to the darkness of night. Know him, and see him, one of our brothers, lifted from darkness into the Light. Release thou his flame from its bondage, free let it flame through the darkness of night."

Raised then the hand of the figure, forth came a flame that grew clear and bright.
Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness, unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night. Then grew in the great space before me, flame after flame, from the veil of the night. Uncounted millions leaped them before me, some flaming forth as flowers of fire. Others there were that shed a dim radiance, flowing but faintly from out of the night.

Some there were that faded swiftly; others that grew from a small spark of light. Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness, yet flaming with light that could never be quenched. Coming and going like fireflies in springtime, filled them with space with Light and with Life.
Binary Sequence and Code

Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying: "These are lights that are souls among men, growing and fading, existing forever, changing yet living, through death into life.

When they have bloomed into flower, reached the zenith of growth in their life, swiftly then send I my veil of darkness,
shrouding and changing to new forms of life.

Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing, expanding into yet another flame, lighting the darkness with yet greater power, quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night. So grows the soul of man ever upward, quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night.

I, Death, come, and yet I remain not, for life eternal exists in the ALL; only an obstacle, I in the pathway, quick to be conquered by the infinite light. Awaken, O flame that burns ever inward,
flame forth and conquers the veil of the night."

Then in the midst of the flames in the darkness grew there one that drove forth the night, flaming, expanding, ever brighter, until at last was nothing but Light. Then spake my guide, the voice of the master: See your own soul as it grows in the light, free now forever from the Lord of the night.
Solfeggio Frequencies

Forward he led me through many great spaces filled with the mysteries of the Children of Light;
mysteries that man may never yet know of until he, too, is a Sun of the Light. Backward then HE led me into the Light of the hall of the Light.

Knelt I then before the great Masters, Lords of ALL from the cycles above. Spoke HE then with words of great power saying: Thou hast been made free of the Halls of Amenti. Choose thou thy work among the children of men.

Then spoke I: O, great master, let me be a teacher of men, leading then onward and upward until they,
too, are lights among men; freed from the veil of the night that surrounds them, flaming with light that shall shine among men. Spoke to me then the voice: Go, as yet will. So be it decreed. Master are ye of your destiny, free to take or reject at will. Take ye the power, take ye the wisdom.

Shine as a light among the children of men. Upward then, led me the Dweller. Dwelt I again among children of men, teaching and showing some of my wisdom; Sun of the Light, a fire among men. Now again I tread the path downward, seeking the light in the darkness of night. Hold ye and keep ye, preserve my record, the guide shall it be to the children of men. End of Part 4 of 10. The next blog 10/06/19. We will examine other civilisations existing between 100,000 and 10,000 BCE, even more.

Gnostic Bible, The 34 hidden letters and Messages in Bismillar Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Monday, 27 May 2019

Thoth, Culture, Emerald Tablets, Civilisations, Hermes

We will examine other civilisations existing before and during the time of Thoth, including how technically advance or backward they were. This will be between 100,000 and 10,000 BCE, in correlation with the Tablets. However, below are listed historical timeline named-clarification systems by the mainstream historians. We will then go on in the blog to quickly summarise the civilisations existing before and during the time of Thoth, which is not listed below.
The oldest Stone-Tools in the world from Kenya, about 3.7 Millon years old

Chelles-Acheul Culture: Stages of the Chelles-Acheul culture, characterized by hand axes named after St. Acheui, France. Acheulio-Levalloisian: A Culture recognized in the Somalia area. It includesAcheulian-type hand axes and flake tools about 500,000 BCE by the Levalloisian.  Atlanthroipus mauritanicus: possibly the same species as Pithecanthropus erectus (500,000 to 250,000 BCE), generally located in the Algerian region of North Africa and Casablanca areas.

Australopithecines: Relatives of the family Hominidae, or sub-family, to the earliest known upright-walking and tool-making hominids. Generally located around the regions of South and East Africa (1,800,000 to 500,000 BCE).
Olduvai Gorge, Kenya

Australopithecus, Boskopid, Chellean Man & Bushman: Australopithecus: Genus of the sub-family Australopithecine. There are two species, Africanus and Robustus (2,000,000 to 500,000 BCE). Boskopid: Ancient South African (so-called "Bushmen") skulls.

The first type of the recognized skull from Boskop, South Africa. Bushman is a European word. It is used to single out a specific group of Africans. Chellean Man: A skull from bed 2, Olduvai Gorge Tanganyika, accompanied by Chellean type hand axes 500,000 BCE. Hyrax Hill: Earliest known variations of the stone bowl culture, named after a site in the Kenya rift valley 500,000 BCE.

Magosian, Sangoan, Stone Age & Olduvai Gorge: Magosian: Culture of the Second Intermediate Period (50,000 to 10,000 BCE) characterized by microliths, named after Ngosi, a water hole in the eastern area of Uganda. Nachikufan: Later Stone Age culture first recognized at the Nachikufu caves Zambia, associated with rock paintings.Oldowan: Olduvai Gorge Tanganyika prior to Chelles-Acheul (1,800,000 to 500,000 BCE).
Stone-Age Stone Tools uncovered in the border between Nigeria and Chad. 450,000 BCE

Symbolized by pebble tools, named after Olduvai Gorge Tanganyika. Sangoan: Early Middle stone culture of the forested steppes of Central Africa named after Sango Bay of Lake Victoria about 150,000 to 40,000 BCE.

Shaheinab Neolithic: The Earliest known culture with evidence of domesticated animals in Eastern Africa, characterized by stone gouges, bone-ax heads, and pottery. Named after a sight 30 miles north of Khartoum (Sudan), approximately 100,000 BCE.

Archaeologists: Dr. Mary and Louis Leakey, Book: Black Man of the Nile and his Family, Dr. Yosef A A ben-Jochannan.

Who are we? Why are we here? And where are we going? These are the fundamental questions that human beings ask themselves.

We are all born with this intrinsic nature to know the truth. Truly, the ancient Hermetic maxim to “Know Thyself’ is the greatest task set before us. This ancient saying, that was inscribed above the temple of Apollo, at Delphi, is the call to action that sets us on the quest to understanding all of life's mysteries. For when we truly know ourselves, we will know the universe, as well. The oldest, and most venerated text of alchemy, The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, explains this point clearly.

NOTE Below: The rites of Apollo were founded by Delphos, son of Apollo or Poseidon, and his mother Melainis; and the worship of Black Isis and Horus was very popular in Rome, including Roman colonies as far as Britain. This later evolved into the worship of Black Madonna and Black Christ.
Negroid Delphos, son of Apollo or Poseidon

"It is true without error, certain and most true.
That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below, to accomplish the miracles of one thing.

And as all things have been, and arose from one, by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing, by adaptation.

The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth is its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.

Its force or power is entire if it is converted into earth.
Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently, with great care. It ascends from the earth to heaven, and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior.

By this means, you shall have the glory of the whole world, and thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. For it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing.
So was the world created.
From this comes admirable adaptations whereof the means is here in this.
Hence I am called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is complete."
Illustration of the World's Main Religion

 As the thrice-great Hermes proclaims, “As above, So below”, we can see how knowing ourselves is synonymous with knowing the universe.

As Hermes was the god of communication, writing, magic, and astrology, this only seems fit. Following this assumption, we could say that understanding the outside world, would, in turn, lead to understanding our inner world.

This is the position that alchemists held, that the entire universe is connected, and moving as a whole, to "accomplish the miracles of one thing".

We can now see why the study of astrology and nature was so important to the ancients because they understood the interconnectedness of all things.

The Great Work of alchemy, is essentially the way of nature. Nature is always working in perfect harmony with itself. When we see ourselves as part of nature, we can understand how we are slowly being turned from “lead to gold”, by every experience in our lives.

The alchemist understands the ways of nature and uses her secrets to speed up this process. In this book, we will reveal these ancient secrets, and prove to you that the universe is a giant alchemical laboratory, working away, day and night, to perfection.
A Sufi's Path Mystic Al-Islam
To answer these fundamental questions briefly, we are all sparks of light, emanating from one source. We are here to experience separation, as a self-examination, and exercise in unity. We learn through every possible experience in life, the truth of our own nature, and slowly become perfect. When we have fulfilled our desires and perfected our nature, we start the long journey home, back to the original source of light. We are given free will, and we learn through the law of karma, the path of righteousness. We can take as long as we like on our journey, and the roads are endless. But when you've hit rock bottom, there's only one way up.

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism are suffering, the cause of suffering, Nirvana, and the path to Nirvana. The truth is, that Nirvana is the only permanent reality. Our original state is bliss. Suffering only comes when desires arise and we associate our bliss with something that we don't have.
Spiritual Path

When we fulfill our desires, we experience the feeling of bliss, until another desire arises. This universe is a manifestation of an original desire to experience multiplicity.

Everything is created for us to enjoy, and when we are done playing around, we can return to the source of joy, that is far greater than anything we can imagine.

Most people in this world are content with the joys that society has allowed them. These are mainly, food, sex, and alcohol. Due to misinformation, propaganda, and poor education, these unevolved souls tend to follow the “norm” and spend their whole lives toiling away, just to indulge themselves in these sensual pleasures, until their bodies and minds decay from the constant abuse.

This materialist hypnosis, where humans rely on external stimuli to gratify their senses is what
Hermes refers to as the “gross”. The physical world is only a manifestation of the spiritual world,
which Hermes calls the “subtle”. The work of the alchemist is to cultivate the life force within,
separating it from matter, moving ever closer to perfection, symbolized by the sun.
Emerald Tablets

As humanity evolves, we learn, through experience, that our nature is spiritual.

The law of karma is the great teacher that aids us in our growth. Every action has a corresponding reaction, every choice we make has a direct effect on our future and the entire universe. We are reborn in the physical world until we learn the lessons we need and fulfill all our earthly desires. The wide variation of human suffering and delight is a direct reflection of the law of karma.

It perfectly explains the reason as to why some are born into terrible conditions, and others into luxury. It is a direct result of their past karma in their previous lives, accumulated life after life. Indeed, many children have exact memories of their previous lives, and some retain birthmarks from past life injuries.
Illustration of the 2nd of the eight Natural Lores principles called Correspondence

But for the most part, humans pass through the veil of forgetfulness, in order to start a new, unspoiled, and un-egotistical. This memory loss is also a result of their failure to develop their astral bodies, to remain conscious after death.

Growing in experience, life after life, we begin to understand the laws of nature. We start to coexist with our world in greater and greater harmony.

This happens with the aid of our higher self. We are all always connected to the greater source from whence we came. This inner guidance is the voice inside our heads that tells us right from wrong. We learn that good actions make us happy, and wrong actions bring suffering. Happiness is the inner light that guides us to our destination.

We learn how to cultivate this happiness by treating ourselves and others rights. Truly the golden rule is “Do on to others, as you would have done unto yourself’. Suddenly, our head is out of the water, and we are beginning to see the light.

We follow this happiness to greater and greater heights, discarding what we don't need and changing our lives to better suit our new selves. Until one day, the caterpillar goes into the cocoon and becomes a butterfly. Secrets Of Alchemy: The Emerald Tablet Decoded by Alexander Gumm. End of part 3 of 10. Next blog, The Emerald Tablet Tablet 2, on 03/06/19.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Emerald Tablets, Thoth The Atlantean, Tablet I, Khem, Amenti

Halls of Amenti, Illustration of the passages via The 8 Seat Chakras

I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis. In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL, in a time far past, I began this incarnation. Not as the little men of the present age did the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die, but rather from eon to eon did they renew their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life flows eternally onward.

A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light, and as many times have I ascended from the darkness into the light my strength and power renewed. Now for a time, I descend, and the men of KHEM shall know me no more. But in a time yet unborn will I rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left behind me.
Halls of Amenti, Illustration of the passages. The Halls of Amenti is between the highest and lowest dimensions, thereby distorting the only Truth

Then beware, O men of KHEM, if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching, for I shall cast ye down from your high estate into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came. Betray not my secrets
to the men of the North or the men of the South lest my curse falls upon ye. Remember and heed my words, for surely will I return again and require of thee that which ye guard. Aye, even from beyond time and from beyond death will I return, rewarding or punishing as ye have requited your trust.

Great were my people in the ancient days, great beyond the conception of the little people now around me; knowing the wisdom of old, seeking far within the heart of infinity knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth. Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who dwelt among us. Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire.

And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, THOTME, keeper of the great temple, the link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands.
Halls of Amenti Illustrated Passages via Ifa Divination Disk Wormhole 

Mouthpiece, after the Three, of the Dweller of UNAL, speaking to the Kings with the voice that must be obeyed. Grew I there from a child into manhood, being taught by my father the elder mysteries, until in time there grew within the fire of wisdom, until it burst into a consuming flame.

Naught desired I but the attainment of wisdom. Until on a great day, the command came from the Dweller of the Temple that I am brought before him. Few there were among the children of men who had looked upon that mighty face and lived, for not as the sons of men are the Children of Light when they are not incarnate in a physical body. Chosen was I from the sons of men, taught by the Dweller so that his purposes might be fulfilled, purposes yet unborn in the womb of time. Long ages I dwelt in the Temple, learning ever and yet ever more wisdom, until I, too, approached the light emitted from the great fire. Taught me he, the path to Amenti, the underworld where the great king sits upon his throne of might. Deep I bowed in homage before the Lords of Life and the Lords of Death, receiving as my gift the Key of Life.

Free was I of the Halls of Amenti, bound not by death to the circle of life. Far to the stars, I journeyed until space and time became as naught. Then having drunk deep of the cup of wisdom, I looked into the hearts of men and there found I greater mysteries and was glad. For only in the Search for Truth could my Soul be stilled and the flame within be quenched.

Down through the ages, I lived, seeing those around me taste of the cup of death and return again in the light of life. Gradually from the Kingdoms of Atlantis passed waves of consciousness that had been one with me, only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star.
Halls of Amenti Passages Illustrated via the 8 Natural Lores

In obedience to the law, the word of the Master grew into flower. Downward into the darkness turned the thoughts of the Atlanteans, Until at last in this wrath arose from his AGWANTI, the Dweller, (this word has no English equivalent; it means a state of detachment) speaking The Word, calling the power. Deep in Earth's heart, the sons of Amenti heard, and hearing, directing the changing of the flower of fire that burns eternally, changing and shifting, using the LOGOS, until that great fire changed its direction.

Over the world then broke the great waters, drowning and sinking, changing Earth's balance until only the Temple of Light was left standing on the great mountain on UNDAL still rising out of the water; some there were who were living, saved from the rush of the fountains. Called to me then the Master, saying: Gather ye together my people. Take them by the arts ye have learned of far across the waters until ye reach the land of the hairy barbarians, dwelling in caves of the desert.

Follow there the plan that ye know of. Gathered I then my people and entered the great ship of the Master. Upward we rose into the morning. Dark beneath us lays the Temple. Suddenly over it rose the waters. Vanished from Earth, until the time appointed, was the great Temple. Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of KHEM.

Raging, they came with cudgels and spears, lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis. Then raised I my staff and directed a ray of vibration, striking them still in their tracks as fragments of stone of the mountain. Then spoke I to them in words calm and peaceful, telling them of the might of Atlantis, saying we were children of the Sun and its messengers.

Cowed I them by my display of magic-science, until at my feet they groveled, when I released them. Long dwelt we in the land of KHEM, long and yet long again. Until obeying the commands of the Master, who while sleeping yet lives eternally, I sent from me the Sons of Atlantis, sent them in many directions, that from the womb of time wisdom might rise again in her children. Longtime dwelt I in the land of KHEM, doing great works by the wisdom within me.

Upward grew into the light of knowledge the children of KHEM, watered by the rains of my wisdom. Blasted I then a path to Amenti so that I might retain my powers, living from age to age a Sun of Atlantis, keeping the wisdom, preserving the records.

Great grew the sons of KHEM, conquering the people around them, growing slowly upwards in Soul force. Now for a time, I go from among them into the dark halls of Amenti, deep in the halls of the Earth, before the Lords of the powers, face to face once again with the Dweller.

Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to Amenti. Few there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity?). The deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber; from it carved I a circular passage reaching almost to the great summit.
Sample Sarcophagus

There in the apex, set I the crystal, sending the ray into the "Time-Space," drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti. Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming, yet hidden within them are the keys to Amenti. He who in courage would dare the dark realms, let him be purified first by long fasting. Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber.

Then reveal I to him the great mysteries. Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him, even in the darkness of Earth shall I meet him, I, Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him and dwell with him always.

Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of Earth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, I built my knowledge of "Magic-Science" so that I might be here when again I return from Amenti, Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my Soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.) Emissary on Earth is I of the Dweller, fulfilling his commands so many might be lifted. Now return I to the halls of Amenti, leaving behind me some of my wisdom. Preserve ye and keep ye the command of the Dweller:

Lift ever upwards your eyes toward the light. Surely in time, ye are one with the Master, surely by right ye are one with the Master, surely by right yet are one with the ALL. Now, I depart from ye. Know my commandments, keep them and be them, and I will be with you, helping and guiding you into the Light. Now before me opens the portal. Go I down in the darkness of night.

End of Part 2 of 10. The next blog 27/05/19. We will examine other civilisations existing during the time of Thoth, including how technically advance or backward they were. This will be between 100,000 and 10,000 BCE, in correlation with the Tablets.

Gnostic Bible, The 34 hidden letters and Messages in Bismillar Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Emerald Tablet, Alchemy, Helena Blavatsky, Fulcanelli, Isaac Newton

The Emerald Tablet is an ancient artifact that reveals a profound spiritual technology, which has
survived to this day despite centuries of effort to suppress it. Encoded within the tablet's mysterious wording, is a powerful formula that works in very specific and comprehensible steps on all levels of
reality at once -- the physical, the mental, and the spiritual -- and shows us how to achieve personal
transformation and even accelerate the evolution of our species.
Emerald Tablet

The source of alchemy and the Hermetic sciences, the tablet's universal approach made it forbidden
knowledge, condemned by patriarchal powers for thousands of years, from the Egyptian priesthood to the medieval Church, to our modern politicians and religious leaders.

To ensure the survival of such "dangerous" principles, which guide people to higher states of consciousness, the ancients concealed their knowledge in a succinct declaration that has become a time capsule of wisdom for future generations.

Molded out of a single piece of green crystal, the Emerald Tablet carries a prophetic message full of
hidden meaning. It is also made of many chemical compositions unbeknown to many human beings.

Although its true origin is lost in legends that go back over 10,000 years, the wondrous artifact was translated into Greek by Alexandrian scholars taught by Egyptians priests and actually put on display in Egypt in 330 BC. Around the year 400 AD, it was reportedly buried somewhere on the Giza plateau to protect it from religious zealots who were burning libraries around the world at that time. Many believe the tablet still lies hidden there. Working only with these early translations, many seekers of truth recognized in subsequent centuries that the Emerald Tablet contained a secret formula for transforming reality.

Many alchemical drawings such as this one called the Azoth of the Philosophers are really schematic diagrams of the steps and operations of this Emerald Formula. The alchemists used these diagrams like Eastern mandalas and meditated on them in their laboratories to achieve altered states of consciousness.

The unaccredited source of many of our mystical and religious traditions, the tablet also inspired over 3,500 years of alchemy, a period in which some of the most creative minds in the world delved into the intertwined mysteries of matter, energy, soul, and spirit. Most medieval alchemists had copies of the tablet hanging on their laboratory wall.
Azoth of the Philosophers

It was the only guidance they needed in both their meditation and practical work; it served as their Rosetta Stone for deciphering the deliberately obscured terminology of their art. The text:
1. It is true without untruth, certain and most true
2. That which is below is like that which is on high, and that which is on high is like that which is
below; by these things are made the miracles of one thing.
3. And as all things are, and come from One, by the mediation of One, So all things are born from
this unique thing by adaptation.
4. The Sun is the father and the Moon the mother.
5. The wind carries it in its stomach. The Earth is its nourisher and its receptacle.
6. The Father of all the Theleme of the universal world is here.
6. Its force, or power, remains entire
7. If it is converted into Earth
7a. You separate the Earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently with great industry.
8. It climbs from the Earth and descends from the sky, and receives the force of things superior and
things inferior.
9) You will have by this way, the glory of the world and all obscurity will flee from you.
10. It is the power strong with all power, for it will defeat every subtle thing and penetrate every
solid thing
11. In this way, the world was created.
12. From it are born wonderful adaptations, of which the way here is given.
13. That is why I have been called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the universal
14. This, that I have called solar Work, is complete.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Interpretation From Madame Helena Blavatsky: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She gained an international following as the leading theoretician of Theosophy, the esoteric religion that the society promoted.

1. What is below is like that which is above, and what is above is similar to that which is below to
accomplish the wonders of the one thing.
2. As all things were produced by the mediation of one being, so all things were produced from this
one by adaptation.
3. Its father is the sun, its mother the moon.
4. It is the cause of all perfection throughout the whole Earth.
5. Its power is perfect if it is changed into Earth.
6. Separate the Earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, acting prudently and with judgment
7. Ascend with the greatest sagacity from earth to heaven, and unite together the power of things
inferior and superior
8. Thus you will possess the light of the whole world, and all obscurity will fly away from you.
9 This thing has more fortitude than fortitude itself because it will overcome every subtle thing and
penetrate every solid thing.
10. By it, the world was formed.
[Blavatsky 1972: 507.]

Interpretation From Fulcanelli (translated from the French by Sieveking)
1) This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
2) As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.
3) And since all things exist in and emanate from the ONE Who is the ultimate Cause, so all things
are born after their kind from this ONE.
4) The Sun is the father, the Moon the mother
5) The wind carried it in his belly. Earth is its nurse and its guardian.
Fulcanelli's Book: The Mystery of The Cathedrals
6) It is the Father of all things
6a) The eternal Will is contained in it.
7) Here, on earth, its strength, its power remain one and undivided.
7a) Earth must be separated from fire, the subtle from the dense, gently with unremitting care.
8) It arises from the Earth and descends from heaven; it gathers to itself the strength of things above
and things below.
9) By means of this one thing all the glory of the world shall be yours and all obscurity flee from
10) It is power, strong with the strength of all power, for it will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all
11) By it, the world was created.
12) From it are born manifold wonders, the means to achieving which are here given
13) It is for this reason that I am called Hermes Trismegistus; for I possess the three essentials of
the philosophy of the universe.
14) This is the sum total of the work of the Sun.
[Sadoul 1972: 25-6.]

Interpretation From Fulcanelli - New Translation
1) It is true without untruth, certain and most true
2) that which is below is like that which is on high, and that which is on high is like that which is
below; by these things are made the miracles of one thing.
3) And as all things are, and come from One, by the mediation of One, So all things are born from
this unique thing by adaptation.
4) The Sun is the father and the Moon the mother.
Thoth, Tehuthi, Hermes, Orunmila, Nri, etc.
5) The wind carries it in its stomach. The earth is its nourisher and its receptacle.
6 The Father of all the Theleme of the universal world is here.
6a) Its force, or power, remains entire
7) if it is converted into Earth.
7a) You separate the Earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently with great industry.
8) It climbs from the Earth and descends from the sky, and receives the force of things superior and
things inferior.
9) You will have by this way, the glory of the world and all obscurity will flee from you.
10) It is the power strong with all power, for it will defeat every subtle thing and penetrate every
solid thing.
11) In this way, the world was created.
12) From it are born wonderful adaptations, of which the way here is given.
13) That is why I have been called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the universal
14) This, that I have called solar Work, is complete.
[Translated from Fulcanelli 1964: 312.]

Translation of Isaac Newton c. 1680
1) Tis true without lying, certain and most true.
Sir Isaac Newton
2) That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like yet which is below
to do ye miracles of one only thing.
3) And as all things have been and arose from one by ye mediation of one: so all things have their
birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4) The Sun is its father, the moon its mother
5) The wind hath carried it in its belly, the Earth its course.
6) The father of all perfection in ye whole world is here.
7) Its force or power is entire if it be converted into Earth.
8) Separate thou ye Earth from ye fire, ye subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
9) It ascends from ye Earth to ye heaven and again it descends to ye earth and receives ye force of
things superior and inferior.
10) By this means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world and thereby all obscurity shall fly
from you.
11) Its force is above all force. for it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.
11a) So was ye world created.
12) From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this.
13) Hence I am called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole
14) That which I have said of ye operation of ye Sun is accomplished and ended.
[Dobbs 1988: 183-4.]
End of part 1 of 10. Next blog 19/05/19. The Emerald Tablet: Tablet 1 translated.

Gnostic Bible, The 34 hidden letters and Messages in Bismillar Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, Islamic Mystical Literature: Initiation and Prophecies of Djehuiti, Thoth, or Hermes and Atum