Friday, 21 December 2018

Multicultural London, DNA, Gladiator, Mansell Street Man, Harper Road Woman

A DNA study has confirmed that London was an ethnically diverse city from its very beginnings, BBC News has learned. The analysis reveals what some of the very first Londoners looked like and where they came from. These initial results come from four people: two had origins from outside Europe, another was from continental Europe and one was a native Briton.The researchers plan to analyse more of the 20,000 human remains stored at the Museum of London. According to Caroline McDonald, who is a senior curator at the museum, London was a cosmopolitan city from the moment it was created following the Roman invasion 2,000 years ago.
BBC News Article
"The thing to remember with the original Londoners is that they were not born here. Every first-generation Londoner was from somewhere else - whether it was somewhere else in Britain, somewhere else on the continent, somewhere else in the Mediterranean, somewhere else from Africa," she said. "So the stories we can tell about our ancient population are absolutely relevant to modern contemporary London because these are our stories - these are people just like us."

Working with scientists at Durham University and an ancient DNA lab at McMaster University in Canada, museum researchers were able to reconstruct the DNA of four individuals. They come from a collection of 20,000 human remains from London stretching back 5,500 years. Further analyses will greatly add to our knowledge of the history of the city and enable researchers to view events through the eyes of people that lived in it at the time, according to Ms McDonald.
A Daily Mail Article, a UK Newspaper
"Their stories are written in their bones and these were stories we did not realise until we did this scientific analysis," she told BBC News. The Lant Street teenager: The most complete skeleton studied was that of a 14-year-old girl, who the museum curators have named "The Lant Street teenager". Analysis of her DNA and chemicals in her teeth show that she grew up in North Africa. Her mitochondrial DNA lineage (passed down on the maternal line only) is common in southern and Eastern Europe. At first, very reluctant to print the article but once published, they never repeat or promote their publication knowing fully well that the general members of the public has a very short memory indeed.

A Black girl with curly long hair and Blue Eyes
The teenager had blue eyes and yet there were things about her skeleton that suggested some she had Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Like many people living in the capital today, she had travelled a long distance to be in London. Archaeologists build up a picture of individuals from the belongings they are buried with.

But "The Mansell Street man" was found with nothing. According to Dr Rebecca Redfern, another Museum of London curator, until the emergence of new ancient DNA and chemical analysis techniques, these were the people who had slipped through the cracks of history.

"Most of the human remains in our collection don't have any coffin plates or any sort of biographical information, so by doing these types of studies we are able to show where people came from and learn more about them as a person, about aspects of their physical appearance, and so we can really give people back their voices," she said. The analysis showed that Mansell Street man was over 45 years old with very dark brown hair and brown eyes. His mitochondrial DNA line was from North Africa and his remains show African traits as well.

However, the chemical make-up of his teeth shows he grew up in London. His skeleton indicates that he had a form of bone disease that today is associated with diabetes caused by a protein-rich diet. That has come as a huge surprise to researchers because in modern populations this is a disease that mostly afflicts white males from the West.

A Black boy with Blue Eyes
So the discovery will be of great interest to medical researchers. This man was possibly a gladiator. His skull was found in a pit along with the heads of 38 other men aged between 18 and 45 - all of whom had met a violent end. This particular individual was 36-45 when he died.

He had suffered serious injuries to his skull that had healed, so he had led a violent life up to his death. His mother's ancestral line is common in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

The Gladiator was not born in London, but he met a tragic end in the city. His head was removed from his body and probably left exposed in these pits for passers-by to see.

The Harper Road woman: "The Harper Road" woman was a first-generation Londoner. She had brown hair and brown eyes and died a handful of years after the city had been settled - shortly after Britain had been invaded by the Roman Empire in AD 43. She is buried with Roman pottery and belongings. When researchers checked the chemicals in her teeth, they confirmed she had been born in Britain. Ms McDonald was intrigued by the fact that a native Briton adopted a Roman lifestyle within a few years of the conquest.

"What this is telling us is that people's identities were very, very fluid... her family wanted to portray a certain Roman style of identity. The Harper Road woman would have adapted her identity depending on who she was meeting - the way that we all do," she said.

A Black boy with Brown Eyes and Straight Hair
An added twist to the Harper Road woman's tale is that her chromosomes show that she was genetically a male - even though physically she was a woman - another feature that will intrigue modern-day researchers.

Waiting in the wings are thousands more people in the Museum of London's store house that the researchers are eager to learn more about. Next on their list are more Roman Londoners, then a group of Napoleonic soldiers and marines that were buried in Greenwich, followed by a group of medieval monks.

"We would like to do an awful lot more because everyone has their own story to tell - so the more people we are able to analyse the more stories we can tell about London," says Dr Redfern.

The research, and skeletons used for analysis will form a new display at the Museum of London opening on 27 November 2015. Please compare the information above; with historical information the British were teaching just twenty years ago. A person of reasonable intelligence would say that they bear no relation. So where did the British get the information that they "USED" to teach?
Like ALL Glorified Caucasian type History; THEY SIMPLY MADE IT UP! Fake portraits/artifacts and all!

Black boy with Kinky Cotton Wool Hair and Blue Eyes
Why aren’t David MacRitchie’s works prominently displayed and referenced here? Simple – his use of the words Fairies and Gypsies. David MacRitchie (1851-1925) was a Scottish folklorist and antiquarian.

David MacRitchie was a prominent proponent of the euhemeristic origin of fairies, a theory that considers fairies in British folklore to have been rooted in a historical pygmy, dwarf or short sized aboriginal race, that lived during Neolithic Britain or even earlier.

This is perfectly in keeping with the thinking of many anthropologists’ that the first African explorers/settlers of the world were diminutive people, i.e. Pygmies.

In his Book “Ancient and Modern Britons” MacRitchie asserts that the Gypsies were not of foreign origin, but were in fact the more conservative element of the native British population who had retained their nomadic way of life while the majority adopted a settled lifestyle. He further claimed that the ancient Britons were a dark-skinned people.

Ancient clay figure found at Hibernia Wharf London, undated
Many recent genetic studies have proved MacRitchie right on that and many other issues. But his use of the words, Fairies and Gypsies, so opens his works and theories to in-credulousness by the ignorant, and malicious derisiveness by those wishing to maintain the historical lies of the Albino people, that it didn’t seem to be worthwhile to use his work.

uotes of MacRitchie: MacRitchie believed that blacks were the original inhabitants of Northern Europe especially in Scandinavia, Wales, Scotland and Ireland going into the Middle Ages. He list numerous Vikings who he believes to be black.

"So that the Picts Proper and the Black Danes, being both Moors and both being "black strangers" or dubh galls, in the sight of the white races of Britain..." page 201, "Accepting this conclusion, then as, in the main, correct, we have before us undeniable evidence - historical and ethnological - of the immemorial presence of the blacks in this country [Great Britain] page 157-158:

"We know that the first inhabitants of Britain and more especially those of the northern parts, were craniologically of a type approaching to the Negro or the Australian race" Page 7-8, "The black herds of Scots and Picts' were all alike to British Gildas Page 216, "Therefore, it becomes evident that some race of Scandinavians must have been Black Huns also, with physical characteristics approaching those of the Pictish Moors... Page 110, "...yet there is word-evidence in our Islands [Great Britain], as elsewhere, of a time when a conquered race was of black colour."

A Copper Bust 
Page 37: "That the wild tribes of Ireland were black men is hinted by the fact that "a wild Irishmen" is in Gaelic "a black Irishman" (Dubh Eireannach). Left, a copper bust of a deity, possibly Mirnerva, found at the west Cambridge site, Cambridge England, UK, Roman period.

And that some of the natives of Scotland, as well as of England, were of this race also is evident when one remembers that, according to Skene, the powerful tribe of the Damnonii, which was the chief of the Maeatae, or marsh-dwellers, who were a part of the Picti or Caledonii, were probably relations of their namesakes of South-Western Britain; which indeed is almost a certainty, if nomenclature goes for anything" Page 45: Publications by MacRitchie include:

Ancient and Modern Britons, a Retrospect, 1884, Accounts of the Gypsies of India, 1886, The Testimony of Tradition, 1890, The Ainos, 1892, The Underground Life, 1892, Fians, Fairies and Picts, 1893, Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts 1894, Pygmies in Northern Scotland, 1892, Some Hebridean Antiquities, 1895, Diary of a Tour through Great Britain, (editor) 1897,

The Northern Trolls, 1898, Memories of the Picts, 1900, Underground Dwellings, 1900, Fairy Mounds, 1900 Shelta, the Caird's Language, 1901, Hints of Evolution in Tradition, 1902, The Arctic Voyage of 1653, 1909,Celtic Civilisation, No date, Druids and Mound Dwellers, 1910, Les Pygmies chez les, Anciens Egyptiens et les Hebreux (with S.T.H. Horowitz), 1912, Les kayaks dans le nord de l'Europe, 1912, Great and Little Britain, 1915, The Celtic Numerals of Strathclyde, 1915, The Duns of the North, 1917, The Savages of Gaelic Tradition, 1920, The Aborigines of Shetland and Orkney, 1924. Left: A Copper Bust of a Deity, possible (Minerva?) fount at the West Cambridge site, Cambridge, England UK. Roman Period.

Egyptians, Sumerians, Mohenjo-daroans, Harappans, and Cretans, Elamites, and Nubians, were literate 3,000 years, 4,000 years, who knows how many thousands of years, before the world ever heard of Greeks or Romans. And there is ample evidence of their literacy.

Statue Head from Benwell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England Uk, a Roman fort
Yet there is not one single entry: describing any of the people of their times, whether it be friends, foes, or invaders: or even more incredulously, there is not one single entry describing invading Whites in any of their literature.

Contrast that with Greek and Roman writings, in which these NEWLY literate people, after suffering through the "Dark ages" caused by the Caucasian invasion, describe EVERYTHING and EVERYONE - except themselves!

These discrepancies are of course, not accidental, nor for lack of material. Hopefully, the Caucasian type historians has simply withheld these material, and not destroyed them.

We are lied-to and oppressed, often comfort ourselves by believing that things are getting better, and perhaps in some ways that is so.

But in regards to the Caucasian-isation of Black history, well, in that regard things are definitely getting worst!

It comes as a shock to some, that the current, and very false assertion by the Caucasian type historians that they are native to Europe, is NEW!

Surprisingly, many eminent Caucasian scholars of only a hundred years ago, freely admitted that Caucasian types, MOVED into Europe, and were NOT native to those lands. While they were in error on other things, some even correctly identified the Caucasian type homeland as Central Asia. The end of part 4 of 4. Next blog 23/12/18: Thomas Cromwell, House of Stuarts, Indentures, Black Jacobite, Black Irish and Hebrews from West Africa in the Caribbean and America. It is a 5 part articles.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Black People, Cheddar Man, Lant Street Teenager, Caucasians, Colour, DNA

Just as the Status Quo Historians were lying BEFORE with their first mock-up of Cheddar Man man as a Caucasian, they are lying again with their assertion that Cheddar Man had "Straight Hair and Blue Eyes": (falsely added to indicate some commonality with European  Caucasian type). First he was exclusively modelled as a Caucasian type, with brown eyes, and then changed his colour from white or light pink to brown and his eyes to blue. These changes are necessary due to an advance scientific technique specifying his colour and race. Note: The hair hasn't change much.
Cheddar Man a deceptive Reconstructions
These are the (OCA) genes scientists use to determine the RACE of ancient remains. If the remains have any of them, then he MAY HAVE BEEN "WHITE". NONE of which does Cheddar Man have. As you can plainly see, these genes all have to do with Albinism, which of course is what Europeans are. However, Cheddar Man is DECLARED BLACK because he "LACKS" THE MUTATED "SKIN COLOR GENES" of Europeans. Therefore, the only truthful way to say that he had straight hair (which is what their mock-up shows), and Blue eyes: would be to compare his genes to the genes of modern Blacks like these: Which they have not done.
Modern day Khoisan, the ancestors of Grimaldi and many  Europeans
Point being that to promote, assert, educate and indoctrinate the theory of pure European Caucasians type, inhabiting Europe during pre-historic and ancient times, they have consistently lie, to include themselves in ancient History, but so far they have found no place for themselves. As a matter of fact, they have no idea when they first come into existence.

Since the oldest European Caucasian type remains are NOT in Europe or Africa, but rather the Tarim Mummies in Asia, which are only from 2,800 B.C.
A Falsified Depiction of an Ancient Hunter-Gatherer

It may be that the people now in Europe, may have existed for only a few thousand years, before they first invaded/migrated to Europe c. 1,200 B.C.

The more radical Black theorists postulate that it may have been a cosmic event like a Comet exploding overhead, or an unusually strong Solar Storm, which may have adversely effected the genes of ancient man, causing some Black peoples genes to mutate into the condition we find today in the European and Albino Mongols.

There are Zero "0" skeletons of ancient Pure Caucasian Race in Europe: So what does the above prove, and establish beyond doubt? a (Blacks were the original settlers of Europe, b) Most Caucasian and many Black people who had been taught about ancient White race in Europe are delusional people, with a degenerate propensity for lying. However some who knew better do not.

Why and how Did People Become White? Heather Whipps, September 01, 2009
QUOTE: Vitamin D plays an important role in bone growth and the body's natural protection against certain diseases, and the inability to absorb enough in areas of less-powerful sunlight would have decreased life expectancy in our African ancestors. The further north they trekked, the more vitamin D they needed and the lighter they got over the generations, due to natural selection.

Also: While people of all skin types have the ability to produce the same amount of vitamin D in their systems, “highly pigmented (Black) people will need to stay in the sun around 6 times longer than light people in order to synthesis the same amount of vitamin D,” Juzeniene said, and a lack of the vitamin — something occurring among many American children right now, partly because they don't get out much — can make humans more susceptible to everything from heart disease to internal cancers. Heather Whipps writes about history, anthropology and health for Live Science.

Heather Whipps
The image on the top right: I referred to as the 6 D, Deceitful, Deceptive, Dishonest, Disgusting, Dumb and Dubious. It is Dumb and Dubious on the part of both the publisher and the researcher whose illustrations are based on ignorance and arrogance of the Status Quo version of European history.

It is Deceitful, Deceptive, Dishonest and Disgusting because we had been programmed, and still being programmed that the ancient European would have looked like this. As we are being educated, we are also being indoctrinated. So, when you confront people with the alternative, they immediately suffer from cognitive dissonance.

She received her Diploma of College Studies in Social Sciences from John Abbott College and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from McGill University, both in Quebec. That is of course "Pure" lie: In the last century, cases of Rickets (often caused by lack of Vitamin D) was epidemic in Europe and North America. So much so, that they had to start adding Vitamin D in the manufacture of their Milk and Cereals.

THE REASON FOR SUCH RIDICULOUS STATEMENTS AND LIES IS THIS: If Africans went into Europe circa 45,000 B.C. and STAYED Black. Then modern Europeans MUST have ALWAYS been WHITE! This drawing depicting a "Dark White Man" is of course the typical status quo historians and researchers falsification of history and science. The fact is that YOU CAN NOT do a Forensic Facial Reconstruction by "DRAWING" it! Making a facial reconstruction can "ONLY" be done by a doctor of physical and forensic anthropology with extensive training in anatomy (both medical and artistic).
The Ivory Bangle Lady, York UK,  350 AD
These facial reproductions draw on the science behind the morphology (shape) of the face as well as a knowledge of materials. Reconstructions start with a SKULL (or mold) and includes laboriously using "shaped" clay to fill-in for Muscles and tissue (including skin) on the skull until it is complete. Only after this process is complete, can you see what the individual might have looked like.

A Black girl with Blue Eyes and curly long hair
Hunter-gatherers, some of them blue-eyed, who came from Africa more than 40,000 years ago They would have looked like THIS: A mysterious population whose range may have spanned northern Europe and Siberia.

We have no idea who that could be, unless they are talking about "Modern" Europeans AFTER they had migrated from Central Asia. Researchers plan to analyse more of the 20,000 human remains stored at the Museum of London.

According to Caroline McDonald, who is a senior curator at the museum, London was a cosmopolitan city from the moment it was created following the Roman invasion 2,000 years ago.

Working with scientists at Durham University and an ancient DNA lab at McMaster University in Canada, museum researchers were able to reconstruct the DNA of four individuals so far.

 The Lant Street teenager
The most complete skeleton studied was that of a 14-year-old girl, who the museum curators have named "The Lant Street teenager". Analysis of her DNA and chemicals in her teeth show that she grew up in North Africa. Her mitochondrial DNA lineage (passed down on the maternal line only) is common in southern and Eastern Europe. The teenager had blue eyes and yet there were things about her skeleton that suggested she had Sub-Saharan African ancestry.
Skeleton of the Lant Street Teenager
The Mansell Street man
The analysis showed that Mansell Street man was over 45 years old with very dark brown hair and brown eyes. His mitochondrial DNA line was from North Africa and his remains show African traits as well. However, the chemical make-up of his teeth shows he grew up in London. His skeleton indicates that he had a form of bone disease that today is associated with diabetes caused by a protein-rich diet. That has come as a huge surprise to researchers because in modern populations this is a disease that mostly afflicts white males from the West. So the discovery will be of great interest to medical researchers.
Backbone of The Mansell Street man
The Gladiator
His skull was found in a pit along with the heads of 38 other men aged between 18 and 45 - all of whom had met a violent end. This particular individual was 36-45 when he died. He had suffered serious injuries to his skull that had healed, so he had led a violent life up to his death. His mother's ancestral line is common in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The Gladiator was not born in London, but he met a tragic end in the city. His head was removed from his body and probably left exposed in these pits for passers-by to see.
The Gladiator's Skull
The Harper Road woman
"The Harper Road" woman was a first-generation Londoner. She had brown hair and brown eyes and died a handful of years after the city had been settled - shortly after Britain had been invaded by the Roman Empire in AD 43. She is buried with Roman pottery and belongings.
Remains of The Harper Road Woman
When researchers checked the chemicals in her teeth, they confirmed she had been born in Britain. Ms McDonald was intrigued by the fact that a native Briton adopted a Roman lifestyle within a few years of the conquest. An added twist to the Harper Road woman's tale is that her chromosomes show that she was genetically a male - even though physically she was a woman - another feature that will intrigue modern-day researchers. Next blog 21/12/18. End of part 3 of 4. To be continue---

Multicultural Europe, Culture, Beaker, Celtic, Hallstatt

The "Beaker" Culture:
The Bell-Beaker culture ca. 2800 – 1900 B.C, is the term for a widely scattered cultural phenomenon of prehistoric western Europe starting in the late Neolithic or Chalcolithic running into the early Bronze Age. The term was coined by John Abercromby, based on their distinctive pottery drinking vessels. Beaker culture is defined by the common use of a pottery style — a beaker with a distinctive inverted bell-shaped profile found across the western part of Europe during the late 3rd millennium B.C. The pottery is well-made, usually red or red-brown in colour, and ornamented with horizontal bands of incised, excised or impressed patterns.

Bell - Beaker Ware
The early Bell Beakers have been described as "International" in style, as they are found in all areas of the Bell Beaker culture. These include cord-impressed types, such as the "All Over Corded" (or "All Over Ornamented"), and the "Maritime" type, decorated with bands filled with impressions made with a comb or cord. Later characteristic regional styles developed.

It has been suggested that the beakers were designed for the consumption of alcohol and that the introduction of the substance to Europe may have fueled the beakers' spread. Beer and mead content have been identified from certain examples. However, not all Beakers were drinking cups.

Some were used as reduction pots to smelt copper ores, others have some organic residues associated with food, and still others were employed as funerary urns. Beakers may have been a special form of pottery with a ritual character. Many theories of the origins of the Bell Beakers have been put forward and subsequently challenged. The Iberian peninsula has been argued as the most likely place of Beaker origin. The oldest AOO shards have so far been found in northern Portugal. Bell Beaker is often suggested as a candidate for an early Indo-European culture or, more specifically, an ancestral proto-Celtic or proto-Italic (Italo-Celtic) culture.

Hallstatt, Salzkammergut, Austria
There is evidence of a relatively large scale disruption of cultural patterns which some scholars think may indicate an invasion (or at least a migration) into Southern Great Britain c. the 12th century B.C.

This disruption was felt far beyond Britain, even beyond Europe, as most of the great Near Eastern empires collapsed (or experienced severe difficulties) and the Sea Peoples harried the entire Mediterranean basin around this time.

Some scholars consider that the Celtic languages arrived in Britain at this time, but the more generally accepted view is that Celtic origins lie with the Hallstatt culture.

The "Hallstatt" culture
The Hallstatt culture was the predominant Central European culture, centred in Germany, from the 8th to 6th centuries B.C. (European Early Iron Age), developing out of the Urnfield culture of the 12th century B.C. (Late Bronze Age) and followed in much of Central Europe by the La Tène culture.

Art from Hallstatt Culture
By the 6th century B.C, the Halstatt culture extended for some 1000 km, from the Champagne-Ardenne in the west, through the Upper Rhine and the upper Danube, as far as the Vienna Basin and the Danubian Lowland in the east, from the Main, Bohemia and the Little Carpathians in the north, to the Swiss plateau, the Salzkammergut and to Lower Styria.

It is named for its type site, Hallstatt, a lakeside village in the Austrian Salzkammergut southeast of Salzburg. The culture is commonly linked to Proto-Celtic and Celtic populations in its western zone and with pre-Illyrians in its eastern zone.

The Bronze Age (around 2200 to 750 B.C.)
This period can be sub-divided into an earlier phase (2300 to 1200) and a later one (1200 – 700). Beaker pottery appears in England around 2475–2315 B.C. along with flat axes and burial practices of inhumation. With the revised Stonehenge chronology, this is after the Sarsen Circle and trilithons were erected at Stonehenge. Believed to be of Iberian origin, (modern day Spain and Portugal.

Beaker techniques brought to Britain the skill of refining metal. At first the users made items from copper, but from around 2,150 B.C, smiths had discovered how to make bronze (which was much harder than copper) by mixing copper with a small amount of tin. With this discovery, the Bronze Age arrived in Britain.
Celtic Culture of the Bronze age
Over the next thousand years, bronze gradually replaced stone as the main material for tool and weapon making. The Beaker people were also skilled at making ornaments from gold, silver, copper, and examples of these have been found in graves of the wealthy Wessex culture of Central Southern Britain. Because of their close proximity to the actual crossing place for Africans entering Europe (Gibraltar), the Grimaldi skeletons of Monaco, which were described as resembling the Khoisan, are more likely the oldest human skeletons in Europe. End of part 2 of 4. To be continued---
Next blog 18/12/18

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Ancient, Black Britons, Crete, Julius Caesar, Roman, Celtic

Black Britons

Britain has been intermittently inhabited by members of the Homo genus for hundreds of thousands of years and by Homo sapiens for tens of thousands of years. DNA analysis has shown that modern humans arrived in Britain at least 25,000 years ago, before the commencement of the last Ice Age. 
Ice Age Map
This evidence also shows that, as the next (and last) Ice Age encroached from the north, the first humans living in Britain then retreated to Southern Europe when much of the continental land mass became covered with ice or frozen as tundra.

As shown by archaeology, Homo sapiens had reoccupied Britain by approximately 12,000 BC, as the climate became warmer and more hospitable. By around 4000 B.C, the island was populated by people with a Neolithic culture. The first significant written record of Britain and its inhabitants was made by the Greek navigator Pytheas, who explored the coastal region of Britain around 325 B.C. However, there may be some additional information on Britain in the "Ora Maritima," a text which is now lost but which is incorporated in the writing of the later author Avienus.

Julius Caesar Roman

Archaeological evidence demonstrates that ancient Britons were involved in extensive maritime trade and cultural links with the rest of Europe from the Neolithic onwards, especially by exporting tin that was in abundant supply.
The Roman's Tribal Map of Britain
Julius Caesar also wrote of Britain in about 50 B.C, subsequent to his attempted conquest of the island in 55/54 B.C. Located at the fringes of Europe, Britain received European technological and cultural achievements much later than Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region did during prehistory.

The story of ancient Britain is traditionally seen as one of successive waves of invasion from the continent, with them came different cultures and technologies.

Celtic Myth & Legend: By Charles Squire (1905) Chapter III - WHO WERE THE "ANCIENT BRITONS"? A very honest, truthful and eminent Caucasian Author,   Page 19 Before proceeding to recount the myths of the "Ancient Britons", it will be well to decide what people, exactly, we mean by that loose but convenient phrase. We have, all of us, vague ideas of Ancient Britons, recollected, doubtless, from our school-books. There we saw their pictures as, painted with woad, they paddled coracles, or drove scythed chariots through legions of astonished Romans. Their Druids, white-bearded and wearing long, white robes, cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle at the time of the full moon, or, less innocently employed, made bonfires of human beings shut up in gigantic figures of wicker-work.

Such picturesque details were little short of the sum-total, not only of our own knowledge of the subject, but also of that of our teachers. Practically all their information concerning the ancient inhabit-ants of Britain was taken from the Commentaries of Julius Caesar.
The Roman's Map of Britain
So far as it went, it was no doubt correct; but it did not go far. Caesar's interest in our British ancestors was that of a general who was his own war-correspondent rather than that of an exhaustive and painstaking scientist.

It has been reserved for modern archaeologists, philologists, and ethnologists to give us a fuller account of the
Ancient Britons.

The inhabitants of our islands previous to the Roman invasion are generally described as "Celts".

But they must have been largely a mixed race; and the people with whom they mingled must have modified to some--and perhaps to a large--extent their physique, their customs, and their language. Speculation has run somewhat wild over the question of the composition of the Early Britons. But out of the clash of rival theories there emerges one--and one only--which may be considered as scientifically established. We have certain proof of two distinct human stocks in the British Islands at the time of the Roman Conquest; and so great an authority as Professor Huxley has given his opinion that there is no evidence of any others. [Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 – 1895) 19:1 Huxley: On Some Fixed Points in British Ethnology. 1871].

The earliest of these two races would seem to have inhabited our islands from the most ancient times, and may, for our purpose, be described as aboriginal. It was the people that built the "long barrows"; and which is variously called by ethnologists the Iberian, Mediterranean, Berber, Basque, Silurian, or Euskarian race.In physique it was short, swarthy, dark-haired, dark-eyed, and long-skulled;
Etruscan Sculpture
its language belonged to the class called "Hamitic", the surviving types of which are found among the Gallas, Abyssinians, Berbers, and other North African tribes; and it seems to have come originally from some part either of Eastern, Northern, or Central Africa.

Spreading thence, it was probably the first people to inhabit the Valley of the Nile, and it sent offshoots into Syria and Asia Minor. The earliest Hellenes found it in Greece under the name of "Pelasgoi"; the earliest Latins in Italy, as the "Etruscans"; and the Hebrews in Palestine, as the "Hittites".

It spread northward through Europe as far as the Baltic, and westward, along the Atlas chain, to Spain, France, and our own islands. 1 In many countries it reached a comparatively high level of civilization, but in Britain its development must have been early checked. We can discern it as an agricultural rather than a pastoral people, still in the Stone Age, dwelling in totemistic tribes on hills whose summits it fortified elaborately, and whose slopes it cultivated on what is called the "terrace system", and having a primitive culture which ethnologists think to have much resembled that of the present hill-tribes of Southern India.

Three  Miniatures from The Book of Wells 
 2 It held our islands till the coming of the Celts, who fought with the aborigines, dispossessed them of the more fertile parts, subjugated them, even amalgamated with them, but certainly never extirpated them.

In the time of the Romans they were still practically independent in South Wales. In Ireland they were long unconquered, and are found as allies rather than serfs of the Gaels, ruling their own provinces, and preserving their own customs and religion. Nor, in spite of all the successive invasions of Great Britain and Ireland.

Megalith: The Black Builders of Stonehenge, By Aylmer von Fleischer (2010) Quote: On the plains of Wiltshire in England lie the remains of ancient giant stones.

The evidence is simply overwhelming that the earliest inhabitants of Britain and Ireland were Blacks. Mythological, archeological, linguistic and other sources have substantiated this remarkable fact. Candid authorities like the British Egyptologists Gerald Massey and Albert Churchward, the Scottish historian David Mac Ritchie, and the British antiquarian Godfrey Higgins, have done exhaustive research and brought many facts to our knowledge.

Crete & Celtic

Tacitus, Pliny, Claudian and other writers have described the Blacks they encountered in the British Isles as "Black as Ethiopians," "Cum Nigris Gentibus," "nimble-footed blackamoors," and so on. 
A book, by Aylmer Von Fleischer
 This book reveals much about the Black presence in the early British Isles, including the "mysterious" builders of Stonehenge.

 Ancient British trade with the Aegean
The following are excerpts from the book “MYTHS OF CRETE & PRE-HELLENIC EUROPE By DONALD A. MACKENZIE” (1917). Like all White writers of history, he struggles to tell Black history, without actually mentioning Black people. As an example “Pre-Hellenic” actually means “Pre-Whites” as the Hellenes accepted into their body, the first of the White Central Asians to reach Western Europe - Herodotus call them Barbarians. But since many of his observations are accurate, we begin with these excerpts from his book.

Quote: Whence was the bronze obtained by the Cretans? Was it from Egypt or Anatolia? Both Crete and Troy were able soon after the dawn of their Bronze Ages to import silver, which during the Old Kingdom Period was rarer than gold in Egypt.

The silver may have come from the same region as tin. One possible source of supplies of silver was Cilicia, where silver mines are still worked; the other was Spain, in which country evidence has been forthcoming of early commercial relations with Crete.

But although copper could be found in Crete, the tin, as has been indicated, had to be imported. "By the beginning of the Bronze Age", writes Dr. Mackenzie in this connection, "the valley of the Rhone must have played a dominant role of communication between the great world of the Mediterranean and the north; by that time it was probably already the high continental trade route towards the tin mines of Britain."

Angelo Mosso also favours the hypothesis that Crete's early supplies came from England.
A Celtic Deity
"We know the road", he says, "followed by the caravans bringing English tin through France to the mouth of the Rhone at the end of the Neolithic period, while no trace of any trade in tin has so far been discovered in the East." Mosso's reference to the "East" applies to "the mountains of China where tin is found".

Although archaeologists are less inclined nowadays than they were a generation ago to believe in the existence of Neolithic trade-routes which extended from the borders of China to Brittany, or to connect certain races with relics of similar character found in widely separated districts, there can be little doubt regarding the existence of commercial relations between different cultural areas.

The introduction of metal appears to have done much to stimulate international trade. In the Early Bronze Age the influence of the Aegean, which may have "inspired every stage of culture" at Hissarlik, as Mr. Hogarth suggests, appears to have penetrated Thrace. Evidence has been forthcoming that two main trade-routes crossed Germany, one from the head of the Adriatic, and the other from the lower Danube valley. It has been suggested that some of the amber found in Crete came down these trade routes from the Baltic.

France was similarly crossed by the Rhone valley trade-route, down which, in time, tin from Cornwall was carried. That the Cretans were the earliest seafarers to come into direct touch with these routes is suggested by various interesting links of evidence.
Crete - Lady of Auxerre - 650 BC
The most remarkable are the Egyptian glass beads found in South Germany, and the Egyptian blue-glaze beads taken from ancient graves on Salisbury Plain, which will be dealt with in a later chapter, as they are connected with the Late Minoan Period.

Certain Continental archaeologists incline to the belief that not only Crete but even Egypt was in direct touch with Western Europe at an extremely remote period. Summarising their views, Angelo Mosso writes: "The vases found at Amerejo in Spain have the characteristic form of the Egyptian vases of the close of the Neolithic Age.

The resemblance of the Egyptian idols with those of Crete and the Continent is an established fact; the burial sites are similar; the flat copper axes of Egypt cannot be distinguished from those of the Continent; the evolution of art in Southern France and in Spain went on during the Neolithic Age, and we know that navigation was general on the Mediterranean in the times preceding the introduction of copper.

All these data give good reason to suppose that the pre-Dynastic Egyptians had relations with the west which enabled them to procure cassiterite, which when mixed with copper rendered it harder. We hope", he adds, "that new discoveries may throw light on the relations of Egypt with England." End quote.

The Bell-Beaker culture ca. 2800 – 1900 B.C, is the term for a widely scattered cultural phenomenon of prehistoric western Europe starting in the late Neolithic or Chalcolithic running into the early Bronze Age.

By the end of these 4 parts articles, we hope you would have reeducate, de-indoctrinate, deprogrammed and decontaminate your mind, pertaining to the Europeans version about the historicity of the people of colours, just a little bit more. End of Part 1. Next blog 17/12/18, to be continued---